

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says:

We’re not done with Stephen Miller.

He’s a verified White Supremacist controlling US immigration policy, which has now detained over 70,000 migrant children.

This is not to be dismissed. People’s lives are at risk.

He needs to go now.

Stephen Miller Must Go:


That Australian bee news is so tragic.


"...beekeepers who come across burnt animals from bushfires"
Employ your reading comprehension, nowhere in your source does it say they heard a bee scream.


@5: The Daily Caller is "mainstream conservative news" now? The site that exists to give more visibility and validity to the most alt-right conspiracy batshittery the Internet can think up? Conservatism is really eating itself alive, isn't it?


@5 A broken clock is right twice a day. You're entitled to your opinion of AOC but when it comes to Stephan Miller, its that time of day.


@5 Stephen Miller was a White Supremacist Terrorist before AOC became a member of congress. And it does not matter what YOUR opinion or anyone else's OPINION is, the only thing that matters are facts and facts (as in Stephen Miller's own words and actions) prove that he is a WST. Pretending otherwise is denial of reality. And going after AOC has proven a losing game for every white male that's given it a go, so feel free. She will pwn you before you can finish your bullshit statement.


There is no good news for Boeing. All the tainted chickens are coming home to roost.

I'm still wondering why the CEO and almost all of Boeing's senior executives still have jobs.


Mehlman runs interference for white supremacists on the internet, now? Can't say I am surprised.

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