

As corroborating evidence, let me just point out that Donald Jessica Trump (and the tools at his favorite "entertainment-news" station Fox) are exactly engaged in the identical "surreal disinformation" strategies pioneered by the Russians. So now are the GOP, like Nunes ("nude pics") and others that promoted the false "not-Russia hacking" story recently. So much so that it's really quite disturbing and creepy.

Here's the "surreal disinformation" "information war" details:

Russia and the Menace of Unreality: How Vladimir Putin is revolutionizing information warfare

And this is how Russia has been attacking the US for years... and with DJT either as a "useful idiot" or an intentional ally... I can't say which.

Operation Infektion: How Russia Perfected the Art of War | NYT Opinion


An interesting aside, noting the resignation letter's mention of "Lawrence".


There is no truth to the rumors that the rest of NATO is doing something about it.

But ..

Never mind.


My crazy cousin is married to some ex-military welfare case (retired from the Air Force and now working for Northrop Grumman). Of course, both she and her husband are bible-addled nitwits, who go to some nut job church, home-schooled their kids and then sent them to bible colleges. They couldn’t come to a family thing last Saturday, because they were having an “All Day Prayer Meeting” for trump.

What’s funny about it is that when my Aunt dies, they are presumably going to inherit a fairly sizable fortune, and some farmland, all from my VERY Irish, VERY Catholic, great Aunt and Uncle who took my Aunt in and raised her as their daughter after my grandmother had a nervous breakdown when one of the other children drowned in the Platte River. They would be truly horrified to see that money and land going to Protestants. :-)



The military has betrayed the civilian population 100% of the time in every country in which fascists seized control, including the US. Their dicktator-in-chief sees brutality as strength and won’t hesitate to unleash them against us, and there’s no question that they’re authoritarians who’ll turn on us.

The pardons were Prezirapist AntiChrist’s signal to the military that they’re free to break the laws and murder anyone that they want.

We’ve already seen that they have no problem mass murdering countless innocent people over the last twenty years.


Minor quibble unless you're from the country, but it no longer "the Ukraine" but just "Ukraine". It was called "the Ukraine" when part of the Soviet Union but since independence there is no need for "the". They care.


"He was given a choice to be either and admiral or political monkey. He choose the latter."

I think you may have meant "He *chose the *former."

But not sure.



"...either as a "useful idiot" or an intentional ally... I can't say which."

When presented with such a choice involving this man, I'd wager heavily on whichever option has the "idiot" noun attached to it.



You don't see it as a way to score points with his white supremacist base?

I mean, I don't think he really gives a damn about immigration either ... but he knows it excites his dipshit voters.


"His resignation letter makes this very clear. He was given a choice to be either and admiral or political monkey. He choose the latter. "

Seems like by resigning he chose the former? (setting aside technicalities/semantics that he was above the admirals, not one of them)


But seriously, spot on concept


Interesting to me that no one has posted reflexively that you are nuts.
The proposition that Trump is a Russian asset is a difficult premise to refute.


What an absurd article. Neo-McCarthyism in full swing. Never mind that Trump has been even more hawkish against Russia than his predecessors:


This article ( and writer) are bat-shit crazy. Go back to looking for Russians in your Fruit Loops.


Of COURSE Trump is a Russian op. Both his father and grandfather worked for the Mafia, and when the Mafia got taken over by Semion Mogilevich's Russian Mafiya, Trump worked for them. Mogilevich also owns Putin.

But the American military is hardly defenseless. Not only are we taking down the Mafia worldwide, with mass arrests on gun-running, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, etc., we are also wiping out their ability to money launder, which will cripple the Mafia permanently. Something should be done about the Mafia takeover of the MSM, but of course that's not the military's or the Fed's bailiwick. That will probably get done last, but it will get done.

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