

I was waiting for a bus a few blocks away from the Westlake shooting when it happened. I heard the sirens but didn't know what was going on until I read up this morning. Wouldn't it be great if we could get phone alerts for active shootings like we do for amber alerts? Especially considering that the shooter has not been caught...


Wooo... Crazy uncle Joe is really losing it (and that's some pretty creepy touching he's got going on there too).


The Saudis are not the only ones interested in pushing Bezos to reign the Washington Post in their favor. Prez tried and do just that by threatening to audit Amazon by USPS, a federal agency.

WhatsApp is known for its flaws and has been used by some intelligence agencies to track down and spy on people.
It is possible that the Saudi fellow was only using his trusted status to ensure downloading the of “videos” while the information was mined by others.


Where is my "Trump MAGA" champagne bottle to pop? :)


@1 Exactly.


Oops. Damn it!


@1 Yeah the trolls are surprisingly hush hush today. The trial took them down a few notches. Not as happy or cheerful anymore. Lol. Probably crying in their safe space somewhere. :D. Probably acting surprised that it didn't go their way. Who knew that the majority of Senate will vote unanimously on everything? Shocking.

Mmmm. Leftist tears.


And, who knew the damn Dems were gonna use their time to (pretty well) Make Their Case to the folks at home. Is it a Trial or is it a Sham? If it' a Trial, trumpfy Loses. If it's a Sham,* we all do.

a 'trial' without witnesses or evidence not uncovered in the House's Impeachment, because of Whitehouse Obstruction of Congress?

Think that's gonna play Well in Peoria, do ya, heehaw?
They're not all Stupid out there.
Not since you left, leastways.


“The big question is whether or not the Senate is going to call witnesses. McConnell wants no witnesses because, you know, witnesses are the ones who saw the crime, so no good can come of hearing from them.” — JIMMY KIMMEL


“He and his fellow Republicans keep saying that they’re following the template established in the Clinton impeachment trial, even though this trial is very different. Bill Clinton had sex with one person; Donald Trump screwed a whole country.” — JIMMY KIMMEL

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