

"The age of impeachment" (well he should know, right)? I mean 3 impeachments in 200 years is just completely out of control. Especially when one of those three was for being fellated by a White House intern in the Oval Office.

I honestly do not understand how these fuckers live with themselves.


Good Afternoon Katie,
I don't think Kenneth Starr was involved with the Watergate Scandal. That occurred under the Nixon Administration in 74'.

Just looking out for you.


"Starr, for those of you who were in the fetal stage the last time around, was the head of the investigation into the Watergate scandal, which eventually lead to the impeachment of Bill Clinton for lying to Congress about his affair with a White House intern."

Uhm... Watergate was Nixon.


"Starr, for those of you who were in the fetal stage the last time around, was the head of the investigation into the Watergate scandal, which eventually lead to the impeachment of Bill Clinton for lying to Congress about his affair with a White House intern."



And Clinton wasn't impeached for "lying to Congress." If everyone who lied to Congress were impeached there would be no one in Congress.

He was impeached for lying to a federal grand jury under oath. Which is illegal.


"Apologies for mixing metaphors, but Trump doesn't just have homecourt advantage, he's got twice the number of jurors in the box."

Honorable mention.


Republicans are horrible people.


Irrespective of it's partisan makeup at any point in time, the Senate is trash and shouldn't exist. It's fundamentally undemocratic as an institution and, with it's current responsibilities and those pertaining to Supreme Court nominees, wields a degree of power and influence that's inversely proportionate to it's general principle with respect to governance. In the unlikely event Dems should ever gain control of it again (and given it's wholly undemocratic nature and makeup, the fact that we had such control in the relatively recent past will forever boggle my mind) they should introduce legislation to self-disband. Though doing so would surely involve a constitutional amendment, which would need to pass through the Senate with a super-majority, which has about as much chance of passage as a cinder block would though Mitch Mcconnell's intestinal tract. And so the idiot brigade will continue to operate with no real viable threat of stoppage owing to their own self-idiocy. Yay.


This is what it is now. Fuck both sides and fuck working with anyone that says shit like "Well Obama....". Crime is happening out in the open and if you don't see it you think its because it will help you. Sorry, you might think you are white and that's all it takes for the trump train to give you a lift but I'm sorry to tell you that everyone in the administration thinks you are racially unclean and you should definitely loose your medical insurance.


All Republicans need a laugh-track when they say anything.


Kenneth Starr is such a hypocritical idiot. Back in the late '90s, Bill Clinton was deemed a "criminal" by RepubliKKKans, simply for not keeping his pants zipped. White House intern Monica Lewinsky quickly became the official GOP whore with a blue dress on. Meanwhile, Trumpty Dumpty has done so much reprehensible damage to the U.S. and the world---including committing HIGH TREASON!----and RepubliKKKans, including Starr, worship it. Every member of the Trump / Pence Evil Empire ought to be hung or, better yet, since they all cherish the 2nd Amendment, face a firing squad and we can finally be done with them.
@8 Catalina Vel-DuRay: As always when you say it, agreed and seconded.


I love you, Katie! Keep up the good work - it helps to read/see someone willing to confront the uncomfortable side of life. Mad respect.


Clinton deserved the blow job because he was a good president, it was consensual, then he was asked questions that shouldn't have been asked...….


I think I was at my father's while Mr Starr was speaking, and my stepmother had FN on at a high volume.

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