

Interesting how Republicans abandon Democracy for ideology; when the shoe's on the other foot and a Dem tries some shit, Repubs WILLNOT ALLOW


Well that was inadvertent.


When given a choice between democracy and power the rightwing will choose power every time. And this will end very badly. Very badly indeed.

Of course the secondary traits of the right, besides power and greed and fear, is that they inevitably can't take responsibility for the consequences of their actions and will blame the ensuing crippling shitstorm on "TEH LIBRUHLS."

This country deserves everything it's going to get. See you later suckers.


Interesting how Republicans abandon Democracy for ideology; when the shoe's on the other foot and a Dem tries some shit, Repubs WILL NOT EVER ALLOW any reciprocating from Dems -- Dems will NOT be getting away with it -- and, Repubs will fucking Get Away with that, as well...

But, why must this mean Dems are finished with this illegitimate phony, massively-devisive fake prez? Repubs have now given them a Playbook to work with -- House 'managers' did okay, in the Senate, but Republican duplicity is masterful; Dems have shown they can learn, so, whytf stop Now?

"If the Republican Senate continues to keep its ears closed and its head in the Trump sand, then let the House call a new emergency impeachment inquiry and subpoena John Bolton and let him testify to the House about Trump's corrupt quid pro quo.

Then impeach Trump again for his Twitter perjuries denying the quid pro quo.

Then send another impeachment to the Senate with Bolton's smoking gun.
Nothing says lawlessness like the modern Republican Party."
--Socrates, Downtown Verona. NJ, Jan 26, 2020.
from the New York Times

I Like that.


The problem is that they're trying to convince Trump of a crime that literally noone cares about. Who gives a fuck if the Ukrainians "investigate" Joe Biden's son or not?

If the Dems want to remove Trump, they'll have to catch him doing something that directly offends people who don't otherwise follow politics, and seems like a crime to a regular person. Politicians trading favors - especially internationally - is a nothingburger.

Nixon had people breaking & entering for the purposes of domestic spying. That rings out. Meanwhile, foreign dignitaries are staying at Trump's 4-star hotel instead of the 5-star hotel next door, and that's something I've never of before called Emoluments? Guess what, I DGAF. Get real people. Trump has to be caught doing something that you would want to impeach Obama over if you want it to stick.


Once more (just for olde times' sake,
'cause it sounds like . . . Music to my ears):

"... let the House call a new emergency impeachment inquiry and subpoena John Bolton and let him testify to the House about Trump's corrupt quid pro quo.

Then impeach Trump again for his
Twitter perjuries denying the quid pro quo.

Then send another impeachment to
the Senate with Bolton's smoking gun."

Or, listen up to Jess Dweck:

"Stop with this impeachment nonsense—
we have to wait for the 2020 election
and let the foreign dictators decide."

Which one will you be going with?


RepubliKKKans and their voters are fascists who’ve now succeeded in making $hitler their dicktator, and this is their Enabling Act. It’s not any more complicated than that.

Tr666p murdered America in the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue, and RepubliKKKans covered up the evidence and drove the getaway car. There are no good ones.


Repeal the 17th Amendment!


Let's not lose sight of the fact that the true blame for all this lies ultimately with the absolute total fuckheads (like @9 for instance) who put that orange pustule in the White House, continue to support him, and also support the troglodytes who hold the majority in the Senate. It is the reactionary bigots who infest this country, glorying incessantly in their willful ignorance and 'owning the libs' who should be irradiated with our ire. May they all catch coronavirus and that face eating bacteria simultaneously!


This was fairly cathartic to read; must've been doubly so to write. Thanks for doing so.


The game's up now, eh? It's all an open partisan power grab, so I guess we can dispense with going on and on about things like justice, transparency, democracy, integrity, moral values, etc. What a shame.

Republicans will be pretty upset down the road when Democrats adopt this latest version of their playbook ... which will really end up being to the detriment of us all, regardless of political leanings or party affiliations.



I get what you're saying, though for me your comment mostly illustates just how difficult it is to even conceive of Obama engaging in such a plot. I could see Clinton probably, though even then it'd still be revelatory and shocking to anyone even remotely invested in the political process, and the general integrity of it. With dumbshit here, maybe the most shocking aspect was that he made it through nearly a full term in office before such a scandal was brought to light.


@20 Eh, he's been doing similar shit all along. Like for instance attempting to penalize companies he has decided he doesn't like. For instance Amazon, because Bezos owns the WaPo. Very similar: attempting to leverage the power of the executive branch to advance personal vendettas.


@20 I could 100% see Obama getting involved in emoluments or international quid-pro-quo. It probably happened and on some level I assume every Senator has a couple of "don't look beyond the first page of the agreement" deals in their closet. There are no aww-shucks 0% interested in wielding power successful at the national level (Yang is testing me, but he's gotta have a dark side as well) I cannot see Obama engaging in excessive nepotism, repeatedly hiring or assigning incompetent people to important posts, or grabbing anyone by the pussy. I also don't see him as so incompetent as to get caught.


What are citizens going to do about it all. Yes, this man and his brown shirts are stealing your country’s democracy. Little children already are locked in cages without parents, getting adopted out to god knows who. This must not stand. Can’t the Supreme Court intervene.


The Fall and Rise of America

We are at the cusp of a new nation.
The Republic is ended.
Democracy is failed.
The Presidency is transcended.
The Emperor is the State.


Don’t you realize that someone has to be under oath to purger themselves... Tweets are not made under oath. They are depositions.


Bad news, Shorline Dave -- let's hope it doesn't get out to your Buddies... "The core of Donald Trump’s platform is that his policies have produced what he touts as 'The Greatest Economy in American History!'

The truth is very different. By enacting a huge tax cut, in late 2017, that was heavily slanted toward corporations and the rich, Trump and the Republicans gave the economy a temporary boost—in 2018, it grew at an annual rate of 2.9 per cent—that has now faded.

In the fourth quarter of last year, G.D.P.—the broadest measure of activity in the economy—expanded at an annual rate of 2.1 per cent, the new report from the Commerce Department showed. Taking 2019 as a whole, G.D.P. grew at 2.3 per cent.

These growth rates are nowhere near the four-per-cent growth that Trump promised in 2016. Instead, they are in line with the average growth rate since 2000, which is 2.2 per cent.

And this ho-hum outcome has only been achieved at a tremendous cost.

The federal government is now running an enormous budget deficit and accumulating vast amounts of new debt, which will burden taxpayers for decades to come.

After three years of Trump’s Presidency, in fact, the United States is starting to look like one of his highly indebted business ventures."

Gonna make it kinda Hard to run on a BOOMING lousy Two Percent, isn't it?
And how 'Bout them overly generous/gorgeous! Tax Cuts -- for the Rich, eh?


Another snippet from that New Yorker article @27 --

"Some of the debt that is being issued to pay for the tax cut could have been used to finance investments in infrastructure, renewable energy sources, universal day care, adult retraining, reducing the cost of higher education, or any other number of programs that yield long-term benefits to ordinary Americans.

Instead, the biggest handouts went to corporations, who saw their tax rate reduced from thirty-five per cent to twenty-one per cent."

I believe they call that Socialism, Shorline -- but the 'socialism' isn't for us -- oh, no! -- it'd Ruin we, the little people -- make us Spoilt, they say -- it's solely, exclusively for your Enormously Wealthy best friends, who surely must enjoy your Support when you go on over, for a little din-din....

Must be Nice.
Do you ever mention it to them?


27, 28

That's been the standard Republican approach for 40 years, though. They'll spend like drunken sailors until a Democrat sits in the Oval Office ... then they'll start howling about government debt and deficit spending and creating government shutdowns. The Two Santa Clauses approach. Superfans like ol' Dave are glad to play along.

Round and round we go.


@9 & @15: STFU, you pathetic MAGA dogturds and your brainless ilk!
@1, @2, @5, @7, @27 & @28 kristofarian and @10 Original Andrew: Agreed and seconded.



You neglect to mention OUR Justice Department is currently headed by a far right extremist who, much like the Republicans in the Senate, who will do absolutely ANYTHING to keep bis fellow Fascists in Power.

Perhaps you merely 'forgot.'


@30 You're a comedian right? The result was never in question. They could have Trump on tape explicitly stating that he was withholding aid until he got that statement he desperately wanted to lend credence to his conspiracy theories. Same result. The entire Republican party is entirely beholden to the idiot mob, as they should be, because without the rabid support of the deplorable horde they would never win another election.


Speaking of tp, you got a little
Spittle on your chin there, Misty.

but, you're right
hair Furor's gonna fixit
or Bust it.


The presidency has become an elected monarch, with an attenuated legislature that barely functions as anything more than a rubber stamp.


"Did you really expect the Republicans to roll over when the fools can only present 'hear say testimony' without documents, witnesses or any other form of real evidence." --mistrial

When the fake so-called prez BLOCKS WITNESSES FROM TESTIFYING can you (please) Explain how Dems can present the Evidence/Witness WHICH IS BLOCKED BY THE FAKE president, mr. mistrial?

I call that A MIS-TRIAL.
And so does Most of America.

My god -- are you a 'Professional' litigator?
And/or are you pulling a Bill Barr here
and trying Desperately to get trumpfy
to Notice you?


"In addition, it's plausible that a Bolton Senate testimony would have brought forth the 'weight of the evidence, the rule of law, shamed beyond belief' we're looking for."

Republicans, with their casual Senate Cover-Up™
HAVE 'Shamed Beyond Belief' the Senate;

Much like they've (nearly?) Shamed beyond belief
our US Supreme Court in determining that Corps are
Peeps, TOO!, Friendo and that Money Equals Free Speech

-- to those who can fucking AFFORD it.

Mistrial and his very very Wealthy buddies haven't any desire to see the US operate as a Democracy and are doing everything in the Power to make it for the Wealthy, only; and To HELL with the Hindmost (that'd be US, Baby -- 349,997,000 United States Citizens).


WILL We Put UP With It?


Basically, This:

“Unleash the hounds of Hell, and the Devil take the hindmost. And no one in that unholy place will give a damn about all the innocents killed in the process."

--from 'Casino Infernale' by Simon R. Green, 2014


Proving The U.S. is not great, never was great and only works under extreme corruption, leaving a giant shit stain the rest of the world constantly has to pretend smells like roses!


Democrats could’ve impeached Trump for corruption, self-dealing, emoluments, rape, war crimes, violations of campaign finance law, hush money play offs, etc.

But going after the Bidens, fellow members of the ruling elite, that was a bridge too far!

I blame Russia, the Green party Susan Sarandon and most of all Bernie Sanders. Because who wants change that might actually help the 99%?

Bernie Sanders 2020 and watched the tears flow from Republicans and corporate Democrats.


"The republicans will play politics just like the Democrats... "
--more mistrial offal

Of Course they will
Just like they've taken over the US Supreme Court
[can you say Merrick Garland, mistrial?]
The Justice Department
The US Senate

Corporations ARE Peole, too, Friendo!
Money DOES Equal Free Speech

Yep -- two sides of the Same Fucking Coin
Aren't they?!


Then feel free to give him some, Rainy.


Fetal Alcohol Syndrome spectrum disorders

Then look at McConnell's face again....

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