

16 mannequins are a lot Chase, but three might be fun to have around the house for parties and polite dinner guests.


FFS. Brexit hasn't "happened." The decision to leave is final. The deal in final. But all the shit that needs to happen to transition is YEARS away. After the transition Brexit will have occurred.

The more you swallow the narrative that Brexit just magically "happened" the more the Brexiteers can say "See nothing bad happened." And in six months to a year when shit goes bad UKIP will throw up their arms and blame the EU. Even thought hat won't make sense. But Brexit never made sense.

You stupid fucks will salute any turd they fly up the flag pole.


@1 - Yes, but nevertheless you can't begrudge the event from being celebrated/lambasted.


@3 refers to @2


yeah, you stupid fucks its a gottdamm Ribbon (umbical cord) Cutting so fuck off and DIE already


Why do we even Bother, Perfesser?


The senates of both Washington and Colorado voted to repeal the death penalty on the same day.

Just like how voters in WA and CO voted to legalize pot on the same day.

Cool stuff happens when we do things with Colorado.



I am not surprised. Poor little Dems living in their delusions of "winning". The rest of us, who live in reality, laugh at you. Now for the re-election.


@ 7,

How's your French colleague doing with his "l'herpès?"
C'mon, don't leave us in suspense, mon dieu.



Reality called and asked us to tell you that 75% of American voters wanted to see witnesses called at Trump's impeachment trial, and 51% of them wanted trump removed.

If you think going that strongly against the will of the people is "winning" then you are fucking insane.

Don't be surprised when those voters vote against these morons.


The smartest thing the Blighty ever did was not joining the euro and having their currency valued on the productivity of a Greek worker. Second best thing? Brexit.


Then let the bloody American Revolution 2020 begin, and may the pig blood of every member of the Trumpty Dumpty neofascist regime flow like sour milk. All RepubliKKKans deserve to be shot by a firing squad, brutally tortured, gassed and burned in ovens. Hey--the Greedy Obstructionist Pig Party is over-enthusiastically bringing it all on the rest of us, gloating every step of the way.
@5 kristofarian, @9 Original Andrew, and @10 Adam Kadmon: Thank you and bless you. Agreed and seconded.


@12: I've always been entertained by your animated enthusiasm, but "firing squad, brutally tortured, gassed and burned in ovens" seems a tad over the top and unnerving.


@13 Phoebe in Wallingford: RepubliKKKans are infinitely more threatening and worse than any comment I have ever made in The Stranger online.
Just ask Catalina Vel-DuRay, who forever comments that Republicans are horrible people. She's right, and the current GOP shamelessness confirms it.
@14 &@15: Is it a little slow down at juvee hall today? Eat my shit, fuck off, and die, MAGA trolls.


@16 - Yes dear. Be that as it may. I'm not taking issue with your politics. But you have to admit "gassed and burned in ovens" evokes a very dark history we never want to repeat no matter who the adversary is.


@16: I should elaborate. I've visited Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Poland. After that experience the words"gassed and burned in ovens" will always unnerve me. Always.


@18 & @19 Phoebe i Wallingford: I agree. May the horrors of Auschita-Birkenau never be repeated. I, however, in my lifetime have never seen so equally unnervingly evil and corrupt a regime is the current Trump / Pence Administration.
That is my point.


@9: uh, you ended that post by asking God not to leave you in surprise. Not sure They'll work with you on that.


Two possible interpretations of Imelda Staunton playing Elizabeth II in the last season of The Crown:

1) Delores Umbridge takes the reigns!
2) (Based on Ms. Staunton's ancestry) The UK will now have its first Irish Catholic monarch!


"May the horrors of Auschita-Birkenau never be repeated."


"All RepubliKKKans deserve to be shot by a firing squad, brutally tortured, gassed and burned in ovens."

Pick a lane and stick to it looney toones.


@22 Luckily Harry and Meghan are busy working on the final season's script.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: I miss the kooky Auntie Grizelda who wrote wacky things, such as that her massive-cocked husband hounded her so relentlessly for backdoor lovin' that she divorced him. Fun and light-hearted!

I picture a massive erect dong comically bouncing hither and yon as they chase around the dining table, emblematically stuffed turkey getting cold on its silver-plate platter.

This new psychopathic mass murder freak out Grizelda is way way less fun. One hopes she can come to her senses and return to her wheelhouse, talking story about baguette-sized peckers asking over and over to spill their melted butter all over her demuring cinnamon buns.


@5, Edited, for Excessive unnecessary roughness
(got a little Caught Up in the moment):

yeah, you stupid fucks its a gottdamm Ribbon (umbical cord) Cutting so fuck off.

Why do we even Bother, Perfesser?


@Clara T: Ummmm .... (demuring!) cinnamon buns....


@28 -- well, Olivia/Oliver that surely IS a 'miracle' and I believe I speak for everyone here how Happy we were to hear of your horrific disease, and to congratulate you (and you dr!) for finally curing you!

Now we were alll wondering if you were gonna Vote
for thee very Best Man, Senator Bernie Sanders,
or for someone truly horrific?


Auntie Griz

I’m afraid I’m going to have to side with Phoebe on this one. Violence is not something I think we should promote. At best, it will cause others who might listen to a rational argument to dismiss you outright. At worst, it could lead to an uncomfortable conversation with the authorities.

I’m reminded of my undergraduate years at Evergreen. One morning, as I sat in the CAL Lab (computer aided leaning- I.e., a computer lab for the science kids full of special equipment), a tie-dyed classmate announced his horror at heaving learned of the previous day’s Iowa caucus for the GOP. He declared, in an earnest expression of shock, that “Yesterday they had an election in Iowa- and the only people anyone voted for were all Republicans!”. I didn’t feel the need to inform him that this is how primaries work in states other than Washington and Louisiana, I just kind of smiled to myself. Anyway, the topic came up of Pat Buchanan’s bid for the Presidency that year, to which he replied quite loudly that he would gladly “put a cap in Pat Buchanan’s ass”. This is kind of where I felt the need to calm him down. I didn’t want this guy to repeat his epiphany downtown and get the attention of the OPD.

Well, that was before there were such things as mass shootings in schools, movie theatres and churches. Nowadays, the odds of getting the wrong kind of attention by making wild declarations of that sort are even higher than they were in those halcyon days. Back then, if someone called in a bomb threat at a school, they might get a stern talking to from the friendly security guard and their academic advisor. Now, that stuff will get you sent to prison.

I realize you are much older than the young man I referenced above, and I do not want to convey the impression of disrespect. However, I would ask you to reconsider your digital alacrity, not out of a desire to control you or tell you what to do, more out of a desire to keep you free from police harassment.

Remember this: the cops ignore right wing extremists- that’s how Tim McVeigh got as far as he did. They look for excuses to slam the boot down on Leftists. Look what they did to Judi Bari.

Be careful, my friend.


Lefty loon calls for genocide and everyone tries to talk her down politely. Must be nice.



You're right, talking a disturbed person down is much nicer than what would happen on a right-wing message board.
When your typical right winger sees a troll calling for the Civil War part Duh they encourage them, hoping that they will become America's Next Right Wing Terrorist.

I guess that's why right-wingers account for over 80% of domestic terrorists.

At least when a trumpist kills innocent people you know their dear leader will be there to tell everyone that there are very bad people on both sides.

Shit, you love to talk about how eager YOU are to see violence in the streets, and to join in it, that we should start calling you Boogaloo Bobby.



Please leave the violent ranting to the right-wingers and nazis.
The get really triggered when you steal their thunder.


@33 Pretty please!


@31 how dare you! Politically I am socialist-adjacent, and am quite rudely trying to steer said murderous loon back to tales of how she dodged anal sex with her colossally cucumbered husband like a animated Disney target leaping left and right to avoid an arrow to its brown bullseye. What I'm saying is that yes, she's a US military veteran, and sure she'd like to murder every last registrated Republican, but she draws the line at trench warfare. She'd rather quit than fight. So there's a starting point at least!

Perhaps if Anti Jizzelder could slow down, take some deep breaths and relax she might sing a different tune?!


For the record, I am deeply opposed to the idea of people being shot, gassed, or shoved into ovens.

I don’t think I agree with Raindrop on much of anything, but if ever there came a day when the Urgutha Forks and Auntie Grizelda crowd took control, I would personally shepherd the man to Canada as well as anyone else these delusional murder freaks target.

Your political opinions are wrong, but that doesn’t mean you’re any less human or any less deserving of life. I’d rather keep Rainy alive and healthy so I can continue to have political discussions with him, which to me feel more like chess matches. Just because we disagree on just about everything doesn’t mean we have to act like monsters. And I won’t tolerate anyone threatening him, Ken, or anybody else with murder.

The admins really should look into accounts like these and see if we want to have people posting death threats such as those appearing in @12 or in any of Urgutha Forks’ calls for the extinction of humanity. I am pleased however to see so many standing up to this nonsense.

Ken, I’d smuggle you into Canada as well. I do intend however to play mp3s of every speech Kshama Sawant has made through the car stereo as I drive you across the border, but that’s as far as I go when it comes to torturing people.


@32 Yeah, yeah. As long as the terrorist act is committed by the left, then that is totally fine. We know how the game is played, you hypocrites.

As far as crack-whore grizelda's "ovens and gas" comments; we already knew the left is anti-semetic fash thanks to the likes of Sarsour and Omar, we don't need a confirmation. :)

And finally, keep dreaming about the 2020 DNC election win. "Don't be surprised when those voters vote against these morons". Yeah. Like last election. People voted. Shut the fuck up and accept the will of the people. Oh but that doesn't apply unless Dems win. Ah. Got it. Like I said; hypocrite.

Well, when Trump bags the 2020 election, you will not be accepting the "will and votes of the people" but blaming it on Russia again. We all know it.

As for me... still sipping on my Dom Perignon. sip sip aaaaaah! :)


"For the record, I am deeply opposed to the idea of people being shot, gassed, or shoved into ovens."

Sorry you feel the need to even say that. Strange company you must keep.

Grizzled Auntie must be out getting her meds upped.



Oh, so Tim McVeigh was a Leftist.


@39 No, but Omar Mateen, James Thomas Hodgkinson, Jared Lee Loughner, Jeremy Joseph Christian, and Mason Trevor Toney were, just to name a few.

Not to mention the acts of domestic terrorism/vandalism/physical assaults/harassment that Antifa perpetrates on a routine basis, and that the left conveniently dismisses.


@39. Oh and hey! Here is another one that just happened in South London. Your muslim brother (you know, because the left loves Islam and the terror it inflicts), Usman Khan, who was wielding a machete with a suicide vest on, just got shot. Stabbed at least two people though, at a busy London supermarket. Since Islam gets constantly defended by the left, and the acts of mass rape, child sex slavery get defended by the left, it is safe to say that Islam ties into leftist ideology. Especially since Sarsour supported a terrorist organisation in the past.

So here is another one to add to the names of leftist terrorists.


When did religulous fundamentalist nutjob (do they prefer wackos?) Terrorists (whackjobs?) (so Hard to keep up!) become "Leftys"?

Were they assigned to us?
I believe that was a Mistake at the local.

Also -- that's Funny -- I don't didn't never Have endorse(d) any religulous fundamentalist nutjob (do they prefer wackos?) terrorists (whackjobs?).

Are we supposed to?
I never got the Marching Orders.

TheeHeel your obviously in the Loop.
It's Good to know this, so we
(the Left) can Denounce it.
Them. Which I do now.


Also -- say, Mr Heel, rumor has it you're either married to in a relationship with or have some sorta (sordid?) Relationship with our Herpes Complex survivor Martie Van Jaarsveld. Are you her dr.? Do you still have it? Or do I have you and various diseases consfused with something else....

Oh and could you show us a couple dozen of these
Anti-Fascist Attacks on the innocent which happen
on a ... daily (hourly?) basis?

Thanks, for putting in the Time!



Omar Mateen was a religious fundamentalist and nationalist. That’s right in, not left.

As for the others, cite your sources


@37 & 41

The only hypocrite here is you.

ALL of killings committed by extremists in 2018 we're committed by right-wing lunaticss.

And you can stop pushing that bullshit about not accepting the election results.
Trump won the Electoral College.
It's as simple as that.
If we lived in a democracy, he would not be president because he lost the popular vote.
Rules are rules, so he is president.

Remember, rules can be changed and the Constitution can be amended.

Just so you know, Islamic terrorists are right-wing terrorists.
They believe the exact same stupid shit that right-wing terrorist believe.
They are religious fanatics, just like the religious Fanatics that bomb abortion clinics, drive their cars into crowds of people and shoot up Walmart.

Go ahead and drink yourself stupid.
It's not going to change the facts.


@Phoebe, @Adam, @kristofarian, @Original Andrew, @Wandering Star et al of good common sense virtues: Bless you.
To all the ugly trolls here and everywhere else, the sooner you fuck off and die, the better the world will be.

@46 Adam: I am well aware, and am just as angry about it as you are. Thus my inflammatory comments towards Donald Trump and its Republican lap dogs.


@43 and 45. Omar Mateen was a registered Democrat (everyone else on my list were also Democrats or Socialists). Last time I checked. Dems and Socialists were on the left. Last one in my list, especially (Mason Trevor Toney), killed his boss because his boss was a Trump supporter. Talk about Trump Derangement Syndrome.

@43. You can look up Antifa attack instances yourself. You have internet, clearly. There are too many to list. From an Antifa terrorist Gage Haupowski being sentenced to 6 years in prison for cracking mans skull in Portland protests, to a "professor" Eric Clanton charged with attempted murder for using a bike lock to assault a man (also a head injury), to Willem van Sprossen firebombing an ICE detention center, to them assaulting reporters (Andy Ngo). Those are just a few of the well known examples. That is not even a fraction of them assaulting people at protests. You can look up details yourself.

Also, yes Islam is part of the leftist victim narrative. And therefore, part of leftism. That is why they constantly defend it and make excuses for mass rape/child sex slave rings. So let's not play with each other here. :)


@46 As for you, cupcake, must be nice living in a dreamworld. :) Just constant denial, even though the Dems are in panic mode. Well keep telling yourself that you are "winning". Lol. Votes of the people = electoral college. What the fuck do you think "votes of the people" are? Idiot.

Lolski Lololski. :)


@35 MAGA T and @38 Laughing Boy: You're both obviously rabid and frothing beyond any ability to reason. A rabies shot isn't going to save either of you. The RepubliKKKans have really scrambled your unsuspecting, infantile brains.


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Check out:
Suspect Communities: Anti-Muslim Racism And The Domestic War On Terror


@48 & 49

Assault < Homicide

The fact that two right-wing groups are in opposition to each other does not make one of those groups left wing.

No one is defending criminal activity, unless you are.
Do you defend the activity of right-wing terrorists?
I assume that you don't, but I can't be sure. I haven't seen all of your postings.
I certainly haven't seen you condemn any right-wing terrorists.

You also know that Clinton won the popular vote by approximately 3 million votes, don't you?
Democracy means one citizen one vote.
The Electoral College is not democratic, it is a feature of our republic. I'm not surprised you don't understand the difference.
The United States is not a democracy, it is a republic. If you had read the Constitution you would know that.
As I said before, The Constitution can be amended.

I remember reading in one of your earlier posts that you are a homosexual female.
How does it feel voting for an Administration that wants to take away your civil rights?

Don't worry about that though, just have another drink.


Krist C used to put mannequins in his house windows near Green Lake.

Thanks for keeping the Seattle tradition alive!


Wow, they really snow you guys with those employment numbers. Microsoft is ~40% NOT employees; they're perma-temps, which have little to no chance of becoming FTEs, and they're never able to forget it. They actually work for useless middlemen staffing agencies, that take 60%+ of their wages.

Amazon's number is probably even higher, given their warehouse requirements.



Are you a dumbass? No... Wait... Let me rephrase that. Do you have 0 comprehension skills? I mean really. Your argument of "right wing vs. right wing" is so pathetic, it had my wife and me rolling.

Let me explain the basic fact of life to you. The people I listed above were Democrats and Socialists. Those are LEFT WING! ANTIFA. Also LEFT WING!

See, this is how absolutely off-the-charts fucked in the head you are that, all of a sudden, you call it "right wing vs. right wing". Even though the facts state that these were Democrats/Socialists and a left wing terrorist organisation committing those acts. ANTIFA even came out and took responsibility for those. Willem Van Sprossen was hailed as a "hero" by them! Lolski.

" left wing doesn't do anything wrong, even though that is what the evidence says, so if they are violent let's just call them right wing.... turrrrrrr...."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!! Almost pissed myself laughing when I re-read your argument. Truly from someone who lost grip on reality.

Well, like I said, keep on living in your dream world. And I will keep popping those bottles everytime Trump Train runs over you assholes. :)


@54. Also, you don't know what the purpose of the Electroral College is, apparently. Sad. :(. Let me explain it to you; Electoral College was created to level the playing field and for every state to be represented EQUALLY, so the voted don't get swallowed up by the coastal cities. Because, if it didn't exist, the coastal cities will ALWAYS WIN.

Also, as far as my homosexuality goes; Trump was the first president in Ametican History to go into the office supporting gay rights. He also swore to protect us from foreign ideology (you know, the one that throws us off buildings). He also vowed to put an end to homosexuality being illegal in other countries, which I commend him for. So if you go out and accuse Trump of "taking your rights away" you better give some concrete examples. Because plenty if my gfs support him. And all of them are gay.

However, I don't know if I can take you seriously after that "right wing vs right wing" comment. Not as if I did before that anyway.


Right-wing Islam versus right wing christian fundamentalists.

I never said that the left doesn't commit crimes or atrocities.
All groups of people do, it's part of human nature.

Trump says a lot of things he doesn't really mean. If he was interested in protecting gay rights, he wouldn't have chosen Mike Pence as his running mate.

The Electoral College was created as a compromise between the pro-slavery and anti-slavery States. It was designed to protect the institution of slavery, not to protect the rights of small states.

You can talk about old cases like Omar Mateen as much as you want, but that doesn't change the fact that all extremist terrorist acts committed in 2018 were committed by right-wing terrorists.

Do you think that the Trump Administration allowing Medical practitioners to deny care to homosexual patients to be "pro-gay"?

Feel free to get day drunk all you want, it will make it easier for Trump and his friends to take your rights from you.


@59. You could not have given me a more biased source if you tried. A far left as possible. Of course they will frame it like they do. I will still address it though.

Very, VERY sneaky article. Frames it as if Trump wants to end "affordable" healthcare for JUST LGBT people. And the only people it mentions is trans folk. Doesn't even touch on gay people, except for the tired "medical providers can discriminate against LGBT people based on provider's religion." Private healthcare is not a right. It is a service. And freedom of religion exists. It is like the bakery denying gay wedding cake baking. Or people throwing pro-lifers out of their coffee shop. It is either private businesses reserve a right to serve (or deny service) to whoever's they want, or it is discrimination. Pick a lane. Can't be both. On a matter of cake baking; don't see any lefties picketing Muslim businesses for denying gays their wedding cake. Funny how leftist hypocrisy works. Aren't they supposed to be all "rah-rah for gay rights"? But when it is a Muslim bakery that says "no", all of a sudden they quietly mew about "freedom of religion" and "private business" or some such nonsense. Interesting. :)

Second, Trump was against Obamacare from the very beginning. I agree with it. My insurance doesn not have to skyrocket because someone needs their sex changed. Everyone is responsible for their own health problems. Period. I think there is a need for a healthcare reform because drug and insurance companies are going to town with it. And it should be more affordable. But not at the expense of other people that have nothing to do with YOUR health problems. I am not going to pay for YOUR transition or YOUR abortion.

Also a hilarious thing that the article states, that I noticed:

"Administration seeks to deny life-saving health care to LGBT people and others and replaces these critical protections with a narrow definition of sex, not grounded in science or the law."

Hahahahahahaha. What does "narrow definition of sex.... not grounded is science" mean? Science clearly says that there are only two sexes. Two. Sounds pretty damn grounded to me, and pretty fucking narrow. Seems to me Lambda are a bunch of science deniers


The comments section of this newspaper is, like most online comment threads, depressing. I’m not just saying that about other commenters, I myself have gone beyond the bounds of good taste on a number of occasions.

It would be nice if we could just close the comment threads entirely. Nobody writing in this section contributes anything of value. After the initial rush of hearing Charles read a posting I made under my old login ID (Wandering Stars) on Blabbermouth, I guess I had hoped for something more interactive with the staff, something where we the commenters would be made a part of the creative process. However, that hasn’t happened much. Instead, I see a small group of right wing trolls posting inflammatory comments, numerous ads for herbal cures for herpes, a few aging baby boomers who post about how they’d like to shove people into ovens or shoot them, a Ted Kaczinski acolyte who regularly posts about how he wishes everyone would die, and lots of made up bullshit.

The conservatives defend the Unabomber wannabe, the baby boomer who wants to gas everyone hands out awards for whoever tells one of the conservatives off, the right wing trolls post everything in all caps and exclamation points. The only well written posts are, ironically, the herpes ads, which come in an impressive number of languages and prose styles.

I could, of course, just stop posting anything here. There’s an infinite number of better uses of my time. I don’t honestly know why I don’t. Addiction, maybe? Boredom? Midwinter blues? It’s freezing outside, and I don’t feel like going out, so it’s convenient to just log in here and post some stupid drivel or a hot take that nobody asked for or wanted.

Anything would be better than reading Hipster Pete’s unabomber fantasies, or Grizzled Wiz’s plans to re-enact the Shoah, or some self righteous stoner who complains that not being able to own more than one pot plant at home is the same as Jim Crow. Raindrop occasionally provides some mild intellectual stimulation, but most of you are idiots.


People don't hate socialism; in fact the youth are much more willing to call themselves a communist or socialist than before.

If you are an American you have had it beaten into you that we have the best system in the world and there is no better. That is a lie; what we have was reshaped after slavery into what you see today. I'm not sure why people think Adam Smith is the father of Capitalism maybe I should go read more.


@62 if you’re not a socialist when you’re young you have no heart, if you’re not a conservative when you’re older you have no brain.

Just wait until they get decent paying jobs.


“Science clearly says that there are only two sexes.”

Christ. Have you ever taken college level biology? No. Of course not. Chromosomal sex is a process, not an assignation.

In nature there are multiple “sexes.” In humans there are six biological karyotypes that do not result in death to the fetus.

Those chromosomal arrangements are:
X – Roughly 1 in 2,000 to 1 in 5,000 people (Turner’s )
XX – Most common form of “female”
XXY – Roughly 1 in 500 to 1 in 1,000 people (Klinefelter)
XY – Most common form of “male”.
XYY – Roughly 1 out of 1,000 people
XXXY – Roughly 1 in 18,000 to 1 in 50,000 births


“ Raindrop occasionally provides some mild intellectual stimulation,”

Hahaha. What? You are forever disqualified from judging intellect.


Teehee399..........etc. Its really sad that somehow your brain has shorted and you refuse to see the fascist, sexist, homophobic etc. reality of Trump and his debased, corrupt administration. You are worshipping an administration that wants your ass dead. Or maybe they will have a future for you to help attack other lesbians. gays and womxn etc. You are already working on it. You have joined up with your enemy and the brain washing has worked well on you - sad, brain damaged fool that you are. I guess that we should have pity on you and hope you bring no further harm to yourself and others.


@64. Those are still either "male" or "female". Dumbass.

@68. Kind of like ignorant western leftist women (or whatever the fuck woxmexmxenexes is), defending actual patriarchy of Islam that stones them, oppresses them, and throws acid on their face, and marries them off as children. Right? On that note, I actually saw a very funny video of two wahmenexexes in pussy hats bowing during an Islamic prayer. I started laughing. Because it is like chickens praying and bowing down to KFC. Idiots.


@31: Left of center people who simply go to rhetorical excess in a moment of justified anger are never going to actually commit any violence, so it's reasonable to respond to that by "talking them down".

When somebody on the right talks about injuring or killing progressives, people of color, LGBTQ people Muslims, Jews or immigrants, they always mean it, so it's pointless to TRY and talk them down. They just need to be stopped.

Left of center people don't kill in this country. Right wing people do.


@69: Western women never defend Islamic oppression of women. All they're saying is that there's nothing the West can do to force that to stop happening-and especially nothing the West can do to stop if by military intervention in Arab/Muslim countries.

We've been at war with much of the Arab/Muslim world since 2003. Nothing is better in any of those countries as a result of any of those wars, and we aren't winning in any of those wars.

And it goes without saying that, if the West did somehow overthrow the Iranian government, the West wouldn't allow them to be replaced by any regime that was in any sense secular or democratic-the West would just put another Pahlevi on the throne, just as the U.S. would simply have imposed another Batista-type military dictator if it had ever deposed the government which came to power in the Cuban Revolution-no democratic government, and certainly no democratic government which preserved the good things from the Revolution-the free education and healthcare-would ever have been allowed by the State Department, the Pentagon, and Wall Street.


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@70. "Left of center people don't kill in this country".

Left of center people who killed in this country:

Omar Mateen, James Thomas Hodgkinson, Jared Lee Loughner, Jeremy Joseph Christian, and Mason Trevor Toney were, just to name a few.

All Democrats/socialists. Dems and socialists are on the left. Get your head out of your ass.


Clara T, TeeHee, and all other MAGA trolls can choke on it and die. You're the real terrorists, marching in lockstep to Trump / Pence neofascism.

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