One day MoM will open her doors—hopefully.
One day MoM will open her doors—hopefully. Jasmyne Keimig

It's the Iowa Caucus: I don't know about you, but my phone is blowing up with news alerts. Things won't be decided for a little bit, so I recommend checking here and here and here for live updates. But here's what we know so far...

The first results could come as early as RIGHT NOW: But there isn't much trickling in. We'll have more in the morning, but go ahead and shout amongst yourselves in the comments. Most results will be handed in by 11 p.m. Eastern time. AP has already called the Republican caucuses for Trump (duh). Reid Epstein, reporting for the New York Times, said "There are fewer Biden supporters here and his people are getting nervous. 'It is a bit worrisome,' said... the Biden precinct captain." If Bernie ends up winning Iowa, Vox mapped out his road to victory here.

And now, let's bring in The Stranger's Jasmyne Keimig with some art updates:

Museum of Museums (MoM) on First Hill has postponed its official opening: The buzzy contemporary art museum operated by artist/entrepreneur Greg Lundgren has run into zoning problems with its space, a former medical building owned by Swedish Health Services. Though the bottom half of the building currently hosts events and pop-up markets, the top floor—redesigned to host exhibitions—is only approved to be used as a medical office.

Lundgren explained the zoning problem to me over email: "I hired a permit specialist last May to research and design a path for our change of use... His research showed that the original use of the top floor was [a] general office (which would have allowed us to use the space as we planned). We had a meeting with the city in June 2019, and that zoning was not contested," Lundgren said. "But 6 months later, it was contested, and our efforts (with two architects and two land use attorneys employed to resolve this) have yielded little results in occupying within the defined use of medical office (apparently changing the use takes years)."

Lundgren says he has now reached a “holding pattern” with the Seattle Department of Construction & Inspections over rezoning the space: That said, he told me he remains confident that he can reach a deal with the city, assuring me that MoM is “going to be awesome.” Originally, the inaugural exhibitions were going to be Energy Drink, an immersive collaborative exhibition by Neon Saltwater and Brian Sanchez, and Goodwitch/Badwitch, a show by the Insta-famous Hoodwitch.

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We are so excited and proud of all that MoM has become over the past 13 months. Swedish Hospital has been an incredible landlord and our vision and programming just seems to get brighter and broader every day. Thank you for your support, encouragement and outreach - it really means the world. Due to some late in the game zoning issues on our top floor, we have no choice but to postpone our planned February opening. We are working with the city to find a path forward, and expect to resolve this issue soon. We sincerely apologize to the artists of our first exhibits and supporters of MoM, but please know we are doing everything we can to make MoM awesome and open. Stay tuned! We will get over this bump and help usher in a bold new chapter of contemporary art in Seattle. #museumofmuseums #seattleart #aintnomountainhighenough

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The Seattle Asian Art Museum is about to reopen, bitch! This weekend! I spent three hours touring inside the (re)new(ed) museum’s guts and I think you are all going to like it. There are lacquered plates, snuff bottles, Buddhas in repose, indigo scrolls, and a truly stunning wall of windows along the back of the museum. Plus, there’s better ventilation. Tickets to opening weekend have sold out, but regular hours will start on Wednesday. Soon, all of us will be able to smoke a joint, stroll through the slowly awakening greenery of Volunteer Park, and mosey on in to look at an elephant goad.

Thanks, Jasmyne!

As one venue opens, another closes... The Capitol Hill venue Fred Wildlife Refuge will shutter at the beginning of March. The huge event space is frequently used for queer events, as well as general art and performance happenings. The writing was on the wall "when Canadian real estate investment and management company Low Tide Properties bought the block last April in a $21 million deal," according to owner Chris Pink, via Capitol Hill Seattle Blog. Read more on the closure here.

Rush Limbaugh has advanced lung cancer: Limbaugh made the announcement this morning on his nationally syndicated radio show. “I can’t help but feel that I’m letting everybody down. The upshot is that I have been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer," he said during the broadcast. He will be off-air for a few days but hopes to be back on Thursday.

Hamilton mania is back: Disney announced today that they plan on distributing a four-year-old live recording of Hamilton performed by its original Broadway cast. It will premiere in theaters on Oct. 21, 2021. A while away, but, uh, mark your calendars?

Fucking gross: Jessica Mann, a woman who has accused Harvey Weinstein of raping her in 2013, provided additional evidence and testimony today in court. “We were in the shower," she said. "He wanted to shower first, which was beneficial to me, and he asked me to come into the shower and then he said to me, ‘Have you ever had a golden shower?’ And I said, ‘No.’ And then I felt him peeing on me.”

There's a local hunt for two missing teens: Here's what they look like, below. More info here.

The Snohomish man who was diagnosed with the novel coronavirus has been discharged from the hospital: He was the first person with a known case of the novel coronavirus in the United States and has been contained in an Everett hospital since January 19. “I would like to thank the doctors, nurses, and entire team at Providence who cared for me,” the man said in a statement. “I appreciate all of the concern expressed by members of the public, and I look forward to returning to my normal life.”

A general reminder: No, You Won't Catch The New Coronavirus Via Packages Or Mail From China

I hope you enjoyed yesterday and today's clear skies: Because it's about to get very wet again. Another "atmospheric river" is headed our way later this week. "The Weather Service says most of the Puget Sound lowlands will likely get one to three inches of rain Tuesday through Friday," writes KOMO, "with three to five inches along the coast and four to eight inches in the Cascades and along the west slopes of the Olympics."

Did you think I forgot about the impeachment trial? I didn't! How could I?! Today, the Senate heard closing arguments in its impeachment trial. “History will not be kind to Donald Trump—I think we all know that,” Rep. Adam Schiff said during his final argument, embedded below. “Is there one among you who will say: enough?” He asked Senate Republicans. Senator Joe Manchin was one of the many senators who left the arguments frustrated, telling reporters that “history will judge the Senate harshly” for refusing to hear witnesses. “Sadly this is the legacy we leave to our children and grandchildren." Here are some of the trial's closing arguments:

The Senate impeachment trial is in recess until Wednesday: Tomorrow will be Trump's State of the Union address. Then, on Wednesday, senators will finally vote whether to acquit or convict Donald Trump. I think we all know how it's going to go down...