

So much whining.


To me, Trump's signature quirk is his constant harping on fairness - its so petulant and child-like, as if politics is a kickball game during recess at grade school. What the hell does fairness have to do with anything?

While I think its a manifestation of his stunted moral imagination it could also be a symptom of his gathering decrepitude - people's vocabulary shrinks as they lapse into dementia.


If anyone wondered what it would be like to have an insane POTUS - now you know.


I can’t listen to Tr666p’s sneering, whining voice droning on about how he’s the World’s Biggest Victim.

Hard pass.

Also, I’ll add his atrocious posture to the mile long list of what’s wrong with that sleazy, lying, racist, sexist, deranged shitbag. He always looks like he’s about to tip over when he’s standing and shit his pants when he’s sitting down. Ugh. No wonder he rules by Twit.


Alden, it could also be untreated Syphillis. After all, republicans are known for their weird sex issues and complete lack of morals.


@5 Either way, its hard to square with the documented fact that Donald Trump is the healthiest person to ever hold the office of President.


And this was him drugged so he could be put in front of the cameras, because last night he was bat shit insane with rage after being called out by Mitt Romney. Anyone listening to this verbal diarrhea word salad and thinking this man is even remotely not out of his fucking mind is clearly just as out of their fucking mind as he is.


" Syphillis. After all, republicans are known for their weird sex issues and complete lack of morals"

@5 Good to know we can blame people for the nasty STDs they catch from their choices!!


@9 she didn't say "sexual morals," dumbfuck.



Dude, how many times I gotta say sorry for giving your wife herpes?


Well, it could also be his drug use. Years of partying has surely taken its toll on his mind. Republicans have a lot of substance abuse problems, in addition to their sex issues. I thinks it’s because of emotionally distant fathers and clingy mothers, not to mention creepy Republican toilet training practices. It’s just not natural for a woman to be a Republican.


So they took him off the meds they had him on during the SOTU.


And after all that, he's still impeached.


Reading the headline/caption almost turned my stomach ... what a "leader"...

Be a damn Shame if Bloomy didn't spend a few million and send trolls to trumpf's Nuremberg Rallies, after having consumed mass quantities of ... whatever, and when he hits his 'high' points, allow Mother Nature to automatically purge -- voting with their Bellies, so to speak.

Might that set bad Precedent?

Ole Bloomy could prove to be just the Distraction (to [ever so slightly] even up the gerrymandering, voter roll purges and voter suppression Repubs are so Famous for) Dems were looking for.

trumpfy's might be gonna need a damn fine
War to 'win' before the Election (should we have one).

Don't think he and Moscow Mitch
wouldn't Hesitate to drop a few bombs
just about Anywhere.

Heads up, Oh, Canada!


Isn’t “go off the rails” always implied by saying “Trump”?


A celebratory conference after a fixed outcome? Trump definitely owes this move to his buddy Vince McMahon.


I was hoping to see Sr. Shoreline in this thread when I clicked on comments. Perhaps he knows that this fucking idiot is indefensible. I enjoy his comments because the animus contained within his vitriol and right wing stupidity is fun to read from an anonymous distance.


@ 21,

If anyone heard their father, their coworker, or a taxi driver go off on any one of Dicktatorapist AntiChrist’s lying lunatic screeds, they’d call the police and demand that person be locked up as a clear and present danger to others.


And now, 2pm, dst, Hair Furor
is promising a little RETRIBUTION.

Head's up, MIttens:
trumpfy says he Hates a Hypocrite
('cause he IS) and will single you
(and all DEMS) out, especially.

There's no such thing as 'Civil' War
but yonder walks trumfpy....

Buckle up.


It’s none of the above. Trump has always gotten everything he wanted. He is quite used to paying off a lawyer or bribing a city official to get access to things ordinary people would be denied or convicted for doing.

It’s kind of fitting, that old photo of him at a Clinton fundraiser. Both the Trump and Clinton families (the Bushes too) are corrupt and over privileged capitalist bastards who understand better than anyone lose that whoever has the gold makes the rules under this economic system.

The only thing shocking here is that anyone is shocked.


@25 The Republican Party of Main Street Rotarians was obliterated along with Main Street.

Its never coming back.


So he behaved exactly like everyone should, by now, expect him to behave.

Remember when we used to have press events, where someone with a related degree (or at least public speaking experience) and a comfortable degree of separation from the president would announce these sorts of things instead? And then they would even take questions! Trump might actually let one take care of such events for him, to afford him even more "executive time," if he weren't such an unhinged narcissist.


raindrop, you actually seem cool from time to time but what are you buttressing, espousing at the end of the day? You have to know you are not morally, ethically or even politically correct. You have a lunatic running your side so it's time for your side to excise. It's up to you and yours. This guy is crazy as in CRAZY.


Raindrop dear, I'm comforted by the the fact that the only statement you took exception to in my last post was that it's unnatural for a woman to be a Republican.



The winning just never stops.
Our euphoria receptors are smoking nubs from the 3 year run of constant non-stop winning.


Honestly, what new identity can the GOP take, and pretend Trump never happened?
Romney is 72 now, and would be 76 in 2024.
Collins, the 'moderate' Senator has never failed to vote with Trump.
McConnell has ground the Senate into a halt, even befor Trump was elected.
Amash, Flake, Hurd, Ryan, Boehner, Snowe - all left (or will leave) Congress, and John McCain has died.
Graham, Rubio and Cruz take daily heaps of abuse, and are bullied into submission.
It's not like Teddy Roosevelt or Ike will rise from the grave.


@11 I hear that there's a cure for that now, so it's not a big deal anymore.


@33 You need to come up with a new metaphor - that one is getting worn as thin as your nubs.


It's no metaphor.
They are literally SMOKING NUBS!!!



That kasich fellow is pretty perfectly aligned to run as a "reasonable" and "moderate" successor to dumb lardass. He's not, of course, though we could easily be in in for another decade of gop rule. Holy fucking fuck, i hope we do what's needed to nip that in the bud this fall. I don't know who we should nominate, but either Castro or Booker would hopefully bring out a crucial minority faction, even as a VP. My $.02 anyway.


Or (my pick, so far, perhaps for a similiar reason) "Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia ([D] TX [dist] 29) made history today when she was sworn in as one of the first two Latinas ever to represent the State of Texas in the U.S. Congress." --from her website

Her rise in Texas politics has been (nearly) meteoric; she ran for Congress as a very popular Judge, and appears to be smart, fearless, articulate and quite good at facing down political adverseries; she was also a 'House Manager' in Republicans' Sham of an Impeachement 'trial.'


But, dang it, she's 69 years.
A pretty elderly ticket, but both are sharpe.
I wish AOC were of Age...


I'm so fucking glad I don't own a TV or subscribe to Twitter.


Raindrop Trump is the Republican party. It’s changed and ain’t coming back. After a few more of the old guard die that’s going to be it. You’ve got mooks like Scalise, McCarthy, Nunes. The Trump genie ain’t goin’ back in the bottle.


@43: Like Adolf Hitler until it finally croaks from too many BigMacs.


"Anyone listening to this verbal diarrhea word salad and thinking this man [trump] is even remotely not out of his fucking mind is clearly just as out of their fucking mind as he is."

A Quote for the Ages.
Thanks, xina!

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