

Well, since they impeached him once and failed to convict, I guess the only way to beat Trump will be at then polls and for the left to win over the hearts and minds of our fellow citizens the obvious conclusion is to call them racists more often.


Mobile voting is good, poorly developed apps are bad. Have a happy Valentine's and holiday weekend.


Did you think that his rapidly approaching demise would cause Rush to reflect upon his legacy of cruelty, lack of compassion, vicious hostility and lying about his political opponents?
Guess not.
He's going out the way he's lived, and fervently hoping to hang on long enough to see his equally hateful political avatar get re-elected.
Time to shuffle off this mortal coil ya ugly pos, and don't expect any bi-partisan generosity in your obits.


@5 Even the Trump voters who voted also for Bernie or Obama?

Oh my.


How many different types of skin are there really?

The lips and assholes factoid is funny, but I need more information to tell if it's significant or interesting.


Mr. Johnson has clearly been watching too many episodes of Key & Peele.


5 You have the power to ignore shit posts. I believe in you.


@10 But that's the point. It's not a shit post in his mind. He actually thinks calling more of his fellow citizens racists will help the left win the next election.


1: The whole idea of Trump supporters suddenly changing their minds about who to vote for because someone calls Trumps voters "racist" is fucking ridiculous. Trying to convince Trump voters to change their votes or sit out of the election is like trying wooing cult members. A swing voter who supports Trump is probably not that concerned about the direction of the country.

Besides if it quacks like a duck...


Happy Valentine's Day fellow Sloggerinos!
Nathalie, I put the card for all y'all at the Stranger in the mail yesterday xoxo


@13 OK, so what about the 10% of Bernie supporters who voted for Trump? Or the 22% of Obama to Trump voters? You think you can win the election by calling them racists/transphobes/homophobes/yadiyadiyadi-phobes?

Good luck.


7: Fuck this concern trolling bullshit. Liberals, lefties, centrists, and everyone else is under no obligation to treat Trump supporters with kid gloves. We're not politicians, we don't have to pander to people, and it's absurd having people who tout "free speech" telling people "you better not talk like this or Trump is going to win" like some veiled threat. It's the equivalent of saying "It's a nice house you got here, shame if anything happened to it." Fuck Trump supporters and fuck concern trolls. I'm not trying to win your lame ass vote.


@14 mildly stalky, but I suppose better than hand delivering it to her bedroom at 3:00 a.m....

I kid you seem nice Happy Valentine's day


16: If they vote for Trump votes means at the very least racism doesn't bother them. Again, I'm not trying to win their votes. And quite frankly, if my saying this is enough to drive their votes, that's on their asses. Let the politicians pander.


16: If they vote for Trump that means at the very least racism doesn't bother them. Again, I'm not trying to win their votes. And quite frankly, if my saying this is enough to drive their votes, that's on their asses. Let the politicians pander.


I love that conventional wisdom is that if you be nice to people that want kids in cages they will stop wanting to put kids in cages. Its wild man. If everyone was just nicer to criminals they will stop doing crime.


@23 Because facts have that notorious liberal bias they avoid using them. Instead it's what "feels" true.



It kinda makes sense. Gullible and proudly ignorant dimwits see the President making all sorts of utterly ridiculous and easily dis-proven statements at every opportunity and never suffering any sort of repercussions or consequences. So then said dimwits just start making shit up themselves, because why not?


Swing voters are largely a myth. The thing that REALLY matters in electoral politics is turnout.

If it wasn't the Republicans wouldn't have spent hundreds of millions of dollars over the last decade on voter suppression.


There are approximately 100 million eligible US voters that do not vote.
Less than 130 million people voted in 2016.

Democrats should be trying to convince those hundred million disenfranchised voters to vote for them.
It is completely misguided for Democrats to try to win over Trump voters.

No one ever says that Trump should be trying to win over Democratic voters, and there's a reason for that.


If only voting were mandatory and all done by paper ballot via mail. We might have a somewhat valid democracy on our hands if that were the case.


@33 Maybe people not voting is a sign that things really aren't all that bad despite what you hysterics think?

Australia has mandatory voting and the conservative won handily last year.


@18: LOL :)
The Stranger staff have been on my xmas/valentine list pretty much since 2008 or 2009 I think? Whenever it was I participated in the Unemployed in Seattle feature Eli did and I started commenting on Slog. I made 100 valentines this year. Every year the list gets bigger!


It's bizarre that someone who lies as much as Trump is so bad at it.

Trump: I never did that.
Also Trump: I did it, it's totally legal, and I'm proud of it
Still Trump: I never said I did it and that video of me saying I did is fake news.


Speaking of standing on the corner and selling Miracle Cures
here's Chief Dan George in a wee snippet from The Outlaw Josey Wales

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