

Whatā€™s a ā€œchockerā€?


Looking forward to the press conference where he will claim to be the victim of the coronavirus hoax and hereby order the stock market to go up.


@2 He sure has. Not Pelosi specifically, but Democrats and the media:


Those may be the worst pictures of Maria Sharapova I've ever seen


Can't Cheetolini stop being such a fucking narcissist for even a minute? The coronavirus was not invented as a conspiracy to make you look bad, president rage-tweet. It's not about you. The only thing that looks bad is the government's completely haphazard response to it. Your own incompetence is what makes you look bad.


With how much I have to hear about this stupid college admission scandal, one would think it was the most spectacular and heinous crime of the 20th century, rather than a few rich people lying on some forms.

Don't accept the kids to the college, and make the rich parents pay a huge fine and make a donation to the schools they lied to. Done.


Just wait until 50 million people are trying to get a CORVID test pre-approved with their insurance company all at once.

Best health care in the world.


No, he can't.
Don't worry. It won't be the 'foreign influenza' for long, now that it has landed on our shores.



It's "Caronovirus." He just might be the only carrier of it on the entire planet... His victimhood is real!

re: Caronavirus. I've heard where they keep a staffer on site who is charged with proofing his tweets for anything wildly embarrassing, inaccurate or inflammatory. Either said person doesn't actually exist, is as stupid as him, or simply enjoys trolling us "leftist" sticklers for competency in executive leadership.


"It turns out paid family leave is a popular idea...."

free stuff always is

esp with the Moocher Class


Just remember that Trump brought back the coronavirus with him, and did not go through the mandatory 14 day quarantine.

And he's spreading it right now.

This minute.


Everyone in the debate mostly did OK;
Bloomberg held his on pretty well,
Biden wasn't too looney (but he was pretty loud and emphatic and repeated himself some),
Bernie remains the Master of his Domain,
however, Liz was even more of a shrieking harpy than usual,
the woman has no concept of taking turns or giving others a chance and the CBS eunuchs moderating let her blab on endlessly; the more she talks, however, the fewer votes she will get. She will hang around for Super Tuesday because she hasn't a clue but she is Dead Womxn Walking.


@9 I know, rite? Why won't everyone just shut up so we can go back to hereditary higher education and buying your kids admission through "donations?"

All this fuss is so unseemly, in the good old days it would have been discreetly brushed under a rug with a nice steak dinner with the dean and the editor in chief, a couple of handshakes, and a cheque for a new humanities building.


@20 So you're saying misogyny is a thing of the past, and America is ready to elect a woman president?

For fuck's sake, buddy, "harpy" isn't a dog-whistle anymore, everyone else can hear it, too. You're showing your ass.


holy shit that suitcase thing is horrifying. I can't stop imaging the frantic panic.


Did Mayor Pete not ever get a nickname from him? Kinda disappointed. Was wondering if he'd appeal to the right wing fundies and go with something childishly homophobic, as is typical... "Backdoor Pete," perhaps or maybe one of those already done-to-death plays on his last name.

Probably for the best though.


Words have meaning and we call them like we see them.


@25 That ass of yours is still hanging out, pal. All you've done there is admit you dropped your pants.


@18 You have no idea how much I've been wishing for that...


You just know the second COVID19 breaks out in whatever shithole Feebs scurries about in heā€™ll be a-squealing for the Gubmint to ā€œHALP ME. PLEEZ HALP ME!ā€

Donā€™t worry , if just keep making sock puppets in your moms basement all day the nasty ā€˜ol virus wonā€™t find you. Maybe the Troll In Chief can cure you with a particularly mean 3am tweet.


@29 Nah, he'll be fine. A couple weeks of eating cold beans out of the can, with his AR15 trained on the top of the stairs, isn't going to faze him, or anyone like him.

Hell, they'll probably look back on it with an almost wistful nostalgia, like Londoners of a certain age recalling the Blitz.

The worst they'll suffer is a bit of sunburn when they finally get the all-clear from their ham radios, and maybe a brief moment of embarrassment when they try to trade 3 rounds of .223 for a case of Coors at the 7-11.


@24 Mike Blob, Yes. He calls him Alfred E Neuman which is sincerely hilarious and accurate. If he'd have gone with something homophobic like you tend to suggest, it would have been low bullying, offensive and not funny.

Gay rights are mainstream now, even among many (if not most) Republicans, especially the younger ones. The popularity of alt-right gay dudes and log cabin republicans demonstrate that. It's still safe for the GOP to be antichoice, misogynistic, anti-immigrant and racist against black people and Muslims, but they can't be openly homophobic anymore. There are just too many rich white gay Republicans now and too many older Republicans with openly gay adult children.

Also as much as Trump sucks, he is actually pretty good at that nickname game. Sleepy Joe is hilarious. Mini Mike is pretty good too, especially that tweet about him getting the step stool for the debate. Pocahontos is racist, but it also cuts right to the core of how fake Warren is. Crazy Bernie sticks. Crooked Hillary was brilliant. Does he have one for Klobuchar?

Anyway, I wish Trump had remained a game show host or a reality star.


@32 You forgot to add your topical nick there, Feebles.


A weird aspect of the governmentā€™s total lack of credibility is that itā€™s hard to even tell whether the My Sharona virus is a real threat or a Chinese Hoax or some new social hysteria.

One idly wonders which shit-4-brains Liberty U drop out/Baptist minister/rapist youth pastor Pussolini will put in charge of confronting the crisis.


You girls didn't realize Liz was last week's kitchen scraps?
Sorry to bust your cherries.


"Likewise their incompetent Do Nothing
Democrat comrades are all talk, no action." --@fake"prez"

As oppose to ME who's buzy as a Bee
DIS-mantling the very Liberal Center
For Disease Control.

or, expect a very loud
Knock on your 'door.'

[ 'Cheetolini'?
Edible Fascism
for the Masses ]



Nah. Warren comes off as massively insincere to most voters. I'm not saying she straight out lies, other than the Native thing- which is a big deal in my opinion, especially after I found out that she is listed as Harvard or wherever's first woman of color graduate. But aside from that, it's her fake folksy baby-voice way of talking, all "golly gee" and "mommies and daddies and babies", people really hate this shit about her. And I don't believe that an older professional woman with a graduate education who has spent her career fighting Wall Street bankers etc and living in New England naturally talks like that.

Also her fake enthusiasm, all that shit about her dog and selfies. Then the bullshit about Sanders saying a woman can't be president and her obviously staged and planned stuff in the debate right after that. Not to mention being a Republican most of her life, then coming out as a progressive and then walking that back and attacking Sanders, waffling on M4A, etc. Waiting until she sees who is winning to offer endorsements, etc. She's a hack and I don't trust her. She's shifty and fake.

That doesn't change the fact that she's my second choice and I'd take insincere politically ambitious support for progressive policy over sincere moderate politics like Klobuchar's. But I don't trust her at all. She's a fake- and if you talk to regular people who aren't the sort to follow politics daily, just normal folks, their gut reactions to her is that she's insincere. If you don't believe me, spend a day phone-banking or door-knocking. People really dislike her.


Like, I really liked Warren before I got to know more about her, but in retrospect this was apparent from the beginning. Do you remember when AOC made that video of herself talking about her first week in DC while cooking dinner? It came across as media savvy, young and spontaneous, relatable. Even though of course AOC is a skilled politician - she had her finger on the pulse enough to know what reaches people sincerely.

What did Warren do immediately afterwards? In the next few days, there she is in her kitchen, awkwardly drinking beer with her husband, talking to the people. It was so cringe. Like that "hello fellow kids" thing.

She's just bad at politics. She'd be great in some administrative position, regulation or consumer protections or something like that.


Nothing like an anti-vax Commander in Chief who fired the NSC team that dealt with pandemics... during a pandemic!

But donā€™t panic. Iā€™m sure heā€™s on the phone with Alex Jones right now ordering those special magic anti-viral magnetic bracelets for everyone.


@6, I don't think the first photo is even Sharapova. It looks more like Naomi Osaka.

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