

Well, well, well.
Another 1,000 point drop in the Dow.
How's the stable genius doing this week?


Religion is a disease that spreads diseases. The only cure is science.


Religion has little to do with either Trump's utterly psychotic behavior or the endless enabling by the GOP.
Trupm picked Pence - not the other way around.


@3 Religion is the reason we have science deniers in the white house.


Yes, and if you're the unlucky 2% that dies of COVID-19, you heirs will thank you for buying those tech stocks!


Religious voters are largely why we have trump. He and religious leaders cut funds for the agencies responsible for protecting our health. Religion has fought against vaccines, as we recently saw with the measles scare. Religion continues to spread disease of the mind as well, convincing men that they should have control over a woman's body. A church is literally where the coronavirus outbreak began in South Korea. Science and education are the cure.


Well it'll be interesting to see Trump toss Pence under the bus if things get bad. Perfect scapegoat. If that happens I won't be surprised in the slightest if he takes Ivanka to be his running mate.


Fair enough - we need far more science, and far fewer religious wackos!


A science-denying religious nutter in charge of our Coronavirus response.

We are so fucked.


If this winds up having some impact on the election in the fall, it will be through the mechanisms of superstition - not rational consideration. Pestilence is an obvious omen and a sure fire sign that the mandate of heaven has been lost.


"Trump has a very post-modern view of reality. It's not the truth; it's his truth."

He usta BE a big Star on the Reality Teevee and, btw
who said Politics is just 'making your very Own Reality'?

The CHENEY/ bush did.

Meanwhile, we're still attempting to extricate ourselves from the CHENEY /bush shitshow/ All New Reality in the Middle East.

So we just gotta go with whateverthefuck Republicans, under the 'leadership' of a mendacious, bullying Liar-in-chief, who thinks making shit up is the only way to succeed.

My God, he's gonna hafta take US into War
to keep the Make Believe real. And, to
keep his ass the fuck outta Jail.

Better hope you don't have, or aren't a kid.
War's a comin'.


Dow 1,000!

This is just the start.

You too can ignore science and crater the US economy while golfing!

Be the Denial!


I already know how this is going to play out.

The virus will spread globally over the next several months wiping out large swaths of the earth's population. As it rapidly makes it's way across the continental United States some brilliant young UC-Berkeley based scientist will develop an easily administered and highly effective vaccine that she needs to get to DC immediately for rapid distribution.

The sexy young vixen makes a frantic, sleep deprived cross coast dash to Washington, arriving in the middle of the night and schedules a meeting with Pence to grab a late dinner and deliver the life saving antidote. For the sake of humanity, Pence breaks his long held vow against ever sharing a meal with a woman other than his wife. But can't help himself upon encountering the dashing lass who is equally enthralled by the powerful politician.

Stressed out and utterly exhausted, the two give in to their lustful fantasies and engage in a three day long, sweat soaked, lewd fuckfest, with Pence finally getting a chance to indulge all of those sick and reprobate fantasies his Catholic marriage would never permit. Meanwhile, the virus wipes out what's left of our once proud civilization, in particular those snarky libtards who always thought the VP's bizarre moral stances nothing more than mock-worthy.


@19 You should send that to Stephen King.


@19, Applauds. That is some grade A snark there. You win the internet today.


I nominate pat L and kristofarian tied for the WIN.

@20 tmplknight: Stephen King already wrote about a global pandemic that wiped out most of the human population on Earth. King's novel, The Stand was originally published on October 3, 1978. We were warned, and still haven't learned shit after 42 years.


@20,@21,@22,@23,even Stephen King is tired of Trump's horseshit. Just check out his Twitter @StephenKing


@24 superhyrulean: I think you missed my point. mike blob @19 was just being snarky.
Re-read my comment @22. Along with his superb story-telling, I do admire Stephen King's bravery on having a Twitter account, considering who trolls it daily.


Honestly if their response to a pandemic is anything less than rounding up everyone they suspect of having the virus into for-profit Quarantine Centers where they will be expected to work off the cost of their treatment until all debts are paid in full, I'll be pleasantly surprised.

You know at a minimum Stephen Miller has floated the idea by now.


Yikes, the Overgrown Orange Toddler™ is still painting his face the color of a baboon's ass??? Sad!


On the other hand, it's mostly just killing off people over 60.

So, bonus!


@29 oh fuck off you idiot. China DID slow the spread significantly.

You know what could do?

Not kill the ACA so people can afford to go to the fucking doctor.

Not kick 30 million people off insurance.

Not cut food stamps so people will have emergency food supplies if they miss work.

Set aside funds for families should schools close so people can stay home.

Executive order funds for millions of respirators and oxygen tanks to be stockpiled because 20% of infected cases require breathing apparatus and there are only 100k ICU beds in the ENTIRE fucking country.

Executive order 7 day paid sick leave so people will stay fucking home if they are sick.

Pass anti-price gouging laws.

Hire a fucking medical science epidemiology professional to head the NSC pandemic crisis team (who he fucking fired in 2018).

Stop fucking campaigning and golfing and run the country.

There are enumerable things he could do that he’s not doing.

Just fuck off.

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