

That's why Seattle is only making sure you don't get evicted right now. Once they decide everyone has recovered the Sheriff will throw you out don't worry.

Seriously bad situation what do people do when they run out of money can't get work and need food? We are going to see a rise in thefts if we don't do something and the stupid bailout check won't make a dent in most Seattle people's rent let alone be enough to keep food on the table.


I don't like the idea that the people of the USA should have to rely on Jeff Bezos's sense of noblesse oblige. I don't want charity from his hand.

I want the state, under the legitimized authority of the demos, to marshal the resources of the nation to address the emergency. And that means confiscating (or whatever verb you prefer) it from Jeff Bezos (et. al.) and sending it out under the seal of E Pluribus Unum.



But he won't, unless forced to by the state, because he's a greedy fuck.


I try not comment on a woman's appearance, but is that doctor wearing a formal?


One possible bright spot to everything in the last three months (or last several years, really), is that the Overton window, which has been painted shut for at least 40 years, has been pried open, and i doubt it will close again for awhile, if ever.

In the same way that Gutenberg's press and the bubonic plague eventually led to the breakup of the church's stranglehold on thought, the rise of the internet, Bernie and Liz, Hair Furor and his alterego Typhoid Donnie, and last but not least, COVID19, could plausibly lead to a more progressive policy stance.

Unless of course, anthropogenic climate collapse does us all in first. That would be a bummer.



True. But that's a "what if?"

We could just ensure it happens as @4 suggests.



With my luck, our planet's collective societies will come together to hunker down and beat this damn virus into submission. And in doing so, we'll realize the power of working together and keep in place those very same practices that have rejuvenated the earth and we'll reverse global warming. We'll also implement long term collectivist policies to level the economic playing fields, thereby ensuring a quality of life befitting the dignity of all who inhabit the planet, while finally tossing Donald Doorknob to the trashcan where he belongs.

And then some jerkwad intergalactic aliens from the 3rd moon of Xygort-12 will fly by and neutron blast us into oblivion for target practice.


Not paying corporate taxes, for one thing. You do realize that's money out of all of our pockets, don't you?



Just watch out for their poetry...


Wow. You guys in Seattle are really a bunch of leftists. Jeff Bezos money


Wow you all in Seattle are REALLY a bunch of leftists. Jeff Bezos money is IN AMAZON SHARES. If he tried to liquidate lets say 10% at one time, the other 90% would suffer greatly. I have amazon stock and you'd hurt me and many others. Its part of our compensation. You all talk about "his workers" (socialists term) we're EMPLOYEES, I'm an ENGINEER. You only focus on entry-level fulfillment center EMPLOYEES. You never tslk about the very well paid employees except when crying about the rent, ironic. On one hand bezos is a damn near slave owner, on the other, all of his six figure employees in Seattle are driving up rent...which one, or both. Jeff is not sitting on $130 billion in cash. Its in stocks and if he cashed out, well he can't. Everyone else would sell too. How about INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY comes to play and you stop letting government and liberal media scare you into poverty. Fight! Oh yeah, but you all are statists at heart, that worship government. Socialism/communism. You're getting it now. Checks from government not enough, rations, empty stores, curfews, list of can/can't do. This is what you asked for isn't it?


Give me a damn break,man.
We all love the state.
Indeed it's interesting how we only hate police,jails and courts when it comes to officially imposed "curfews".lol
(Although anyone who's ever taken a walk to get something to eat in the middle of the night in a major city knows that curfews have always existed unofficially,and we accept them without controversy.)

Bottom line--we can all--disaffected,freedom-loving leftists and rightists--call for the abolition of the state tommorow and guess who's going to resist this the most?
You got it.The Jeff Bezos of the world and his "individual liberty" loving loyalists.

This explains precisely why,after the liberal press made a New Deal liberal like Bernie out to be Karl Marx personified for simply calling for what most advanced capitalist countries already have, Meghan McCain and the rest of the US ruling class are now willing to go further to the left than Bernie and resort to America's version of Warfare Communism(the Defense Protection Act)now that capital and its state is in crisis.


Pretty sure the taxes Bezos has payed, has likely given more back than either of you have ever contributed.
I wish all of you pathetic, begging, "boo hoo" mes, and racists are bad, but i'll call someone a cracker, and think it's okay, (hyprocital and pathetic). Will find yourselfs where you truly belong. With the rats, snakes, and fleas.


@24 part of my annual compensation is this year 17 shares of common amazon stock. These shares are granted when hired, and take 3 years to fully vest. My normal tax rate on my basr pay is like 20%. When i sell those shares its taxrd at 35% thank you.



Raising the tax?! Mehlman, you leftist! What about liberty? Something something .. liberal media! Socialism! Bootstraps!

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