So youre telling me I shouldnt be using my laptop only on my lap...?
So you're telling me I shouldn't be using my laptop only on my lap...? Nathalie Graham

My body is being consumed by a very old leather couch. My lower back, which slips incrementally lower in the couch as each minute ticks by, has ceased its lower-back duties and is slowly starting to assume the responsibilities of my ass. I am using the armrest as a desk, my neck and shoulders pointing in opposite ways as I work. Why I ponder, does everything ache?

It's ergonomics.

This is not how I always sit working from home. Sometimes I am laying down. Sometimes my knees are up. Sometimes I am at the table which is too low and sitting in the chair that is stiff. Quarantine has done many things but mostly it has thrown ergonomics out the window. And only so much at-home yoga can help undo my missteps.

Ergonomics means "relating to or designed for efficiency and comfort in the working environment." Governor Jay Inslee's office released an ergonomic tipsheet for how to achieve this in the working from home environment.

Oh... This is what we should be doing.
Oh... This is what we should be doing. Courtesy of Washington State Department of Labor & Industries

The more I read it, the more my body is screaming at me to make a change.

Courtesy of Washington State Department of Labor & Industries

So, I am contemplating looking for a better desk situation or a book pile to mount my laptop on or... do you have any suggestions? Send me your ergonomic-friendly working from home situations. I've asked on twitter but only one person has responded: