

The real quarantine guidelines should be;
"Did you vote Republican in the last 14 years?"


SECURITY: “Governor, these right-wingers are revolting!”
GOVERNOR: “Tell me something I don’t know!”


So the coronavirus mutates. So does the flu virus quite regularly and routinely. Revised annual flu vaccines continue to help keep the flu at bay. So too it will go with coroavirus.. Almost every year will see a revised or new vaccine cocktail.

Remember, the New York Times is in the financial toilet and it will print almost anything now to try to goose revenue, even stories about UFOs that were never fact checked. It's becoming more and more like the New York Post every day.

Everybody just take a deep breath and not worry about the virus mutating until there's empirical evidence that it is.


Turns out you’re not healthy if you’re obese and COVID knows it.


“ Obesity may be one of the most important predictors of severe coronavirus illness, new studies say. It’s an alarming finding for the United States, which has one of the highest obesity rates in the world.”


@8: LOL every thread huh? Baby, it's not like we all don't already know how you feel about fat people.


7 - The NYT is in the financial toilet?

Their stock price was up 150% over the last 3 years as of February this year, and they've been recording profits since 2018. Digital subscriptions are way up...thanks to Trump.

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