Charli XCX drops how im feeling now, a record made in five weeks while social distancing at her house.
Charli XCX drops how i'm feeling now, a record made in five weeks while social distancing at her house. Courtesy of Atlantic Records
San Francisco nonprofit Internet Archive buys Ballard's Bop Street Records entire 500,000 record collection sight unseen: after owner Dave Voorhees announced that the store will be closing at the end of June. The Seattle Times reports the exact price will be determined once the collection can be sifted through, but Internet Archive has already sent a check and signed a contract. The money will go to Vorhees's retirement fund.

Lawmakers in the House of Representatives can now vote remotely: The Democrats approved a rule change that will—for the first time in the chamber's history—allow representatives to vote by proxy while away from Washington during the coronavirus pandemic, reports CNN.

Next up: a $3 trillion coronavirus stimulus package. Watch the live stream of debate and voting below:

Coronavirus could have been in Washington state earlier than we thought: COVID-19 antibodies were found in two Snohomish county residents who had a respiratory illness in December, three weeks before the first case of the virus was confirmed. Though many of their symptoms were consistent with coronavirus, positive antibody tests can't definitely say when someone contracted it. Public health officials will not include these cases in their counts, but this development certainly throws the official timeline of coronavirus in our state for a loop. Read more here.

Noted patron of terror and state Rep. Matt Shea failed to file for reelection: Thank God.

J.C. Penney files for bankruptcy: Coming on the heels of J.Crew and Neiman Marcus, the store is one of the largest retail casualties of the pandemic thus far with almost 85,000 employees and dozens of locations in malls across the country. This was an expected move after the company failed to make an interest payment on its debt in April, reports the New York Times. Damn. I got my first relaxer at J.C. Penney when I was 12. R.I.P. to a real one.

Hyper pop princess Charli XCX dropped an album: made entirely in quarantine. how i'm feeling now will make you miss the club. And your friends. And outside. Listen with caution (and good headphones).

Vice Media lays off 155 employees: citing declining revenue due to the, you know, worldwide pandemic. New York media is in a tailspin of layoffs after Condé Nast, publisher of Vogue, Pitchfork, and the New Yorker, laid off 100 employees and furloughed 100 more yesterday. Being a journalist is always an unstable profession and this crisis only exacerbates it.

Bavarian Meats in Pike Place Market set to close at the end of this month after more than half a century of sausage making, reports the Seattle P.I.

Blaring truck horns could be heard during President Trump's press conference in the Rose Garden today: Trump said the truckers were "showing support," but in fact, they had been protesting the lack of targeted assistance from the government during the pandemic.

Trump's Space Force unveiled its official flag today: I think it looks like it was made in PowerPoint, but my colleagues disagree. What do you think?

Facebook buys GIF library GIPHY for $400 million: The social media site said that it plans to integrate the platform into Instagram, which Facebook also owns. On one hand, maybe GIF reacts will become a thing on Instagram. On the other hand, Facebook acquiring other websites can't be good.

The U.S. is projected to surpass 100,000 coronavirus deaths by June 1: tweets CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield.

I don't even like cats (I'm allergic), but look at this cute kitty: Oh, to be a furry four-legged creature snoozing on a bed of dried flower packets! Some mammals just have all the luck!