

Cute pic of Fake 'prez' holding book he cannot read in front of building he'd never enter. Seems like an excellent Lightning Rod, he does. God musta been Snoozin'...


Going to get our own Tienanmen Square at this rate.


Biden’s speech was great. It should put to rest the senility thing


@9 You'd think that, but let's not forget that there are still a lot of Federal Judicial appointments on the line. I think this bullshit is far from over. I think Trump is about 2 broken windows in the White House away from attempting to declare some kind of national martial law and getting rid of elections -- you know, just until everything is safe again.


Think Kent State - 50 years later!


Joe Biden our savior. Author of 1994 crime bill. Promiser to corporate America that we'd have business as usual. Believer that Marijuana is a gateway drug. Man who yesterday suggested asking police to shoot unarmed people in the legs. Yeah. More change we can believe in.


Carole gets the land, tigers gotta go.


@8- how did you get there re crate and barrel? Jesus, you truly are an oxygen thief.


Both parties are not the same. Both parties ARE part of the problem and neither is part of the solution. Our choices are Neoliberalism now and Fascism later. Or Fascism now and Neoliberalism later. The Democrats are not on anybody's side but corporate America. They will tamp this down slightly less brutally than the Republicans and then pass a meaningless reform or 2 and roll onward until the next explosion of anger and grief. That's all they are going to do. Don't delude yourselves. They don't care.


@21- windows are pretty well boarded up, could be a staging area? Anyhoo, you're still a mouth breathing halfwit and any one of the people involved with the tiger king mess is infinitely more interesting than you.


philosophy school dropout dear, I don't think you were a dropout. I think you were a flunky.

Your undergraduate mentality, where you fancy yourself as some sort of jaded observer of the body politic, has been around forever. It's like an intellectual mullet. It may wow the denizens of whatever retrograde chat room you are the boss of, but it isn't even acceptable to us charitable people on Slog.

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