
Here's another big march to signal boost for tomorrow. The Doctors for Justice March will kick off Saturday June 6 at 9 am and march from Harborview Medical Center to Seattle City Hall. Here are the demands that Doctors for Justice listed on their flyer:

  • End policing that is violent against marginalized populations, particularly our Black communities (e.g., racial profiling, stop and frisk, gang injunctions, criminalization of homelessness)

  • Redirect funds from law enforcement agencies to community-based programs for harm prevention, intervention, and transformative justice

  • Stop and reverse militarization of law enforcement

  • Eliminate legislative and union contract provisions that shield the police from accountability

  • Declare records of all investigations of law enforcement brutality with associated materials as public property and ensure public accessibility

  • Immediately end the violence against protestors. We stand in solidarity with them!

  • Stranger EverOut has a guide to Seattle resistance events here.