

Stunning work! So many ways to make a city more liveable. I hope people (also) find a clean interior when they walk through the doors.


The people who paint graffiti and vandalize their own homes have no respect for beautification projects or white do-gooderism. And they, in fact, are the People; the proletariat, as it were, for whom the educated liberal hearts bleed.

It's an age old problem. In an individualistic culture, based on competition and exclusion, the excluded will reject all that is provided by the winners, even if it is to their benefit.

This thing will be a scrawled eyesore again soon enough.

Only when the lowest in society are raised to live in comfort and with respect, and the public works are of high quality and are shared by all, does a culture of civic pride arise.

This is why Americans can't have nice things.


Lipstick on a pig.

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