

What an excellent article. Thank you! Some of the hostile architecture in Pioneer Square that still remains today, like the spikes on certain rails in areas where rent boys would congregate, also date back to the neighborhood's vibrant gay past.


Yes, great post!
And don't forget the 611 on 2nd Ave.
The good old days, when Seattle had both sleazy bars and sleazy politicians. Only the latter remains.


the wild rose is in trouble, use this space to boost them! existing queer spaces need to be mentioned while they're still around!


Shelley’s Leg and The Double Header!!!! South End Steam Baths!!! 611!!!


And don’t forget The Marine Room at The Olympic Hotel. While not a gay bar per se, it was well-known as a cruising spot, and the nearby pay toilets in the men’s room on the arcade level of the hotel were like little buddy booths. Just go in there with your shopping bag :-)


Great article.


The Old Sonya's was swallowed up by the convention center - as was its neighbor, a place called The Gay 90's (which wasn't overtly gay, but you could usually find some "Friends of Dorothy" lurking in there.


Fantastic stuff, thanks


I am FAR too young to have been to Shelly's Leg, but I remember the explosion on the viaduct. That was a BFD. Everytime I came to Seattle in those days something exploded....


I’m way dating myself, but there was also Tugs on Occidental before they moved to Belltown. And also there was a place to watch go-go boys right there at Yesler and Occidental. And a place downstairs across from Merchants Cafe on Yesler called The 615 ( I think??)




The Mirror on Pike Street near the market. Old school working-class and drifter gays.

The 611 was scary. At least in the 90s, it seemed to be a transvestite Pacific Islander joint.


I was at the 611 one night when they tossed this scary old drunk out. She told everyone in the bar that she was going to go home and get her shotgun and come back to "take us all out".

And one shouldn't forget The Frontier Room in Belltown. Rough lesbian bar.


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