

Thankful to have better things to do with my time than meticulously parse blog posts on sites whose ideology I don't agree with and then whine incessantly when their reporters verbiage doesn't adhere to my own biased narrative. What a sad and depressingly miserable existence that must be.


Remember when Fualaau and Letourneau were hosting "Hot for Teacher" DJ sets around town? That was awesomely sad.


The Mays shooting happened on your doorstep, in the middle of a story the Stranger was covering 24/7, and "it's unclear exactly what happened"?


So cops aren't supposed to murder people or support rape? Where does it end with you SJWs?


Can we use some of that sweet wall money Mexico sent us and give it to the schools? Maybe cut class sizes down to 10:1 so the kids can social distance and possible get more attention and do better in school? Just spitballing here.


@10 what a strange thing to feel the need to defend



So I'm not sure if you're familiar with what the 24 in "24/7" coverage is referencing, but it's the number of hours in a day. So when a news organization is providing such coverage it's an indication they've got reporters up in the middle of the night providing live updates and such. I'm fairly certain Stranger reporters were all asleep when the shooting took place.


@20 Don't worry, raindrops has assured me there are nuances to child rape. As The Stranger's Great Equivocator he finally took a stance. Albeit a pro-pedo one, but it's a start I guess.


One million cases of COVID-19 in the United States in the last 28 days, but please, continue to pretend there is nothing to see here.


Since the first cases were detected in China in December, the United States has become the worst-affected country, with more than 3 million diagnosed cases and at least 131,666 deaths.


Ah even the news has the numbers wrong: # of deaths 134,309


"King County Metro Transit employees, who have spent their pandemics on the front lines, will likely lose out on three years worth of cost of living raises in order to cut costs and save their jobs. "

Some of the cuts are inevitable. But Seattle is in the process of making it worse. Rather than propose a 0.2% sales tax for Metro service in the city, they are proposing 0.1% ( This is being driven by Durkan and Alex Pedersen. Pedersen has publicly opposed transit funding twice ("Move Seattle" and ST3) and both times it was to oppose the taxes, not particular issues with the proposals. I'm not sure why Durkan wants a small proposal, but it is possible she still has fantasies of higher office (e. g. governor) and wants to appeal to anti-tax zealots in the rest of the state. In this case, this is a very tiny tax (a dime on a $100 purchase) and the cuts to transit service and staff will be painful.

The rest of the council should push for a larger sales tax (0.2%). I can't imagine anyone voting for the smaller tax, but not the bigger one.


@6 You aren't just reading the morning papers. You are also, as @4 notes, bitching on SLOG about it. Incessantly.

What @4 is telling you is that he believes it would be a depressingly miserable existence to be such a little bitch. To be a tiny furious helpless bitch, like you.


Can we find out what the super expensive private schools the president sends his kid and grandkids too are doing about COVID and do that for all schools or nah?


Nathalie, in addition to Metro staff working front lines only to see wage and benefits reduced, look to hospitals. Much is said about 'hazard pay'. None is seen on the front-lines where low-wage workers toil. These workers have faced furlough, frozen wages, a disallowance of the use of accrued sick and vacation times and delays in retirement plan contributions. The ones at greatest exposure--CNA's, Sterile Processing Technicians, Housekeepers--are getting the shaft.


200 yrs. ago it was acceptable for an older person to marry an adolescent. It was also acceptable to punish people for being black or homosexual.

Today it is a reversal, and while common sentiment would say this is justice, in truth it just goes to show the subjective nature of morals and how laws follow them. We could say an adolecent's brain is poorly developed, but in truth we know about zip in the way of how the brain actually works.

The hypocrisy is I see a number of homo's who jump in the lead to bash such cases - deliberately weaponize the term 'statutory rape- in place of an objectively truthful description which at least cares to discriminate between what is consensual and what is not.

It is equally hypocritical that the city makes a show of getting a black female cheif then the public media reprimand's her for sympathizing with someone who has been castigated by society on entirely subjective grounds.

Judging from the complete lack of individual discernment, the author of this article would have been someone writing to promote the dehumanization of homosexuals blacks and even women at work were she born two centuries ago.


" it took SPD five hours to arrive at the scene of the crime despite 911 calls"- well, CHOP medics had it handled, correct? Also, protestors weren't saying "fuck the police, unless we need them".

@23- welcome back, xina!



How do you know the race of the CHOP shooter(s)?


It's certainly not being reported anywhere else that I could find. And if you're just posting speculative heresy as fact, and using it to then attack the credibility of The Stranger's reporting, then you're not just a bitch, but also a hypocritical piece of fucking shit who should have their profile banned immediately.



Some social workers specialize in dealing with potentially violent people; there's a whole field of study on the subject, along with course practicums and training on how to de-escalate situations where individuals might harm either themselves or others. Unfortunately, cops in most states aren't required to learn such tactics (WA only began mandating such training for LEO's last December). If we HAD sent in a social worker it's entirely possible, even very likely that Charleena Lyles AND her children AND the Crisis Intervention Specialst(s) would all be alive today.


No one believes for a second you care about the "child in the Jeep" or any other BIPOC people for that matter.

As for the "imaginary cop" who pepper-sprayed the kid, that must be a pretty good trick seeing has they were recorded by multiple witnesses. Maybe they're just all experts at deepfaking or whatever.


If they're following in his footsteps they're probably hiring some low-wage proxy to go to school for them...


@ 38;

'sexual abuse; - see there you go weaponizing blanket terms that indiscriminately throw anyone who had sex with someone younger than they but just not at the age deemed appropriate by social norms all into the same bucket. Yet it is 'objective' - not because of age, but because she is a teacher and he a student? GTFOH - Teachers are new phenomena on most the world and even here if you go back only a century. Again - arbitrary morals.

And I don't protest too much - this is literally the opposite; counter-protest of the socially correct hypocrisy that so characterized progressive movements which spawn more vitriol than those that which they oppose, only they do so in such a cute and palatable way we just HAVE to make it a law.


But I love blanket terms too - they brought us racism, homophobia, and xenophobia,


So a 16 year old left his family in San Diego, traveled up to Seattle on his own (by unknown means) and 5 days later ends up being murdered in the CHOP and that doesn't raise any questions amongst the SLOG faithful? We'd rather talk about Mary Kay? If you read the Seattle Times article his family seems to be like oh, he was into mischief like any other kid. That is some seriously messed up shit right there.


650 cases linked to churches across the US is not a lot of cases



Given the many atrocities it's wrought, it'd not be terribly difficult to make the case that religion is evil. It's objective stupidity on the other hand, is a case that need not even be made, so obvious is it.


No matter who it is, you can always be sad of someone dying young from cancer.

It's sad that, apart from the post-mortem savaging of news about this (which the person dying will never see), you fail to understand that. One hopes people won't have to strike such a measured tone about an early death of someone you know.

It made me think of my first cousin who died in her mid-20s of bone cancer, actually. Not that she ever did anything of great note, but cancer is a horrible way to go.


Neuroscientists warn that we may face a wave of 'Covid linked brain damage'.

"My worry is that we have millions of people with COVID-19 now. And if in a year's time we have 10 million recovered people, and those people have cognitive deficits ... then that's going to affect their ability to work and their ability to go about activities of daily living." Dr. Adrian Owen, Neuroscientist


@8 @14 The Stranger’s coverage of CHOP was not only not 24, it wasn’t 7 either. That extends to most anything during the protests. Most recently the Taylor murder and sealing of the street mural. Both of those took The Stranger a couple of days to report and even then it’s mostly a rehash of what was covered by other outlets. They deleted a nearly 60 post comments thread when Chase damn near broke his arm patting himself on the back for the victory lap he took last Friday.



Still waiting, bitch.

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