Character Study Jul 17, 2020 at 6:30 pm

Seattle's papier-mâché mayor is booked and busy.



Where's the news?


PATRICE: Everyone in my family's creative. And even though I'm working as an accountant
now I'd really like to eventually live exclusively on my pappe-ay mache-ay hats

GEORGE:I don't understand. Paper Machay hats?

PATRICE: uh uh

GEORGE:What if it rains?

FD: They're art. You hang them on the wall.

GEORGE:Oh, art!

PATRICE: It's my creative outlet. One of my passions.

GEORGE:Any money in it?

PATRICE: Who so belongs only to his age, references only popenjays and mumbo jumbos

GEORGE:Of course, right


I liked the part about not being a wealthy donor, thus not receiving a call from Durkan's office.


"I am ashamed to admit that I am not a wealthy political donor, so I have not heard from the mayor's office." --'mayor' Teargas

I found MY Hero.
cough cough


Norm Stamper lost his job over tear gas use during WTO and regrets his decisions to this day.

Seems like a bizarre choice for an example of judicious use of chemical weapons against civilians.


Raindrop, were you here during WTO? As someone who was tear gassed on Capitol Hill during the WTO demonstrations I can say nobody I knew was applauding the use of tear gas. My friend who got hit with a "rubber" bullet on the way back to his apartment during WTO didn't give it a thumbs up.
I DO remember everyone cheering the fire department when they turned down a police request for fire hoses by saying "call us when there's a fire."


@16: And if those people had been around in MLK's day, they'd have vilified him for daring to oppose the war against Vietnam and for coming to the realization that racism couldn't be defeated without the creation of a full employment economy, without economic revival in the black and brown communities that was directed and controlled by those communities, and without an all-out effort to totally eradicate poverty throughout the land.


That should have been "@15", not "@16". Dammit Savage, let us edit our posts already.

And btw, Art, The Rocket never supported hardline police tactics like tear gas and rubber bullets.

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