

Kinda don't get the opposition to Piglord delivering his acceptance speech from the WH. Yeah, it's a publicly held space, but it's also where the guy happens to live, unfortunately. And as such is a million times better than his staging an actual convention someplace, which he'd almost certainly prefer so as to give his slobbering, sycophantic, base the opportunity to kiss his ass and spread their infectious cooties all over the fucking place. I get that it's not ideal, but given the circumstances, I'm actually ok with it.


1 - Mar-a-Lago would be the ideal venue for Trump's acceptance speech.


I vote for the 7th circle of Hell!


He should do the acceptance speech in a bankrupt casino in Atlantic City.


Alyssa Milano was my crush when I was a tween. Her and Rebecca De Mornay. Risky Business... wow!


Beirut- Terrible loss to an already ravaged country, torn by meddling neighbors, economic hardship, and decades of ethnic strife.

Our rapidly incoherent prez- yo Semites towering- hinted last night the explosion started by a bomb. He said some generals told him that, though couldn't name any and military officials said no such information was conveyed.
Apparently known to @ 6 as "The Portland Federal Court savior."


1 - it should be in Moscow

That said, both the President and VP are constitutionally permitted to do the campaign speech on federal grounds. They're the only people exempted, actually. So we need the police to arrest all the staff who work on it, every single one, and perp walk them out over Black Lives Matter Boulevard when it happens.



I second this! I would love to have Trump show up in Portland and see what happens. He doesn't have the balls though. He and his band of idiots will do their circlejerk from the safety of his bunker or something.



I would accept that - IF he's locked in a cell while giving the speech...

Also, I realize there are very few of us here of "a certain age" with PNW roots, but we lost one of the giants of Seattle radio yesterday. Pat O'Day was almost single-handedly responsible for getting first-wave of the "Northwest Sound" (think: The Wailers, The Kingsmen, The Sonics, The Ventures, et-al) into the national music spotlight during the 1960's through mid-'70's. In addition he ran a number of music clubs in the area, including the legendary Spanish Castle, and his Concerts West promotion company did a lot of the early pioneering work to also get them seen and heard by audiences outside the region; in it's heyday CW was the biggest concert promoter in the country. He was also the voice of the annual Seafair hydro races for many, many years. I had the pleasure of conversing with him several times over the past 15 years - he was a class act all the way. He'll be missed.'Day



I honestly feel like he saw an explosion and just naturally assumed bomb, owing to the child-like prism through which he views the world and that sort of mindset's over-reliance on pop culture and action movies as viable sources of information and knowledge. And because he has no filter for what comes out of his mouth, nor inclination to actually seek out information from well informed people, we wind up subject to baseless and potentially dangerous insinuations of terrorism.



*failed shrug emoji


@12: yeah, I would say that cheeto is as dumb as a box of rocks, but that would be an insult to a box of rocks.


The explosion in Beirut explosion was most likely caused by 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate stored in a warehouse (known as hanger 12) that had been seized in 2013>

The ammonium nitrate had shipped from Batumi, in Georgia, on Sept. 23, 2013, aboard the M/V Rhosus, bound for Mozambique, the ship was registered in Moldova as a Flag of convenience, and owned by a Russian named Igor Grechushkin, whose last known address was Cyprus. He did not answer calls to his mobile phone on Wednesday. His LinkedIn page appeared to have been deleted.

The Lebanese Port State Control were shocked at the condition of the ship and refused to allow it to sail.

Most crew except the Master and four crew members were repatriated and shortly afterwards the vessel was abandoned by her owners after charterers and cargo concern lost interest in the cargo.

The vessel quickly ran out of stores, bunker and provisions,” reads a note posted online by Baroudi & Associates, a Lebanese law firm that, acting on behalf of “various” unnamed creditors, obtained an order to have the ship arrested.

After a year the Master and four remaining crew members were allowed to depart the ship and return to their native Ukraine.

Owing to the risks associated with retaining the ammonium nitrate on board the vessel, the port authorities discharged the cargo onto the port’s warehouses.

It is now believed that welding in hanger 12 started a fire, which led to the explosion.

This is somewhat similar to the explosion in Teas City Texas USA that occurred in April of 1947.


Remember in 2018 when Steve Bannon was trying to put anti-establishment flunkies in Congress? That didn't go so well. Now even "voter fraud activist" Kris Kobach can't catch a break from his former pal Trump. Guess Trump is part of the establishment now. Next thing you know he'll start a war in the Middle East like his GOP masters want him to do. The Swamp 2020--It Is What It Is.


@ 19
Not by much if any. Police use of force and the need to justify the flood military gear surplus are the main reasons, and that needs to be changed.
Now add to this that in the name of "small government" and a growing economic disparity we just toss mentally disabled and others to the street, which apparently take a higher toll on society than a more balanced and nuanced system. Having to constantly deal with people on the edge is also taking a toll on police officers and may erode their sense of safety and tolerance.
If you want to help policing make sure you also have other programs and tools to deal with people in need.


Well, obviously Washington State just conducted another successful vote-by-mail election.
Yet many people express some concern that a national vote-by-mail election would somehow overwhelm and collapse the Postal Service.
This is absurd.
Early in my working career, 1973- 1978, I worked in a variety of different jobs at the Post Office, from being a temporary letter-carrier to clerk to mail-handler, at a variety of different facilities, from the airport to the old Terminal Annex to University Station.
And note this was a time when people got MUCH more mail per capita than they do now. Particularly during Xmas season, everyone, I mean everyone got a lot of Xmas cards.
Believe me, the US Post Office easily, easily has the capacity to process a shitload of uniform-sized, easily identifiable mail-in ballots.
We could have even managed that back in the pre-zip code, pre-automation era.
Whatever weak link in the chain conservatives want to cast doubt upon, the Post Office isn't it.


@19 Yes because it’s perfectly acceptable to stand by and watch you colleague murder someone. That’s what happened here. Four cops restrained one man while one of them killed him then kept going after the victim had no pulse nor did they attempt life saving techniques. They were complicit and participated in the murder of this man and need to be prosecuted accordingly.


@6: By that logic, he should give equal consideration to delivering the speech from the vacuum of space while floating in orbit, because he's protecting us all through SPPAAAAAACCCEEE FFOOORRRRCCCE!



I believe the legal term is "accessory to murder"...

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