

I ordered it in pink. I got both sizes, and will give away the one that fits least well. Thanks for the recommendation.


The two photos focused on your untrimmed neck are catnip to pogonophiles.


@4 -- Bingo.

"Freely you have received,
freely give" is for Sissies only.

Let's us all be more like tightwad trumpf
and Steal Steal Steal to our heart's Content.


@3: You really don't understand how they work do you. And you attacking @1's innocuous comment to signal that you are completely lacking in virtue is a solid gold self own. Kudos!
( Oh and I ordered 7) xoxo


The design and cut looks excellent, indeed. Superior to most I've seen so far.
How does it fit across the top of the nose? Is there something that allows you to squeeze it close to your bridge? Like a twist of malleable metal wire, or something?

As a bicyclist and a glasses-wearer, achieving a ~very~ close fit on the nose bridge is critical to me. I've opted for fabricating my own nose-bridge sealing device.

More critically, "3 layers of cotton" ?? Is there no "replaceable filter pocket" ?
I question the choice of all-cotton construction, and share @3's concern about moisture creating an effective viral transport route through all three layers. Especially if one is breathing hard.

The early mask construction messaging strongly suggested using ~different~ fabrics to create a more complex filter, especially using "non-woven" materials that eliminate the thread-gap dangers of woven fabrics.
Viruses are really very very small you know. 180-thread count? Might as well be a hanger door left wide open.

Specific-brand plasticky Blue Shop Towels were ID'd as being non-woven & very effective.
As were Vacuum Cleaner bags: non-woven & sufficiently dense.
Coffee filters were a NO, and considered incubators when wet.
Nylon was seen positively as being negatively-charged and hydrophobic, both useful factors in repelling the virus' cell which is allegedly negatively-charged.

More recently, POLYPROPYLENE fabric has emerged as a ~very~ strong choice for "middle layer" filter material. It is also hydrophobic, negatively-charged, AND specifically non-woven.

I've discovered that Reusable Grocery Shopping Bags are frequently 100% Polypropylene, and appear to be a relatively high density. (measured in "GSM" - grams per square meter. 100 GSM is good.). Check the tag inside the bag to find the 100% polypropylene ones.

It appears that this virus is definitely infectious via <5µm "aerosolized" droplets that float in air WELL past the 6-ft "social distancing" boundary. Masks are critical to avoiding this fucker. And being able to filter out aerosolized sub-5-micro-meter airborne droplets seems especially useful, since this virus is 'highly contagious'.

Cotton is fine as a layer against your skin. But I don't believe cotton is nearly a sufficient filter, even with three layers.

My $0.10
keep the change.

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