University Bridge getting a shower yesterday afternoon. Reached for comment, the bridge says, Ahhhhhhhhh.
University Bridge getting a shower yesterday afternoon. Reached for comment, the bridge says, "Ahhhhhhhhh." SDOT

Last night in SODO: "At least 18 people were arrested in Seattle Sunday night when a riot was declared during an anti-police demonstration... just south of downtown," CNN reports. "Police did not say what charges the arrestees face."

Hot town, summer in the city: "Sunday was Seattle’s hottest day in 11 years."

The city gave several bridges showers over the weekend: To keep them from overheating.

Each bridge got two showers throughout the day: "These cool showers are necessary because high temperatures cause steel to expand which can potentially pose challenges for draw bridges that go up and down throughout the day," an SDOT spokesperson tells The Stranger. The bridges that got two showers each yesterday were the Ballard, Fremont, and University Bridges, each closed for approximately 10 minutes at a time per shower.

Electric scooters come to White Center: The county launches a pilot program today.

Who are Seattle's essential workers? 63 percent of them are women, according to the Seattle Times.

The Democratic National Convention starts today: Here's a schedule of everything happening today. Tonight's headliners are Bernie Sanders and Michelle Obama.

Bernie Sanders, whom The Stranger endorsed for president back in February, speaks tonight. As does Michelle Obama.
Bernie Sanders, whom The Stranger endorsed for president back in February, speaks tonight. Illustration by Jaya Nicely

As bad as everything is, at least we don't live in New Jersey: "In addition to a series of coronavirus restrictions, state authorities have placed eight counties under additional quarantine because of an exotic and invasive insect known as the spotted lanternfly."

As bad as everything is, at least we don't live in North Carolina: Voters are getting absentee ballot request forms with President Trump's face on them. "Is this a joke?" said one voter.

As bad as everything is, at least we don't live in Georgia: "As coronavirus cases among young people continue to spread throughout the country, videos posted to social media show a large gathering near one Georgia college with partiers crowded together and not appearing to wear masks." Look at these absolute assholes:

More than 1,000 people in the US have died from coronavirus nearly every day this month: Another cheerful headline from CNN.

New COVID outbreak in New Zealand: Consists of 12 cases. That's right! New Zealand is so freaked out by 12 cases that they're moving their election till October. "The report of 12 locally transmitted cases... ended an enviable run of more than 100 days without any locally transmitted infections."

Man punches shark: To save his wife, whose leg was in the shark's mouth.

Need some ideas of how to move around more even though you're staying home? New York Times had a bunch of ideas a couple days ago.

Feeling thirsty? The Stranger's summer drinking issue comes out today—although since we don't have printed newspapers these days, the stories will be rolled out all week on Slog, starting later this morning... just in time for all your Democratic Nat'l Convention drinking games.

Is 8:30 am too early to order another Black Power Peach Sour from Poco? Yes, yes it is. They arent even open on Mondays.
Is 8:30 am too early to order another Black Power Peach Sour from Poco? Yes, yes it is. They aren't even open on Mondays. Photo by Christopher Frizzelle

The earliest you can get yourself one of these cocktails in a bag from Poco: Is tomorrow at 4:15 pm. Here's their menu.