

"There was a time, many years ago, when furries were the much-maligned target of mockery online, and an occasional target of derision in mass media."

Somehow including this in a SLOG article, open to the usual comments, seems like it's an attempt to disprove the statement.


@1 - care to elaborate?


god dammit. no no no no no. no mainstreaming fucking costume kinks as an identity. no. fuck your fursona.





Yeah, that WOULD be your standard of equating a cult of pedophile-obsessed conspiracy theorists with a relatively benign group of people who like to dress up in animal costumes. I swear, you get dumber by the day...


The furries are harmless. It's the academics that must be stopped.


No worse or more absurd than the shriners


@13- I will say that the furries are not known for soliciting "charitable" donations that pay for trips to vegas.


I know that people walking around in animal costumes because they are paid to do so is not the same as people walking around in animal costumes because they want to, but Disney's market cap is something like $241 Billion. Not as lucrative as selling one's soul to Satan, but not peanuts.

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