

Willing to bet good money Moscow Mitch will be all, "WE NEED TO APPOINT A NEW JUSTICE ASAP! Election? What about it? I have no idea what you're talking about?"


Well, fuck.




Watching this nation’s collapse is like a horror movie come true.

We’re trapped in a living nightmare.


Sympathy to the family of the late Justice.


Hold off nominating anyone to get the birthers to the polls.
Nominate Jared since he's done managing the pandemic and has nothing to do.
Dismantle democracy during terms 2 and 3


Congratulations to those too "principled" to "settle" for Hillary!

Legal abortion: Gone
Affordable Care Act: Gone
Any future chance of single-payer for this generation: Gone
Gay Marriage: Reversed
Climate Change Laws: Gone
Any Notion of Separation of Church/State: Gone
Voting Access: Gone
Other Protections of our Vulnerable: Dead and Buried

We are now officially racing headlong into an Straight White Male Theocratic Authoritarianism. No Democrat President will be able to change that.


$hitler already has vowed to install Nazi QAnon or some other tongue-talking, snake-handling lunatic against the American people.


@7 RIP. I doubt she'll get her last request. She was very foolish not to retire back in '13-'14.


We have to take back the senate and a Biden win and then expand the SCOTUS. This is awful. But also, RIP but in more ways than one.


@11 - Those important decisions could have been decided by a new, young and healthy democrat-appointed justice.

But yeah, aside from that unwise decision, a hero for sure.


Now, over the next couple months, we'll all get to witness once again how broken this country is


Thank you for your great work, Justice Ginsburg. Rest in peace.


2020 is officially the worst year ever.


More proof that god is a facist.


The replacement is imnediate!! McConnell wouldn't wait one freaking second.
Trump will sue after he loses the election, as the mailed results tricke in.
The Supremes invalidate the election with a post RGB court.
It was a nice democracy while it lasted.


No nominations until the new President is sworn in.




I'm thinking that, between the wildfires and RBG, Ben Folds needs to add a verse to his (actually lovely) song, "2020."

Of course, y'all know what would REALLY make this the worst year ever.


@25 - If FDR couldn't do it after a true landslide victory in '36, the vast majority of the public on his side and more than a super-majority of the Senate behind him, the middling Biden damn sure will not be able to with barely half the Senate and barely half the public.


First off, I pay my respects to RGB.

RGB should have retired years ago during the Obama admin. That’s not hindsight. That’s what many of us were saying back then. She ended up undoing a lot or maybe even all of the good she did over the years by being selfish.

Republicans are getting off right now to the news headlines at the top of Fox, CNN, and especially the HuffPost (some like to mix in a little hate-reading).

Republicans are going to keep being Republicans, and will have a Republican stooge confirmed before Trumps 2nd term/Bidens 1st term starts.

Democrats are going to be helpless to do anything about it. That’s partly their own fault, but what will really be upsetting is they’re not going to show the kind of response and outcry that this will demand. They never do. They’ll be some half-hearted tv news appearances, and kind of helplessly shrug their shoulders.

The Supreme Court in its current form is irrecoverably a political branch of government that is not directly elected by the people and currently not representative of the people, and for the last few decades, has largely been a tool of Conservatives and the Republican party.

The curtain behind the Supreme Court has been slowly revealed, and what many are finally starting to realize is these people are not the best, brightest and wisest in our nation. Many of them are the same idiots that frequent these comment sections, they just happen to have the power of “law” and their politically-appointed position to rationalize their political agenda. They are the law equivalent of tealeaves readers.

Assuming we don’t succumb to Putin-level authoritarianism, and that’s a huge assumption at this point, it’s going to be the 2050’s or later before the supreme court is restructured into a more representative political branch of government, and decades from now, people will be saying “I can’t believe it ended up taking 30 years for this to get fixed.”

There’s a very good chance that our democracy will never recover and life will be very similar to Russia within a couple more decades. It didn’t even take a “Red Dawn”-like invasion. We did it to ourselves.

We are so screwed. I pray for us.

@7 Morty, exactly.

@11 Prof, exactly on the outdated court. RGB should have retired in Obama’s first two years. She was already in her mid-late 70’s by then.

@17 Rev Polarity, Sigh, yeah it is. :-(


@29 jackkay, It may not happen, but I'm not sure I understand your reasoning. In what way do you think the election being "too close" will prevent Republicans from installing whatever stooge they want before jan 20th? Is there a legal procedure to prevent this? Are we supposed to count on the kindness of Republicans?


Original Andrew @4 -- You did everything in your power to see Clinton defeated in 2016, did you not?

"But you who philosophize disgrace and criticize all fears
Take the rag away from your face
Now ain't the time for your tears."



No, it's because you're a fucking moron who can't string three simple letters together without becoming confused. Just because you're a fucking moron, doesn't mean the rest of us are.


Rest in Power, Saint Ginsburg.

One of my favorite quotes of hers:

"I'm sometimes asked when will there be enough [women on the supreme court]?
And I say when there are NINE, people are shocked.
But there's been nine men, and nobody's ever raised a question about that."


37's Projecting
as per Ususal

you'll be Missed.


38, edited:
37's Projecting
as per Usual
you'll be Missed.

[WHO says
we cannot


@40 raindrop, as usual, just sailed right over your head. @38 kristofarian used the correct term and nailed it. You're projecting. You're the one who is tedious.

@38 kristofarian for the win. Those were my thoughts exactly.


I don’t think projection means what you think it means, rainy. I could just as easily said ironic; either one works. ‘If the Shoe fits, you must wear it.’


that's a whopping 67%, rainy.

(thanks, PiP!)


@45 -- Kudos.
problem Solved.


RIP John Turner



And you're still a moron...


Rest in peace, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. You will always be among my greatest heroes.

@1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @7, @8, @10, @11, @12, @13, @14, @15, @17, @18, @20, @21, @22, @35, @36, @38, @41 and others like-minded: Agreed. FUCK! There will be a revolution, and it will be bloody. May the Evil Empire of Trump / Pence drown in its own filthy, putrid oceans of pig blood. Death to the GOP and their enablers!
@36 treacle: YESSSSssss! That's one of my all-time favorite quotes off RBG's, too.
@28 & @41 Pretty in Pink: sigh You are SO right on. I'll be 86 in 30 years, should I live that long.
@38 kristofarian: Spot on again! Kudos!
@45: lol 'bye, Rainy. Get your triglycerides checked soon.


@7, @14, and @27 Morty: Can't a Democratic President still impeach any criminally insane, non-representative RWNJ sitting on a SCOTUS bench, especially if we retake the U.S. Senate? Trumpty Dumpty threatened to replace Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg while she was still alive, and battling cancer.
Rest in power, RBG. You are greatly missed.



That was a very different situation than the current one. The make up of the Democratic Party in 1937, when the bill to which you're referring was introduced, was much more conservative and included many senators from the South who today would be almost exclusively Republicans. So, it's entirely possible that if the Democrats win both the Executive and Legislative branches they could swing it.


In 1937, the GOP hadn't just cheated Democrats out of a Supreme Court nomination four years before and about to reverse their logic to cheat them out of another one.

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