

If Republicans were smart they would propose $750 flat tax for income. Would be easier to ague "everyone should pay the same" than "You pay more than millionaires because you are dumb and they are smart".


Trump is spending $300 million on TV ads to assure Americans COVID-19 is no big deal.


Young people are at risk of severe Covid-19 illness

The CDC finds that coronavirus infections are now highest among young adults ages 20 to 29, who accounted for more than 20 percent of all confirmed cases from June to August.

So it's not a hoax
So it's not disappearing
So it's not just infecting and killing old people
So it's causing chronic illness and catastrophic organ damage (if you don't die)
So it's infecting children, too, now that we're opening up schools

Over 205,000 dead to date
Will 2 million dead still be acceptable?
Or is 20 million the threshold?

I mean how many people are we willing to allow Trump to murder before it's too many?
11 million people were murdered in the Holocaust.

Are we looking to kill more than that? Because it's not just the COVID deaths we have to count, we have to count all of the people who are secondary deaths - those who have died due to suicide, job loss, housing loss, no health care, natural disaster displacement, being caged and abused and killed at the border, etc.

I realize Trump's cult considers this all a big bunch of winning, but what about the rest of us?

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