Oh Man, The Future Oct 6, 2020 at 1:00 pm

Trump will die. Trump won't die. Actually, Trump already died.



Trump's official portrait will be done Jon McNaughton!




In case we haven't made it more-than-abundantly clear to you: nobody gives a flying fuck what you think, because your opinion on any given subject is worth less than the cost of the electrons you wasted posting it. If you don't have anything constructive to add to the conversation - and let's be real here: you never do - why can't you just STFU like a normal person?


or they'll discover The Boss on the floor, unconscious, and wait'll it's too late and then Pence'll take over and we'll Finally be ONE Nation UNDER Gawd (care to guess Whose god?) and don't worry -- you* too can become a Lesser Member of the White Church of Jesus, USA -- or, just yet another Refugee, looking for someplace (new) to call Home.

*just fill out this brief, single-question form:





Giuliani explaining, between hacking coughs, that science is just a bunch of different scientists' opinions. Priceless.



That may in fact the be only cogent statement you've ever posted.


@3 & @7: So it's only a matter of time before you keel over from TRUMPVID-19, too, huh, Rainy? I warned you about your high blood sugar. Get off your diet of lethal BigMacs and FOX-TeeVee.


I can't seem to get the following metaphoric scenario out of my head: Trumpty Dumpty in Henry Gibson's role in The Blues Brothers (1980), particularly in the Wagnerian "Ride of the Valkeries" scene. As the red Pinto wagon goes flying over the side of the bridge, plummeting to the depths below, Pence at the wheel says to Trumpty Dumpty: "I have always loved you."
Death to the GOP!


@14 Garb Garbler: Trumpty Dumpty, Dencey Pencey, and all their equally hopeless MAGA tools have made it so easy to smack a homer out of the park lately. Griz is currently batting 1,000.
I like your Carrie Fisher scenario. lol Here's another: how about maybe Brad Pitt's recent Oscar-winning stuntman, Cliff Booth from Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, and his one-man defense against members of Charlie Manson's would-be murderous goon squad (Trump / Pence / COVID-Amy, and McConnell)? Check out Leo DiCaprio, as film and TV heavy, Rick Dalton with a flamethrower. Sic 'em, Brandy!


Watching the Conway family implode live on tiktok is truly disturbing. My cringe meter completely overloads. I feel sorry for the daughter. Run away, Claudia! Save yourself!


@17: You're.


@17: If you're too preoccupied coughing into your MAGA cap, whatever will you use to cover up your flatulence, a used Big Mac container? Ooops--now your bald spot is showing!


"She spoke in code, (well, gibberish) saying her whole family thinks she's lying."

Wait they think Kellyanne's lying about covid or that Claudia's lying about something else?


Here's an interesting statistic from an unexpected source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/news-trend-watch/schadenfreude-20201002
Trite to say, but you can't make this stuff up.


Trumps grave will be the best place to piss on......


@25 McGary: ...and / or shit on. Agreed and seconded. All the better argument for Trumpty's fat, ugly body laid to decompose in an industrial sized dumpster rather than in a coffin in Arlington Cemetery. The Trumpster Dumpster could be sent out to sea off the Atlantic coast, in Trumpty's private yacht made into a fitting garbage scow. Then the dumpster could get catapulted into outer space for the Martians to deal with. Otherwise, countless veterans properly laid to rest at Arlington would be rolling over in their graves.


Matt Baume ftw.

We all know the Trump AI is not working well, they had to find an excuse to reset it.


"The coronavirus will kill Donald Trump." <<-- This.

Yesssss! HALLELUJAH!!!!! I might even start believing in 'God.' ok that's a bridge too far. But...FUCK...Tяaitor Tя☭mp & every single fucking Tя☭mpanzee!!!


@29: And yet you're here. Begone before you draw flies.

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