

Good gathering NG--thank you!


Steal 132,000 bucks from Uncle Sam they put you in jail. Steal 50 million, they call you a Job Creator.


There is a Federal court missing its kangaroo.


I'm pretty sure Pence is a suicide bomber whose target is Kamala Harris.


@2, you're not supposed to mention Pence's kink until AFTER the election! Why do you think Mother keeps him on such a tight leash?

But seriously, I'm kind of fascinated by Roid Rage Trump. He seems to be repeatedly shooting himself in the foot, even more than usual. Calling for no stimulus until after the election, even if he walks it back a bit later? Declassifying all of the Russia collusion probe documents with no redactions? Doesn't he know that Barr has already leaked everything that's in his favor? We talk about other shoes dropping, but this is like a bull in Nordstrom's.


ONE thing to remember:
VP Pence is 'in Charge' of the Covid response team.

meanwhile, Boss Typhoid trumpf's in the throes of massive doses of (presidential-strength) Steroids, turning Superspreader-in-Chief into America's next Superman (sans Empathy); when the roids rage and Covid brain worms soon, predictably, inevitably, turn him into Mindless Vindictive Incredible Hulk, watch The Fuck out, Pence: he's gonina Blame YOU for all this shit.


@17 While you're at it, Biker, remind us how the Democrats are the party of slavery.


so now The Left owns
the wholly-Corporate-
Owned Mass Media?

is That why we have
Socialized Medicine?
just like the rest of the
Industrialized World!

gosh -- I gotta Keep up.



Idiot, either start providing links to backup your ridiculous fucking claims or stop posting here. And please give serious consideration to simply stopping.

Also, sincere congratulations to you for learning how to spell Libya.


Take Dencey Pencey DOWN, Kamala!! BIDEN / HARRIS 2020!

@8: And yet you're still here, trolling as usual.

@17: Tell that to Trumpty Dumpty and its goon squad. The GOP is all for killing raped and forcibly impregnated women to give birth, then waiting 17 years to send their orphaned children to war solely for protecting Texas oil interests (also cue the Reagans, Bushes, ad nauseum). Where have you been the last 40 years, McMAGA?

@23: Wow. For someone so consistently spewing a lot of word salad, you have so little to say. If you keep using your MAGA cap to cover up your flatulence whatever will you use to cover up your bald spot, a used BigMac container?

@22 & @25: Garb for the WIN. Thank you and bless you. Perfectly summarized. You nailed it.

@26 blip: No. @23 snorted some hydroxychloroquine as misdirected by Trumpty Dumpty, and now needs serious medical assistance.



So awesome. Thanks.


@31 & @32: At this point you need a priest.
@33 blip: @31 & @32's brain has fully deteriorated to mush, like that of his misleader, Der Gropenfuhrer's.


Our city council is just stupid enough to believe that anti-law activists represent the wishes of the community because they have time to attend mid-week 4 hour council meetings.


I’m making a vaccine and China will pay for it and it will available after the election for free if you vote for me.

Fuck all the way off if you believe this. Better yet go up Aurora to a used car dealer and pump some money into the economy.


Headline from @42's link is "DOJ charges mail carrier for dumping mail and ballots in New Jersey dumpsters."

The carrier is charged with two counts of mail fraud which, if convicted, would cost him up to five years in jail. Seems pretty lenient, honestly. We don't need to be draconian (treason was my initial thought) but Jesus, throw the book at the fucker. Gotta be a case to be made for election tampering.


from the nyt:

President Trump on Wednesday released a direct-to-camera video address to the nation in which he called getting the coronavirus “a blessing from God,” calling the unapproved drug a “cure” and saying he would provide hundreds of thousands of doses of unapproved drugs to Americans free of charge.

“I think this was a blessing from God that I caught it,” Mr. Trump said...

from a Just god, mr 'president.' &
let's see if all your horses and men
and platinium-plated Socialized Healthcare
can put you (somewhat) back together again.

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