

But what was he arrested for? "the two women"; as they had him out numbered, one might guess they were consenting? note it is not "the two children" If the guy makes a private, confidential confession he should be forgiven right?
Or is the problem that "corset wearing dominatrixes" are probably paid sex workers?
"Truly I tell you, the prostitutes and tax collectors will enter the kingdom of Heaven before you"

I'm not sure a monkey being "Seized by a sudden necessity," is the quite same thing as a man embracing the glory of creation by expressing his love for his fellow humans.


@1 According to the story, he was arrested for public indecency. But he had business being in the church, and it appears the people who saw him getting his jollies had to peak into the church to see it. So he wasn't fucking in the street. This charge should be tossed.


"But how can we miss the similarities between the priest in this New York Post story and the monkey in Tommaso Landolfi's brilliant novella . . ."

There are few things more amateurish than relying on a rhetorical question to open a piece, Charles.


@4: It's how he justifies telling all of us about obscure Italian literature he once read and barely remembers now, through a 40-year haze of red wine. At least this one was salaciously semi-entertaining in its imagery; most of his similar screeds are snooze-fests of name-dropping in order to buttress his shaky credibility to pontificate on all things under the sun.


Personally I prefer the queer camp scenes painted by Ronald Firbank in his 1926 “Concerning the Eccentricities of Cardinal Pirelli”


The Father
The Son
& the Holy Ghost?


This was beautiful Friday reading. That an archbishop will--according to news reports--re-sanctify the space is too wonderful to imagine. Fred Willard must return from beyond to play this high priest in the made-for-TV re-enactment. Only Fred could do it proper.


This was clearly a Trinitarian ritual, so the priest should be commended for his doctrinal orthodoxy. (A foursome would have been heretical.)


If the word "micturated" doesn't speak to you, then obviously you're not a golfer.

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