

What a disgusting thing to say. How many black or mixed race children have you adopted Charles?


Remember the last time America fawned over a white woman with adopted black kids used for photo op fodder. It was exposed they were torturing and starving the kids for kicks, just before one parent murdered the entire family. But I'm sure ACB is a completely respectful and loving mother.


@1 I bet Hitler's kids adored him too.
@2 Charles is black, so kinda beside the point of "white people adopting black kids"
@3 Jesus fuck dude, wtf. I mean Barrett is terrible for the country, minorities and women's rights but she's not fucking murdering people. Well some of her policies could get people killed but it's not quite the same.
And finally, Charles. You sad man. Of course you have to write this fucking shit. Every time a Boeing executive farts you have to claim they are going bankrupt and will take down the entire Capitalist system. You do realize they build drones right? Boeing is too big to fail.
And as far as white folk adopting minorities I tend to agree that adoption in general is a good thing that should be encouraged by everyone regardless of race, religion or anything else.


Well said, Charles. There is a reason South Park has the character of "Token." Because it's obvious. The handmaiden is a token herself. You wingers take straight up whooshing to a whole new level almost as high as a Boeing executive fart. I happen to have had a boss around 15 years ago who was hella into his church life and he and his wife searched high and low for an Asian female they could adopt. But had to be Asian and had to be female. Also from China itself. Had to be a real foreign model. I never said anything to him about it. But it bummed me out the hoops these gringo christians would jump through to prove how christian they would make them appear to be to their fellows. Basically a catalog she was chosen from. The had a blog they kept during their search.


The last two sentences are an outstanding concluding note, CM.


"a fact that did not phase her in the least"

faze. FAZE. No copy editors at The Stranger anymore?


I am a black interracially married man who is adopted a black child and has one biological child.
Awful you judge this woman and you don’t know her don’t you assume that she loves her children and her children love her. We need 1000 times more people just like her you’re prejudice you pre-judge her while amazingly thinking that you help Black people with such a bigoted post. I believe in integration and family interpretation exponentially decreases racism if I was born in Haiti I would pray to God that someone adopt me out of that place All Black people Think of different ways to advance black power. Abortion made Black people the minority in the southern states without those abortions we would have millions more Black people and would control the state governments of Alabama Mississippi Florida. More Black people equals more black power. The Black people will inherit the wealth of the white people through family integration your position is absurd. What white people are good in your opinion can they ever be good? Your post is living proof that Black people can hate most white people. Do you think that most white people are evil? If she is not a good white person then what white people are good I think you have stated your answer.
Interracial power will change the world more than antagonism separatism and bias against white people. Interracial power integration power family racial integration is the future.


wow. Charles has lost his very soul.


@4 SWR, "I mean Barrett is terrible for the country, minorities and women's rights but she's not fucking murdering people. Well some of her policies could get people killed but it's not quite the same."

Actually, it is very much the same.


@CM, There are a lot of racist people who don’t have a "problem" with skin color. That’s why so many racists don’t think they’re racist. What makes them racist is that they can’t see or are unwilling to acknowledge (most often systemic) racism in others and society at large.


Wow what a gross headline. Are you sure you're still on the side of good?

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