

I'm a little surprised by the timing of some of these late debates. In WA, over half of registered voters have already voted. In Maine, they don't have all mail-in voting, but anyone can request a mail in ballot with no reason needed, and they got their ballots mailed out two weeks earlier than WA did. I couldn't find any specific numbers, but it should be obvious that a significant percentage of Maine voters have already cast their ballots. A debate this late in the process is only useful to a rapidly dwindling number of people who haven't voted yet.


One thing to know about Maine...they have a preference ballot, so you can vote first-preference for a minor-party candidate and then second-preference for Gideon or Collins. There is a progressive independent in the Maine race named Lisa Savage whose second-preference votes will likely to go Gideon, and a really eccentric right-wing independent named Max Linn whose second-preference votes will might go to Collins, unless the small group of supporters of that candidate simply choose not to do a second-preference at all or go to Gideon out of nothing but spite. In the poll Charles cites, Savage gets 5% support, Linn gets 2%.

Weird times in the home state of Stephen King.


Collins SO needs to go. If she does it will be EXTREMELY sweet. She can take Graham, McConnell, Murkowski, oh hell, every single GOP senator on the ballot with her. They can all go. Not one of them will be missed.


Why would someone who prefers Democrat style policies vote for Collins? Sentimentality for the long lost and unlamented age of log rolling and cross aisle horse trading?

Wapo dude makes like a Democrat voting for the Democrat is peevishness.

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