

Well written, Charles. I had the same feelings as Van Jones, even if I didn't express them so eloquently. I have grand kids who are just now getting old enough to ask about the president. They are of mixed race, and their dad is Muslim. He is also an immigrant, and many in his family have been prevented from traveling here. The topic of Trump, and the damage he as done -- not only to their family, but so many families in this country -- has been avoided. I feared that it would rear its ugly head, like the pandemic (there is nothing quite as surreal as having a five year old say "I hate Covid"). Now, at least, they can live in a country where the president respects them, and every other American. When we do talk about Trump, it will only be in an historical sense -- in the same way we talk about Nixon or other sad parts of our history. Yeah, it does make me weepy to think finally, Trump will be history.


@CM, "Van Jones Reveals What's Likely Lacking in Amy Coney Barrett's Parenting"



Serena Joy Barrett wrote that a man who’d been regularly called the n-word at work didn’t experience a hostile work environment, which plainly shows her racist callousness.

The fact that she’d even accept such a divisive and destructive sham nomination from Prezinazi AntiChrist while contradicting her own statements on video that a new Justice should never be seated during an election year demonstrates that she total duplicitous garbage.

Get ready for plenty of illogical false statements, self-serving and self-contradictory rulings, and outright chaos from this despicable, illegitimate, Republinazi KKKourt.


@3 OA, I absolutely agree with your sentiments. Barret is racist and a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad person. I hope her time on the court is a very short one.

But I also think it's worth reading this Snopes fact-check on the "hostile work environment" case. While there likely was racism at play in that case, I think it's important not to distort context the way Repubs always do.


@ 4,

Obviously there were some additional issues, but c'mon: That's basically what she wrote, and it's not a nuance I'm gonna care about when her Gilead goons are hanging me for gender treachery.


Doc Rivers said it best;
"It's hard to love a country, that doesn't love you back "


@8, Thank you.

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