News Nov 9, 2020 at 2:35 pm

The Peach State's Republican Senators are calling on the state's Republican Secretary of State to resign.



I'm sorry, but I don't think either Ossoff or Loeffler will win. The Libertarians who prevented Perdue from reaching 50% will mostly vote for him. All the votes that went to Libertarians and other Republicans in the Loeffler-Warnock race will go to Loeffler, giving her over 50%.

The republicans are going to be hyper-motivated to vote and given that they turn out for special elections better than Democrats anyway, well, bye-bye, Senate.

Even if we do win both seats, the margin is still too close. Congressional Democrats are far more fractious than Republicans and don't get in line nearly as well as they do. Red state Democratic Senators will never vote for any progressive legislation, and even winning both seats in GA means Democrats cannot afford a single defection on a vote.

We know how that'll work out.


@2 Morty, exactly. :-(


I am a former PNW resident currently living in outer-Atlanta. Like many other transplants, when I moved here I was given the same introductory question: "what church do you go to?" Alienating, but I had to acknowledge that this is a significant social apparatus. My back yard abuts the parking lot of a white megachurch where on Sunday mornings during Covid the pastor bullhorns his sermon to a congregation in cars, who honk their amen. Last Sunday his message was "God alone decides what is best, and may he now guide Joe Biden," which was polite code for "I can't say it aloud, but fuck Trump." The Black churches, on the other hand, will organize voting drives just like they did during Civil Rights. The United States are a collection of different societies that don't especially understand each other (Southerners think you guys are indistinguishable from Southern Californians!) You may assume that the Southern whites will always rally to keep the Black people down, but it's not a simple as that any more.


My gf and I are both going to vote democrat in the GA special election. I know a professor who recently moved to Georgia to teach at UGA and he's liberal and politically active.

Georgia's had a growth spurt of people moving here and lots of them are liberal.

I don't know if either democrat senator will get elected (I've got more confidence in Warnock winning his race than Ossof winning his) but Georgia IS slowly becoming a more blue state. Its shift to Biden this election didn't completely surprise me. We'll see though.

Also, @4, had to laugh at the "what church do you go to?" Within days of moving here (just outside the perimeter North of Atlanta) three different neighbors came by asking if we wanted to join their bible study groups.

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