

Yeah, don't move there just to vote. Move there because it's the only state in the nation beginning with the letter G. How fucking cool is that!?! Be sure to do so in the next few weeks, as rumor has it there's momentum building to admit Guam real soon.


But Trump voted in Florida!, He doesn't live there and didn't intend to for at least 4 more years, or maybe 8 in his fantasies. Yes, Georgia law isn't Florida law, but still....


I don't see how they could stop someone from moving to Georgia and voting. Raffensperger quotes the following law:

Per O.C.G.A § 21-2-561, it is a felony to register to vote in Georgia if you are not a resident of Georgia with no intention of leaving and is punishable by up to 10 years in jail and a $100,000 fine.

Fair enough. Except all you need to do is move there to become a resident. As for the "no intention of leaving", there is no way that can be enforced. That would be tossed out of every court. I can just hear the judge saying "You mean to say that every time someone moves away from Georgia, you track them down and make sure they changed their mind?". Besides, how could they enforce that? Once they've moved, they are out of your jurisdiction.

It is a bullshit law. I don't see how it can be enforced.


Do it for the peaches.
Millions of peaches, peaches for thee
Millions of peaches, peaches for free


Also, in terms of odd facts about the state, did you know it's the largest in land mass east of the Mississippi?! It's true! I've a geography degree and upon hearing that fact contemplated like four others I'd have guessed first before looking it up.


I don't need a reason to not move to Georgia


Georgians need help a different way. They do not have the eviction and utility protections us in WA do, and the federal moratorium ends next to the time their absentee ballot app submission and early voting deadline ends: at the end of the year. Census Bureau Pulse data suggests 1 in 5 were behind on rent payments last month, and like 16% of those living with kids said they didn't have enough to eat. There are a number of funds via United Way and gofundme (Star-C?) that may help? I was thinking of the companies on funding such rental assistance charities to admin paid voting leave to applicants, in cash, from like 12/28 to election day. They wouldn't need to vet voting status bc they need the $ anyway? 1.3M/4M votes counted in the general election were absentee?


GA voter turnout of the eligible population was about 68% in the general election. There's state specific Census Bureau CPS data from Nov 2018 that relates family income to voter turnout, and the reason why those that registered didn't vote. It looks like there was 1,400 respondents in that survey? I'm still tryna figure how to read it with the software available.


Nope. Agreed. I'm perfectly happy with remaining here in my native Washington State, and not moving to Georgia just to vote (bless you, Urgutha Forka!).
But I'll certainly be among those cheering when Stacey Abrams and Georgia flip the Senate.

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