Oh Man, The Future Nov 24, 2020 at 1:15 pm

Where's our federal coronavirus relief?



Smokin' Joe says
We're Back! & gonna
sit at the Head of the Table.

better make it a Round table, Joe.
unless Korporate Amerika's
gonna Call the Shots.


Re: the Utah monolith. I don't think it was Koons. For one thing, he tends towards slavish exactness in his works - even his most purely abstract piece "Play-Doh" is, despite its exaggerated scale, a stunningly accurate representation of its namesake. The Utah piece OTOH, while somewhat suggestive of Kubrick's alien artifact, is far too different from the original to arguably reside inside Koon's oeuvre.

Now, if it had been a larger-than-life sized shiny steel Wile E. Coyote impacted into the desert floor, you'd have a case...


Yay, Taylor Swift! I hope she wins in every category in which she's nominated.
If Republicans won't confirm Biden nominees, he'll just appoint them as Acting. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
Fuck the Squad. Bernie supporters to the back of the line. At least you're in line for appointments and not in line for lethal execution like you would be if Trump won.


your disappointment palpable
your couth uncommendable
bellevue must be


who Edits this shit:
Loathsome Towne
Ricky Nelson once
sung about it...


I say bring on trump in 2024. If he couldn't beat a weak candidate like biden as an incumbent and with the US gov't enabling his insane bullshit then I don't see him doing better in four years, especially as he slips further into dementia and his voter base succumbs to age, obesity, and the trump virus. None of his kids could reproduce the enigma either. I'm more worried that there could be a different oddball sociopath nominated, one with even greater celebrity status like kanye.


@8 You've got it backwards, Professor.

Cities are PAYING the tax bill for bailing out the poor states you're so concerned about.

Never mind the fact that you know who lives in cities? Americans. You know who gets "bailed out"? Americans.


And not to bring facts to a knife-fight, but rich states PAY MORE TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT THAN THEY RECEIVE: https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/2020-05-15/some-states-like-new-york-send-billions-more-to-federal-government-than-they-get-back

So, when poor states ACTUALLY START bailing out the rich ones, THEN maybe we can be having the conversation you think is happening.


@8: how about we declare all of the poor states as national wildlife refuges? I'd be happy my taxes as a hard working American actually went to something useful.


@4, 5 Whatever. I don't need lessons in etiquette from the world's worst poet.

Bellevue is delightful. The parks are safe and all the kids are above average.


Bellevue: Where Kemper Freeman's wet dream is to make the city one gigantic parking lot for his shopping mall...


That'd be cool if Trump runs again in '24, because then he'd be the first President to lose the popular vote three times in a row.

And four or five times overall, if you count his previous third-party runs....


The day McConnell dies will be one of the best days this country ever sees. It would be nice (since they like to ignore all protocol never set down in law and even all law) if Kamala Harris took charge of the Senate. See, the Vice President is the leader of the Senate. There is no where in the Constitution anything written about a majority leader. Since Trump decided all protocol was irrelevant, how about Biden/Harris decide to do things they way the CAN be done instead of the way they always have been done, just because. Fuck McConnell. It's time for our government to be thoroughly reformed and for the minority rule of white men to be taken down forever.

I am not making this up - it can be looked up

Under the Constitution, the vice president serves as the president of the senate and presides over the senate's daily proceedings. In the absence of the vice president, the senate's president pro tempore (and others designated by her) presides.


@7, 18,

Yeah, I went on record here a week ago saying he'd be a blessing in 2024. I just love the fact that he personally cost himself a valuable prize in Arizona by denigrating their most popular resident for I honestly don't even have a fucking clue why exactly? I'm sure it was some personal vendetta of course, but I don't think McCain had even been all that vocal in opposition to him and it had to have been devastatingly costly in the state, to say nothing of those veterans with a functioning moral compass. Give us that gift again asshole.

Though I also worry (and I know it's stupid to begin fretting over '24 before the '20 inauguration has even taken place, but whatever) about who's gonna be our nom. I do also suspect that whatever (admittedly quite small) impact Joe's Pennsylvania roots played could have had a consequential impact in a state he barely got. Joe's also gonna be a thousand years old in four years, and so I guess Harris will have presumably have that time to make her case, though I certainly hope we're not conceding the race to her just yet.


@17 Well, that's not going to happen, is it?


@19 -- you gottta ask your-
self -- were McTrurtles VP
what would he do?

oh, and for more clarity
on VP sovereignty see
the dick Cheney and
Iraq etc.

Harris could waltz into the Senate
declare herself President* of that
august body and tell MkKkonnell
to fuck right off and then visit the
Legislation MkKonnell shrugged
off like a Dem USSC nomination.

*it's right there in
the Constitution
of all places



I wouldn't bet against it happening:



@8: Doofy! You're back from the dead! Begone before you draw any more of Pence's flies.

@19 xina: Agreed, seconded, and amen.


@26: Still spewing more word-salad misinformation, Doofy? Still in the dark. Tsk tsk tsk. Begone before you draw more of Pence's flies.


"The only way to properly stimulate the economy is massive tax cuts for corporations and individuals to stimulate demand for goods and services"

[oh and Austerity
you forgot Austerity
for the Hoi Popllois & peonages not to
Mention the invigorating Benefits of child Labor
to our National Bottom Line which is very, very Good
for the Rich].

WHAT pandemic?

and yet grave diggers
and morticians should they
remain above ground are having
a Field Day as are Hospital Wokers
who'll never in a billion Years all make it thru
yet another AmyCovid/trumpfPlagueSurgosis. so
you want us all to just go Maskless and Back 2 Work?

where tf's 'doktor' Nelson
when we Need him Most?

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