

Whatever happened to that Soviet-owned President who declared War on CHOP/CHAZ?

Has he left yet?


i do hope that everyone, whatever they may have thought about CHAZ/CHOP, will agree that this garden is a purely good thing and that its survival should be encouraged by all.


Enough already about the "murders". That's not the only thing that matters in this, and the killings wouldn't have been prevented by the cop shop staying on the Hill.

The cops were driven out because they are incapable of listening and incapable of change.


It’s not a farm, and you’re not farmers.


Gardeners are a more combative bunch than you would imagine - method disagreements are pretty common. Dahlia freaks are the worst. Anyhow - I guess having a different opinion on this guy's gardening technique is "Righ-wing blah blah blah misinformation blah blah blah"? My how the bar gets ever lower for shit like that....

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