

If a frog had wings, would he bump his ass when he hops? Bernie wasn't on the ballot.

Very subtle use of the photo - like the final scene of "A Very British Coup."


I sure don't know what happens in alternate timelines, but seems like an America in which Bernie Sanders wins is an America where the military never comes into the picture.

But like Geddy Lee says, if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice. Just to acknowledge the military's non-participation is to acknowledge where the power ultimately resides. Causing us to be grateful for the Army's professionalism is itself a crime Donald Trump has committed.


@4 Had the results been much closer, like a few thousand votes in Michigan or one of the others with a goblin-infested court and legislature, a quasi legal coup is entirely plausible.

But it would have a greasy film of by the book. So unless resulting protests escalated to Tienanmen scale, there would be no role for the Army.


Bernie Sanders was and is not competent or talented enough to win a presidential election, so your article is moot.


Sanders would have gotten wrecked in this election. If there’s one thing that’s been made clear, it’s that this country—no matter how badly us coastal elites want to deny it—is still full of backwards idiots who worship a dangerously outdated Cult of the Individual. They tried to pin the socialism label on JOE FUCKING BIDEN and it worked well enough to inspire millions of Cubans, Latinx, Midwesterners, and others who should have known better to pull the Trump lever. To many, many Americans, a 21st Century in which the great democracies of the world have succeeded at creating broad life satisfaction by restraining capitalism and proceeding from the good of the collective is invisible, and the deification of self-interest continues unabated.


Per Betteridge's Law of Headlines - No!



You lost! Losers! Sad! Hahaha! I'm so glad you came back so we could laugh in your face. Your Real Americans in the Heartland fucking bit the dust. Eat shit forever. Vacant Joe crushed your ass!


I know a republican who voted for Biden, but straight ticket GOP otherwise. But if it had been Sanders, he'd have voted Trump.

By the ancient and indisputable laws of comment thread polisci, that's all the proof I need that Sanders would have lost.


so the Top Bosses
of thee Most Socialized*
arm of the USA HATE the Socialism?

Do people who get Social Security
also HATE the Socialism?

*LIFEtime Medical Coverage
FREE Education etc
thru Gov't Largesse.

Perhaps Bernie couldda Sold them
what they're already getting.

Obviously, he'd have had to Override 'our'
wholly-Corps-Owned mass media which
has (at least HALF of) America's ears.


@9 -- "To many, many [TOO Fucking Many] Americans, a 21st Century in which the great democracies of the world have succeeded at creating broad life satisfaction by restraining capitalism and proceeding from the good of the collective is invisible, and the deification of self-interest continues unabated."

once again you've
schmacked it out-
ta the Park
for the


@9: Agreed and seconded with @16 kristofarian: schmacky for the WIN!


Just how would the military invade the United States?

And how very simple-minded to assume that there are not Sanders supporters in the military, even in the upper ranks. After all, other countries that are Sanders style Socialist countries are some of our closest allies, with big US bases.


Congratulations Raindrop! You've proved you are not as big of a moron as Swiftress.


yep, Auntie Fascist -- anti-anti-fascistwhatever -- with a Choice 'twixt the Fascist and Corporate Lite, we chose the Lesser of two Evils cause Corps currently OWN America. hell -- they even Own YOU -- or Would were youAmerican-made.

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