Homo Nov 27, 2020 at 3:30 pm



I hope I'm not the first person to point out that comparing het commercials from the sexist '60s and early queer commercials from the '90s isn't particularly valid or insightful. Why not look for het commercials from the same time? That makes a lot more sense.

PS that coffee can wasn't giiiant -- that was the standard size for coffee and c'mon, it's not really that big.


@2 Right, but that doesn't make the comparison valid as there are het ads from the '90s that would make a better comparison to queer ads of the '90s. That's the point.


The Guinness ad is playing on an old theme that seems to say, “look, not all gays are effeminate men”. I think the intention was to break stereotypes but it also reinforces homophobia. While I hate to admit it, I still think it is kind of a sweet advertisement.


Give them time. As gay relationships become normalized in our society, the need to defend the institution in the face of discrimination will melt away. And the dysfunctional side of such relationships will become more of a plot for humor and a sign of familiarity.

There may not be the same stereotypes available as there were for hetero couples in ads. But we've progressed from the helpless woman/authoritative man to the stupid husband/wise wife roles over time. It won't be too much of a leap to the in-charge vs subservient roles with same sex couples. And everyone watching will say, "Yeah, I get it." And have a good chuckle.

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