

Obviously we need to do the same thing in Seattle, and put any such munitions in a lockbox clearly labelled "Social Security reserves" so that noone can open it until the Trumpistas attack our city.


No, @3, it will be safely secured in a sub-basement of Seattle City Hall behind a door labeled "For Council Use Only" leading to a locked cabinet with a 3 number dial lock that you would need a bolt cutter to open.


@2/4: Will you are assuming the Trumpsters will actually get off their fat whiny asses and do something beside bitch, piss and moan-- let alone stop their nostalgic wanking about some fairy tales on how goods things were in the past.Best they're going to do is outsource it .. yes, you guessed it... to illegal immigrants who are actually willing to work hard to make life better.


"places the city in contempt of court"

Bumper sticker from the 60's :
What do you do, when it's the government breaking the law? Call a hippie.


@6 What happened, numbnutz? Get busted again?


@9 I avoid SW Washington as much as I can. Too close to PDX Robo-Cops, and Trump's para-military militia skinheads.

Just a matter of time until the old gang finds "the tables down at Mory's", and we can all gather together again.

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