Oh Man, The Future Dec 8, 2020 at 1:45 pm

Rudy will die of COVID-19. It's just a prediction.



Herman Cain was a Cabinet member, I'd call that 'inner circle'. But everybody always forgets that guy.


Correction: Ben Carson, who did not die, was a Cabinet member. Every always forgets that guy, too.


Hey, look everybody: a concern troll trolling his concern about someone who isn't a concern troll saying something on the internet that concerns him greatly!


Prisencolinensinainciusol. All right.


@5 -- I find that
Deeply disconcerning.



Giuliani won't die he's getting the best care and treatment in the world. He's already spouting bullshit about COVID can be cured. These assholes are so dangerous.


“Obama received the same [Exile on
Black Lives Matter Avenue] treatment
from the GOP.” --C.M

Yep. As did ALL who fucking Voted for Obama.

the Exrtremists on the far ‘right’ have abandoned Democracy
and seem to have absolutely No one to hold them to Account.
some say, well, suck it Up Buttercup and Get Out the Vote but
Dems win by Wide Margins and yet we Still get Minority Rule.

This is what we get when Billionaires
& multinational Corps Rule US.

Power is NEVER freely given.


@8 xina and @9 kristofarian for the WIN! Agreed and seconded.


Here's hoping that the entire Trump / Pence crime syndicate and their terminally idiotic base all go down from TRUMPVID-19 and 2021 officially spells the death of the GOP. No zombie comebacks in 2024. Even if Trumpty Dumpty still refuses to concede the 2020 victory to Biden and won't attend the Biden / Harris Inauguration, DJT's getting dragged off kicking and screaming will forever serve as a highlight of 2021 and a reminder to VOTE BLUE.
By the way, where did Wally Gator wander off to? Methinks a Floridian reptile welcoming committee awaiting the exiled Der Gropenfuher at Mar-a-Lunatic would be a quite appropriate end to the Err of Trump.


“Amazon apps will start telling you who to vote for.”

@Amazon we’re Always Listening
Hey -- you’ve got a Good
Friend In Amazon.

there’s really no
need to Shout,


Trump just lost another lawsuit. He's 1-51. Biggest Loser EVER.

Meanwhile, while he continues to play in fantasy land, the "deal" Congress keeps working on gets smaller and smaller with less and less financial assistance.

And then there's this: (it's two months old, so given today's numbers, we've most likely already surpassed half a million deaths)

Analysis Finds True US Pandemic Death Toll Is Much Higher Than 200,000
BU researchers: number of pandemic-related deaths is 36 percent higher than reported, with disadvantaged communities hit even harder than thought




Did your dad tell you to say that? Better you stick to re-reading that dog-eared, semen-encrusted copy of "Atlas Shrugged"...


I always thought break-dancing was already an "official" sport, ever since those Nissin Cup Noodles samurai commercials.
It's already included, just like soccer, and skiing, and bike riding, and skateboarding, and gymnastics.

Not your grandfather's Cal Worthington commercial.

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