

Its easy to understand why people would prefer Trump to Biden - that's just normal politics. But its a lot harder to account for the degree of devotion to Trump as a messianic figure. I figure it must have something to do with the general collapse of Christianity and the impulses cast adrift from that wreckage adhering to the nearest piece of flotsam in the torrent.


Humans under extreme duress are even less prone to rationality than they are at all other times.


The only thing humans beings have proven is that their ceasing to exist is the best possible outcome for humanity and all other life on the planet. Sadly, our extinction even is going to be slow and excruciatingly painful. For that, we also have humans to blame.


*extinction event


We should allow these people to secede. And then not let them back in when they find out how miserable their existence is without liberal tax dollars keeping them afloat.


This is a must-watch on the Rise of Fascism in Europe

After watching Rick Steve's Rise of Fascism in Europe, it is clear Rush is appealing to Nationalism with the hope of creating the preconditions (like in 1933 Italy or Germany) leading to a competent (obv, not Trump) charismatic megalomaniac capable of describing their vision for taking over the country into a fascistic state.

That 71 million would follow Trump like lemming off this cliff is reminiscent of Germans in 1945, still following their leader despite losing.


Given that Georgia went blue in this past election and Texas may be teetering next it seems like Limbaugh's Confederate States of America would need to have a lot of urban islands in it that are still part of the United States in order for this new third world country to fully realize its potential.


There are also drugs that greatly reduce recovery time and keep at-risk fatties like Trump and Christie (sorry...I only fat-shame Republicans) from any lasting harm. But for some reason ordinary people can’t access them. Nor are they being mass produced. I wonder why?


This article exemplifies the unhappy worldview of the leftist and their death ward drift away from rational thought and self-indulgent finger-pointing. Limbaugh is correct—it is not outlandish to envision a civil war erupting due to irreconcilable differences between socialists and capitalists, even more so when you consider the destructive behavior of BLM and the communist insurgency fomented by hairy Dementiacrats. Recently a Michigan state representative publicly threatened physical violence against Trump supporters, so massive civil unrest is not unimaginable. Also, if leftists are concerned about massive war casualties, vote for Trump, the peace candidate, not Vacant-Joe, tool of the Military-Industrial Complex, who will certainly instigate a recreational war with Syria, in a ceaseless, mindless endeavor to satisfy munition manufacturers and hunt brown people in desert regions because...well...they’re brown. Such is the woebegone ideology of the corporatist Hairy-Crat.


3 - Completely agree that human extinction would be great for this planet. I don't see complete extinction, but I do see a massive die back in the cards. 50, 100, 200 years? Who knows. But you can be sure if this occurs, our species of vicious little monkeys will simply revert to life as it was in, oh, the year 50, perhaps? If there's one thing the monkeys are good at, it's NEVER learning from history, merely repeating the same greed driven horrors over, and over, and over...


trumpf and his loyal yet dispicable Disciples seem awful Ansty to pin Darwin cum Freedom Awards all over the Citizenry -- damn shame we couldn't let the wee bug welcome itself among them -- take one for trumpf! but stay Away from our Hospitals, True Believers -- your hoaxy flu will likely set you Free, but we're gonna need our Frontline workers well after you're long gone.


I know a guy who's a die-hard trump supporter. You don't understand how he can believe what he believes? Simple, he only reads and listens to extreme right wing propaganda. Breitbart, warfront or stormfront or whatever that nazi shit is. Not even fox news, no, only extreme right stuff. Doesn't pay any attention to neutral sources (like, say, AP, or C-SPAN, much less liberal ones like MSNBC) so never hears stuff like trump is lying, or trump has almost no support, or trump's policies have failed or whatever. All he hears and reads is:

trump is an outsider, not a career politician, so he's more trustworthy
he's draining the swamp, of both corrupt dems and repubs
he's brutally honest, both to opponents and allies, and tells it like it is
he's removing bureacratic regulations on business that gets government out of the way of the free market
he can't be bribed or corrupted or bought, because he's beholden to no one
career politicians hate him because of the above, and lie to try to make him look bad
the mainstream media is owned by career politicians and spread their lies.

So how can trumpers be so fanatical and cultish? Because they're fanatics in a cult. Don't act surprised that a woman votes for what you perceive as an obvious misogynist. To the trumper, they've NEVER seen or heard him be misogynistic. His black supporters have NEVER seen him be racist. His fanatic supporters have only seen the cherry-picked best parts of him.

That's why he's got their undying loyalty. Because they have no idea who they're supporting.


Doesn't Limbaugh live in NYC? Heh. Stupid suckers who listen to him.


OK, limbaugh now lives in florida (palm beach). He lived in NYC for quite a while.



Have you learned nothing from Limbaugh? Taking massive doses of Oxy and then attempting to express an opinion on literally any subject is no way to go through life, son...


How did we get in this place?

How did the republican party, the party of professionals ( doctors, lawyers, accountants ) and small business owners ( the corner hardware store, the pharmacy, the grocery store ) allow Trump to get the republican nomination, over experienced professional politicians, some good and some not-so-good, but all who knew what they were doing?

How did the voting public give their votes, not some grocery store coupon for 10 cents off, but their VOTE, for the highest office in the land, to a guy they already knew was nothing but a glutton for tabloid headlines, whose entire career consisted of fly-by-night falling-apart condos and a trashy humorless "comedy" TV show?

How did democrats, in a serious bid to control the executive branch, nominate the one person in the whole country who couldn't even beat a proven liar, crook and confessed sexual predator?

How did republican voters, genuine people, people who want the best for their lives and the best for the whole country, ever give their votes to a guy they all knew in advance was not qualified for the job, and who was just going through the motions in preparation for selling another book, or something?

How did this happen to America?


well, Secret Agent Man we handed OUR mass media over to Corps who never met a Profit they couldn't make Larger by the strip mining cum selling off of America (including ALL those professionals and small biz) is what I'd say.

Propaganda enabled Hitler to steal a Country and nearly steal the World. thank Gawd he was such an Incompetent War Strategist cum AUTHORITARIAN or we'd all be eating sauerkraut sammiches (sans the corn beef, that's Strictly for the Rich) right now.


oh and the 'Democratic' National Committee
is a Private Corporation with a Top-Down
ethos where Dollars DOES equal Votes.

when RonnyRaygun killed the Unions
Wild Bill Clinton had Nowhere to go
no one to Finance his Bid 'cept
those same Corporations.

Repubs have systematically re-
made America in their own image. sadly
for most of US they're thorough and Brilliant Strategists.

'let 'em eat zee Mud.' -- actual Quote

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