

I had no idea Japan still allowed capital punishment. I'd assumed they were more civilized than that.


Curious situation we're in now that Trump's most powerful allies have abandoned him.
It is all too apparent this is now about the disturbed psychology of one (once) powerful individual and there are no 'principles' behind his continued obduracy.
Republicans forced to confront this defensively prattle on about his 'legacy'.
Time to hit the refresh button on his crimes, his cruelty and stupidity.


It's more accurate to state Renton rejected Seattle's laissez faire approach to letting mentally and emotionally compromised people do whatever they want without consequences. As the King County Homeless Authority moves forward I think they'll find most of the cities surrounding Seattle will adopt similar policies.


@4 "without consequences"? What sort of consequences do you propose?

I think you've got your boilerplate moralizing shticks mixed up.


"how complicated is it to not whip your dick out while you're at work, even if it's at home?!"

[checks to insure penis is not not currently whipped out or otherwise visible]

I know, right!?! People are just truly awful.


Is Renton worried a bunch of homeless encampments will make the place look better?


@5-7 you all are great entertainment, don't ever change. Who said anything about torturing or punishment? You've been watching too much Dateline. If it makes you feel good about yourself then go ahead and continue to look down your noses at those who observe Seattle's current approach to managing the homeless and say no thanks. I'm sure that cloak of moral righteousness will keep you warm at night but alas it won't do much for those who are actually suffering. But you win for being the most compassionate. As Dr Phil likes to say "How's that actually working for you?".


From another article: "imposes a half-mile buffer between any two homeless service providers, and requires service providers to monitor and regulate the behavior of their guests."

I'm shocked Renton doesn't want to turn into Pioneer Square.


My Toobin take: He had two computers with cameras, and was moonlighting on the other one as a live sex/jerk show, but forgot to turn off the other one.


@12 the fact that consequences sound harsh really shows how far adrift we are from any real long term solutions. I don't have specific ideas in mind and I would readily admit there are much smarter people than me who are better served to define what that means. All I would say is victimizing other people can not be part of the process.

@14 for a Professor your insult game is pretty weak. You always default to vulgar name calling. Can't you be more creative? Maybe something like "The ability for you to speak does not make you intelligent". It's way more classy.


well, it's just so Nice that
McMoscow McMitch KkKonnell
FINALLY got his Marching Orders
from trumpfy's Bestest Friend Vladimyr
Put-in so Smokin' Joe can now Be our Official
President come 1/20/20. Thank you, Vladimyr!
Comrade! I bet them Ruskies KNOW HOW to Deal
with the Homeless and Mentally Ill. Perhaps KkKonnell
might pay them a facts-finding Visit soon?


The Renton City Council is full of idiots. What are they thinking:

"There are too many homeless people on the streets. What do we do about it?"

"I know! Let's kick out a bunch of destitute people, so there are more of them!"


Oh, and the really cool thing is that it is happening during a major pandemic, and a recession. So this means that if these folks decide to take up residence in a park, there is little the city or county can do about it (pandemic). It also means that there are bound to be lots more people who can't afford housing (recession). Fucking hell, what idiots.

With any luck they will camp out in the yards of the five council members who voted to evict them.


Thanks for the video inserts.
It's nice to see some turtles that aren't Mitch!


@20, In 2019, the police responded 2,583 times to the Morrison hotel, the one that was relocated to Renton. This is three times as many calls as the Blade received. This isn't just about too many homeless people, it's about a bit of a public hazard. The courthouse had to close the entrance that faces the hotel on 3rd Ave because there were too many random assaults on their jurors and staff. This is more about the specific people and the DESC's management of them than worrying about homeless in general.


IDGAF about any kind of sportsball, but Nathalie, your "asterisk" suggestion sure sounds like sour grapes to me. What would be your proposed alternative? The game is cancelled? Or the contagious team is allowed to play anyway?


Living in Renton homeless or not is torture...


"Let's make shelter for the mentally-ill
more like a fun tech campus and less
like a sad, padded prison." @blazer

but won't that make
Unhappy people


The Renton Red Lion (formerly the Holiday Inn) is no stranger to fires. Several years back, when it was a regular hotel, the rooftop revolving cocktail lounge burned down. My heart was broken.

As far as homeless shelters are concerned, that's actually not a bad spot: The building is somewhat isolated, so access can be restricted, but it's within walking distance of the Wal-Mart and several other services.

But more to the point: What happened to The Morrison Hotel?


@19 kristofarian: Moscow Mooch McDumbbell truly is an overstuffed sack of Kentucky Fried chickenshit. Here's hoping that Georgia helps retake the Senate, making Mooch's job as unbearable as possible.
How pathetic that it finally took the Electoral College (hel-LO-O-O-O, Mooch----Biden / Harris 306 to Trumpty Dumpty / Dencey Pencey 232) AND Vladimir Putin's acknowledgement of Joe Biden's / Kamala Harris's 2020 victory for Mooch to concede.
RepubliKKKans are not only horrible people unfit to govern, they're poor lo$ers, too.


@1 - Maybe they do it in a civilized way.


@34, pretty much. For some reason, criticizing DESC or SHARE/WHEEL means you hate the homeless and want them ground up into sausage or something. Even the headline on this article took this position, Renton didn't reject the homeless, they have their own homeless population and several other shelters. They objected to King County moving the shelter with some of the most difficult cases and questionable management to their city. Renton is considerably smaller than Seattle, and I suspect if King County did the equivalent of dropping 10 new Morrison Hotels into Seattle without doing much consulting, we might find that even Seattle "Rejects the Homeless." Of course, these days, maybe not.

This was simply a bad move and had repercussions. If this is how the "regional approach to homelessness" is going to play out, we should expect other cities to balk as well. Seattle should also take this as a wakeup call. Homelessness in Seattle and a few other cities have gotten worse in the past decade, both in the number of homeless and their impact on the community, while there are fewer homeless in the US as a whole. This isn't because Seattle and those other cities have it right and everyone else got it wrong.


Since the 1980s homelessness has become more and more prolific. You think maybe greed and corruption, just basic crude capitalism, has something to do with this? Profit comes first.

So well paid and well sheltered politicians can't come up with a solution? The Housing First approach has proven to have excellent results in Helsinki, Vienna and other places in the world. So what's stopping King County? Renton and Seattle? They would prefer to build jails and pay the police?


Housing First. No excuses.


33 Do you know what you are talking about? Or you just dump on the vulnerable? SAD.


This looks like a world wide depression with more people living in the streets. Can't put everybody in jail. Something has to change. Big time.

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