

You know calling Biden a Black president is just pure bullshit. Enough already. He's not Obama. He has a history of seriously racist policy making and policy upholding and policy enforcing and that's not getting erased because he happened to win the election against a rabid white supremacist terrorist or because he chose a Black/Asian woman as his vice president.

Biden is an old white man. His current rhetoric about healing as a country and who he is putting in positions of power (and what positions he is putting those individuals in) is telling as to his whiteness.

This country is being ripped apart by people who want white supremacist ideology and policy to be upheld at all costs (and if not they want everyone and everything destroyed). Biden is not "another Black president." Framing him as such, even if it's tongue in cheek, is an affront to the Black people in this country who are trying to bring about real change and real shifts in power.


@1 -- I'm seeing a Rapid Harris takeover
this Presidency's gonna have an Enormous Cost
on Smokin' Joe and here's a Prayer to seeing him swornthefuck
In while he's still Topside.

also "The dawn arrives with another rural corpse on the living room floor." --C.M.

he always did like that rug.
yet another MAGAt
for the maggots
but to be Fair
trumpf’s Nuremberg Rally
survivor prolly inflicted Millions
more in their neverending Quest for Freedom

from masks
and forced gov't
Healthcare when we need it Most.

tally ho ho ho


Nygard is being arrested in Canada.

Trump is next. It's an international warrant, so we can get him the second he leaves the US and is no longer President.

Happy New Year!


RE: Georgia Senate races

If they both win, that'd sure be nice, but I wouldn't bet on it. Warnock maybe, since Loeffler is seen as an idiot even by staunch republicans, but they love Perdue. The fact that he's cheated the stock market to get rich is a feature, not a bug, to conservatives, don't forget.

Funny aside though, I just read that donnie is pocketing most of the cash from the fundraising that was supposed to go to Loeffler and Perdue's campaigns. lol! "But I didn't think the leopards would eat MY face?!?" Dumbasses getting grifted by their own grifter.

RE: Pornhub's video purge

"Pornhub announced a major decision to delete all unverified videos from its website after the New York Times dropped an article about the amount of child sexual abuse videos on the site. While the move could protect victims..."

That NY Times article author doesn't really care about protecting victims, he's part of a sex-abolitionist movement. They're more interested in establishing a christian theocracy than about saving anyone.


Good catch on the Waterfront and Seattleites, by the way. I predict we will see lots of kids and teens on long walks on the beaches and in parks during the long winter break because they are going out of their gourd being trapped at home, plus you can meet a cute age-similar person when you're out and have a secret romance that feels like you might die (because you might), which is the start of many a romance. That plus slippery rocks and sand and sidewalks always makes the hot cocoa become the romantic dream of the gods.

Either that or they'll start committing suicide, which is on a real uptick, so kick the kids out of the house for their own good, and some 2020 pod-infecting.


Ummmmm.... Didn't read any of these yet, but am curious about a potentially semi-related matter. I know Rich Smith had typically been handling Tuesday AM posts and didn't this morning. He's not among those weighing in with prognostications here either. I assume he's taking himself a vacation, yes?


Hooray for Georgia flipping the Senate BLUE! Suck on it and CHOKE, Moscow Mooch McDumbbell. I hope the quality of your corrupt-as-fuck life goes immediately down the toilet with the rest of the Trump / Pence Crime Syndicate.

Here's a dumb question (at least it seems like one): Why are ex SPD Chief Carmen Best and Superintendent Denise Juneau pictured leaning in close together and not wearing masks? Was the League Breakfast being lax during the worst global pandemic since the Spanish Flu outbreak of 1918? Am I the only one concerned by this photo?


@1 xina and @2 kristofarian: Agreed and seconded.

@3 Will in Seattle: I hope Trumpty Dumpty's Great Fall goes viral. Cheers!


The Queen of the United Kingdom is a Taurus, so I'm not sure what queen you mean. Queen Latifah maybe.



Well, Rich is the listed author of this:

posted earlier today. So he's at least still around in some fashion.


I completely understand the criticism about the tone of both of KOMO's pieces: it seem that they have been made to create more of an emotional response from the audience than foster a truthful discussion about this problem. However, anyone living in this city is also confronted with the problems depicted here and this speaks to public policies that have failed both the general population and the homeless people. Just outright dismissing it and suggesting that we must come up with "progressive" alternatives is not a responsible way to advance the discussion. What are the alternatives to solve this crisis? How do we clean up our streets and provide a way to reinsert the homeless into society where they can have a productive and meaningful existence? The point of both pieces was that our inaction amounts to cruelty and I have to agree with that proposition. Not doing anything is cruel to the people living on the streets, who are suffering, and to the broader public that has to endure the problems of crime and urban decay.



Good to know/see. I enjoy his contributions and was just being a little paranoid I believe. Seems to be some general sickness going around also and wouldn't be surprised if he were just out for a bit for whatever reason.


Certainly hope I'm wrong, but I'm also far too cynical and jaded to share in Jasmyne's optimism re: Georgia's legislative races. If we DO lose though, it'd be highly entertaining if the losing candidate(s) whined like petulant children and refused to accept any of the results that aren't in our favor. They could even just recount any of Shitler's many fact-averse rants word-for-word, replacing any mention of Democrat fraud with GOP.


@5- it has been a staple of all literature across all time and all cultures, the theme that there has been some great disturbance and Eros vanishes from the world for a while.
Panic ensues.
"we have to get the boys and girls fucking again!!"
Some reiteration of that general theme probably generates a majority of what we know about all early cultures, from giant phallic symbols to Eve statuary to Lysistrata, etc
The whole world is invested in those long walks on the beaches and what goes on in the back of the ski bus and those keggers out in the woods.


@8 You are the only one who forgot the world existed prior to March 2020. Everything then was not as it now is. That photo is clearly dated Nov 30, 2018.


@12 -- "What are the alternatives to solve this crisis?

How do we clean up our streets and provide a way to reinsert the homeless into society where they can have a productive and meaningful existence?

The point of both [KOMO] pieces was that our inaction amounts to cruelty and I have to agree with that proposition.

Not doing anything is cruel to the people living on the streets, who are suffering, and to the broader public that has to endure the problems of crime and urban decay."

Thank you, lucianomolling.


@16 Sir Vic: D'OH! Whoops, there it is--November 30, 2018, and in plain view prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
I have had a lot on my mind, lately.


History- repeatedly, suggests that Georgia runoff optimists will be disappointed.

Which, considering the number (what is it? around 5? maybe 6) Republicrats who will cross the floor to block anything remotely progressive- might not be such a bad thing, considering the electoral map in 2022.

Let actual "R behind the names" front up corprorate media and appear, en masse on every Sunday show.

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