

"Uncolobbrated"? Go to bed, Raindrip - you're drunk again...


Holy shit, do you really think they are comparable? Seriously? Stop being so fucking intellectually lazy, dipshit. Is the internet really that hard for you to use?

Fuck, look at the cases. Warnock was the pastor of Douglas Memorial Community Church in Baltimore. The church operated the camp. A camper said that a counselor at Camp Farthest Out forced him to spend the night sleeping outside as punishment for wetting the bed when he was 12 years old, and that counselors also doused him with urine. Police never said that Warnock committed the crime, or even knew about it. Warnock insisted that the accused get legal representation. Investigators thanked Warnock for his help.

No one is accusing Warnock of any wrong doing -- not even the camper!

In contrast, Brett Kavanaugh is accused of rape, and the allegations are damn credible. Kavanaugh's statements about his excessive drinking were obviously false, as was most of his testimony. But there anything, he is being accused of the actual crime, instead of hiring someone who committed a crime.

The point is, if you believe all of the allegations, Warnock did nothing wrong, and Kavanaugh should have served serious time, and never become a lawyer, let alone judge.


@1: Covfefe!!!

@2 COMTE and @4 Garb Garbler: I keep warning Rainy about mixing hydroxychloroquine into his dangerously high sugar intake, but he won't listen.

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