

Yeah, the reason that second race had so many candidates running was because the guy who was originally senator (Johnny Isakson) had three terms before retiring in the middle of his last one. The governor here, Brian Kemp, appointed Loeffler in his place. A lot of republicans here really wanted Doug Collins instead of her, and she's been kind of an idiot, AND she got caught up in an insider trading scandal, all in just one year, so when it came time to run, there were no end of hopeful opponents in both the democrat and republican camps (and other parties as well).

It certainly confused me when I first got my ballot. I had to do a lot of googling to figure out who was who.

Anyway, it'll be real nice if Ossof and Warnock win... but I'm not gonna put any bets on that. Warnock's definitely got a better shot, but even with the huge influx of democrats to this state in the last few years, it's still got a dark red stain on it.


Wow, most think both Dems are going to win? Y'all are high. The GOP, despite all its current infighting, will fall in line. Being hateful violent oppressive assholes is a bond that will overcome any petty personality squabbles.



We Want to Believe. Doesn't hurt to put some good juju out there.

But your assessment of the Repug party is spot on.



We're trying, but the derp is so strong here. It's hard to fight it. There's been a huge influx of reasonable liberals in the past couple years. We're fighting, but damn is it rough. We're doing all we can!


I have a friend in Gwinnett county GA and she's reporting that less voting booths are being made available compared to last November's general election.


I'm here in Gwinnett and people still have their Trump 2020 yard signs and truck flags up. "When you leave Atlanta, you're back in Georgia," and brother it is deep dark Red out here. Loeffler is a carpetbagger from Illinois, so there's that in the Democrat's favor. Perdue on the other hand is a Georgia boy with a face like a bowl of banana pudding. I'm afraid the GOP will have its 49/51 Senate. Some Republican senators could cross the aisles in the best interests of the nation on some votes, but since they haven't the backbone of a pool noodle between them, I doubt it.

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