

I would not expect to know anything tonite.

And if D's take the lead, I would expect R's to throw the kitchen sink of dilatory legal challenges at 'em, buying Yertle McConnell a few extra weeks in the overseer's role.


Any politician that does not have a crowd of fundy christian and Qanon weirdos picketing their home is a failure. Extra points if they burn your Camry to the ground.


I got this email this morning (took my real name out of course, like I'd trust any of you weirdos...):

Michael Price
Tue 1/5/2021 6:04 AM
To: urguthaforka
Hi urgutha, President Trump just declared the Georgia January 5th runoff as illegal and invalid. Here is his full post:

Instead of wasting time voting since it may be rigged, key supporters plan to win by blocking the certification of the election before the Georgia runoff can be counted as President Trump requested here:

Any Republicans who do not boycott the runoff give it credence making it more difficult for Trump supporters to block the certification of the election. In addition to the boycott, supporter buses plan to depart Georgia today and tomorrow for a march on Washington Weds morning as President Trump has requested. Just search on keywords Trump March for the details.

While President Trump is reluctantly flying in today for a few hours to appease certain questionable politicians, true supporters understand control of the WH will be lost if the election and runoff are certified so President Trump hopes you understand and focus on what he is most actively posting. Please pass this update to fellow supporters, thanks urgutha.

Michael Price
Georgia Citizens for Trump


@3 Urguthat Forka: I would consider that spam, especially from King Convfefe, itself. Delete it and, if you haven't already cast your runoff ballot, do so.
The entire GOP is a filthy crime syndicate.


@3 Do you think it's real? If so, it's another example of the Trump team throwing a drowning candidate an anchor. If not, I'm kind of glad to see the blue side get serious about ratfucking. Either way, it makes me smile a little inside in spite of my natural fair play tendencies.



Dunno if it's real but was glad to see it. Hopefully it got sent to every GA voter.


I heard that all votes for the Republican candidates are fraudulent and must be discarded. I saw a video on someone's Twitter showing definitive proof. Plus, I read there's over 1000 signed affidavits from random people confirming this is true. Release the Kraken!

Dems automatically win in a landslide.

Meet me in the parking lot of the Marriott Plumbing and Heating if you want the details.


@3-5 Why would you assume that is from a Republican group? That seems just as likely to come from a group trying to disenfranchise likely Republican voters or someone just hoping to sow chaos.


How many times with Georgia be asked to recount? How long will it take to seat the winners?

Of course the Republicans, should they win, should not be seated at all since they support sedition and if they contest the results of the presidential election, they cannot be allowed to accept the results of their own election as they are exactly the same in process and procedure, per the state they live in and are attempting to represent.

No one refusing to accept the presidential election results should be allowed to be seated in the 117th Congress.


*will Georgia be asked to recount


Oh, I don't assume it's from a repub group. Don't know where it's from. I googled the dude's name and group name and nothing relevant came up. It's probably some robo-spam-emailer.

Just thought it was interesting. It's the one and only email I've gotten about the election. I've been bombarded with regular mail and text messages about both this election and the presidential one for months and months (easy to see where all that campaign money went) but never email until this one this morning.


MASSIVE LANDSLIDE. GOP candidates pulling less than Trump AND HE LOST GEORGIA.

Time to do the Happy Dance!


a BILLION Dollars?
WHO has that kinda Money to Spend?

and who the fuck Profiteers?
A. corps-owned Media
wonder why there's
never much Debate
about who OWNS
'our' Lawmakers?

our Asses. and we
fuckin LET 'em.


@12 counting has stopped in some counties and will not resume until 1PM tomorrow. Also with only 43% of the votes counted, there's no dancing to be done yet.

I am hoping beyond hope the Democrats win by 10%. The GOP won't get a recount with that lead (the current lead, but again, based only 43% of votes counted).

There is also this:

USPS delays could disenfranchise thousands of Atlanta voters in critical Georgia runoffs
Thousands of mail voters were already disenfranchised in November — and this time the margins could be even closer

The USPS said in a federal court filing that as of Dec. 21 it was processing just 76% of ballots on time in the Atlanta metro area, which is home to half of Georgia's population, according to NBCLX. That could disenfranchise voters who sent in their ballots within three to five days of Tuesday's election, including those who mailed them before New Year's.

It's unclear how many ballots could be affected. The state reported receiving more than 38,000 mail ballots this past weekend, suggesting "tens of thousands of additional ballots are still likely in transit," according to the report. Nearly 1 million voters have already cast their ballots by mail, according to data from the US Elections Project at the University of Florida, with nearly 400,000 more requested ballots still unreturned.


@16 -- meanwhile republican
Voter Suppression
continues apace

may KkKonnell's
rein of Terror
end Tonite

or whenever The Tally
hoe hoe hoes...


Oh Georgia, save us from the deep fried neofascist State of Kenfucky!


@12 Will in Seattle: I really hope you're right.


Current count has spread down to 1% (Dems still leading, but only slightly over 53% of votes counted).


"More than 450,000 Georgians in the county voted in the runoff, says Richard Barron, county director of elections. Compare that to the county's general election turnout of 528,000 people. Not so bad, eh?"

No, its fucking horrible. Why the fuck don't people understand how this republic works? I get it. The president has shitloads of power. He is the dude (so far, all dudes) that is on the news and shit. Sometimes he abuses his power, and starts bullshit wars, or does all kinds of shit. Yeah, sure.

But the Senate is fucking important! Many would argue, it is every bit as important. The reason Obama didn't get shit down for six of his years is because of the fucking Republican Senate -- and they even said so! They didn't give a fuck that he was Pres -- their number one goal was to stop him.

In this case, this isn't just a matter of electing a senator -- or even, two (as crazy as that is). This is a matter of electing Thee Senators. These mother fuckers will determine Biden's presidency. Georgia coulda just sat it out when it came to the president. While I appreciate the beauty of the Peach State giving Biden extra votes, he had it won with his home state of Pennsylvania. But holy shit people, this is likely the most important vote in your life. Sitting this one out is like seeing the opening act, but then ducking out before the main show.

Rant over. Hopefully the dipshit Republicans didn't vote in even bigger numbers.


4.2K reporting.
gotta be GOOD
to extrapolate from that...
specially with repub shenanigans & ratfuckeries
and maybe the Proud Boys tomorrow too?


Here = some potential outcomes in the eyes of blob....

Worst: Double Repub victory resulting in bitterly frustrated Dems and ongoing, prolonged national legislative stalemates

Most Likely: Split decision resulting in bitterly frustrated Dems & Repubs and same ongoing, prolonged legislative stalemates

Best: Double Dems victory resulting in some measured hope for actual progressive legislative reforms and angry, heavily armed Repubs spouting absurd conspiracy theories while calling for civil war and perpetrating violence against innocent civilians

Non-existentest: Double Dems victory resulting in grudging acceptance of the legitimate results by Repubs


As of right now, the Republicans have taken the lead.
Biden is going to have to face reality that the GOP will do nothing for him.
They aren't even going to acknowledge he won the election.
This shit must not stand.

These seditious traitors must be removed from Congress and put in prison for their crime.
Sedition is punishable by up to 20 years in prison.
Treason is punishable by up to 5 years in prison or DEATH.

They want to play. We need Democrats to fucking stand up and PLAY.

If they don't all that will be left is the number of COVID deaths of elected Republicans and that is nothing to count on, since they get the best health care in the world while the rest of us are left to die.


@24 xina: To me it sounds more like RepubliKKKans have stolen the lead with their usual cache of dirty crime syndicate money. Is there any hope left of Democrats reclaiming both Senate seats in Georgia?
Agreed and seconded. There are way too many RepubliKKKans in Congress and the U.S. Senate that have been bought into office for far too long.


No signs of stealing evident, just chunks of votes coming in from different strongholds. More votes outstanding from blue counties, races lean D, Warnock more heavily favored than Ossoff, a split is possible.


from the nyfawkingt
Election Needles: Georgia Senate Runoffs

What’s happening now:
23m ago
Republicans have taken a narrow lead in the tabulated vote, but the Democrats are clear favorites in both races.

The overwhelming majority of remaining votes are in the Atlanta metro area, and while the race remains competitive, there's no indication that the Republicans are poised to outperform expectations.

The big Democratic vote left: the DeKalb County early vote. We expect these 170,000 votes to break for Ossoff by an 85-15 margin.

well fuk me


@27 -- no so fast:

We think about 911,000 votes remain. If that's right, Ossoff would need to win about 54 percent of those votes. We think he's on track to win between 50 and 63 percent. (Our best guess is 56 right now)

Last model run: 10:06 PM ET --NYT


We think about 884,000 votes remain. If that's right, Warnock would need to win about 52 percent of those votes. We think he's on track to win between 51 and 64 percent. (Our best guess is 57 right now)

Last model run: 10:13 PM ET --nyt


As of this writing, The New York Times has:

92% Warnock chance of victory
78% Ossoff

Looks pretty good to me, but it ain't over till its over.


It ain't over til it's over, and recanvassed, and audited, and recounted, and litigated.


No matter who wins, you're going to have divided government because on any individual issue, you'll have people bubble from one side to another, depending on circumstance. The sides are too close, so the best you can hope for is that the Presidency is in the hands of a non-crazy person who is mostly honest, and that you'll win more issues than before, but not that many.


Trump is already tweeting about a massive "vote dump" coming from the Democrats because he TRULY DOES NOT UNDERSTAND THAT THE COUNTING CONTINUES UNTIL ALL VOTES ARE COUNTED. Seriously, nearly 75 million people support this fucktard. TRUMP IS DUMBER THAN FUCKING DIRT. Literally, to appease their anger at a Black man serving as one of the greatest presidents of this country, they chose the most vile, sickest, stupidest fucktard on the face of the earth to tie themselves to - no matter how far he takes them down the rabbit hole.


Pence believed to have told fatass he lacks power to change election results. I can't wait for DT to turn on, and start talking actively shit on his VP. Be awesome if it happened while they were still sitting. I don't know much presidential history, but that'd have to be completely unprecedented.


We think about 508,000 votes remain. If that's right, Warnock would need to win about 57 percent of those votes. We think he's on track to win between 59 and 72 percent. (Our best guess is 65 right now)

Last model run: 11:01 PM ET

We think about 472,000 votes remain. If that's right, Ossoff would need to win about 62 percent of those votes. We think he's on track to win between 61 and 73 percent. (Our best guess is 67 right now)

Last model run: 11:03 PM ET


Pleasantly stunned right now that Warnock and Ossoff are ahead. Never mind their politics, just two really great, decent guys. The contrast with the two-faced, self-dealing, corrupt characters in Loeffler and Perdue couldn't be greater. To think we could see Stacey Abrams save America's ass for the second time in two months.


Also nice to see xina back on the comment threads. I really thought our comments on the "Bean Dad" saga were the last straw for her. Like she was coming down from Mt. Sinai with the Ten Commandments and saw us partying worshipping a golden calf (a particularly ill-advised thing to do during a pandemic) and just smashed the two tablets down in disgust. Visualize an angry Charlton Heston.

I know I was so fearful of further disappointing xina that last night in the Slog PM thread I restrained myself from taking The CBS Evening News to task for bad grammar in a tweet. Just shows how misplaced my priorities are. And heaven knows I wasn't going to make fun of Dr. Jeff Duchin for poor Twitter form for throwing down a tweetstorm. For God's sake, the man is trying to save lives!

Frankly, we don't need any more collateral damage from the "Bean Dad" saga. (tear emoji) for Ken Jennings. Again, not Jeffrey Toobin levels of self-destructiveness. Not even John Roderick levels of self-destructiveness. But man, if you're the LeBron James of Jeopardy, you've got to have your social media act down. Or just don't have one.


@35, 39,

"Thomas Jefferson served as John Adams' Vice-President. The two did not like each other."

Now there's an understatement! Hated each other is more accurate. Happy ending though, they became good friends again later in life. They even died on the same day, Independence Day, July 4, 1826


There was a question posed in the caption of the picture of "I'm a Georgia Voter": "These stickers are so cute, why doesn't Washington do this?". There is a simple explanation why. We are 100% mail-in voting. There is no convenient distribution system!


We think about 196,000 votes remain. If that's right, Loeffler would need to win about 58 percent of those votes. We think she's on track to win between 27 and 45 percent. (Our best guess is 36 right now)

Last model run: 11:34 PM ET

We think about 196,000 votes remain. If that's right, Ossoff would need to win about 51 percent of those votes. We think he's on track to win between 54 and 73 percent. (Our best guess is 63 right now)

Last model run: 11:35 PM ET

Source: Election results and race calls from The Associated Press

By Michael Andre, Aliza Aufrichtig, Matthew Bloch, Andrew Chavez, Nate Cohn, Matthew Conlen, Annie Daniel, Asmaa Elkeurti, Andrew Fischer, Will Houp, Josh Katz, Aaron Krolik, Jasmine C. Lee, Rebecca Lieberman, Jaymin Patel, Charlie Smart, Ben Smithgall, Umi Syam, Miles Watkins and Isaac White

well ADIOS, KkKonnell
you will die* Wealthy
and it'll be the Tears & all the
Joys you Stole from all The Rest of Us.

via con Diablo

don't we all?


@41 -- this is Warshington!
and by Gawd if we wanna Sticker
for Voting we're gonna fawking GET ONE

by mail!

I VOTED, bitches
that's what mine's gonna Say.

too Early
to Celebrate?


Holy shit... I did not think it possible. I guess it's time to start sucking each others dicks then?

I'm still not going to expect any radical liberal legislation to pass, but at least we can stop with the radical conservative stuff.

They need to think grassroots. Fill the courts with super liberal and young judges. Justice Breyer should retire immediately. Appoint a 21 year old version of Bernie Sanders to his spot.

And fuck compromise. Get as much easy stuff through as fast as possible. Two years will go by fast and deplorables will vote in psychopaths again. A lot of broken stuff needs fixing.

Meh. Maybe that's wishful thinking. The dems are often abject disappointments. But a girl can dream.


Ossoff vs. Perdue
Pretty likely Ossoff
Est. 95% reported

Warnock vs. Loeffler
Very likely Warnock
Est. 95% reported

Nah. It Ain’t Too Early


Let's Try that Again:


Feeling better than I was earlier. Warnock has clearly won. Ossof, well it's 1,322 votes now, with him losing. Fingers crossed when the counting is resumed tomorrow that he pulls out a win. And with Scotland telling Trump that he can't play golf in Scotland while Biden is inaugurated, there is hope he will be in the U.S. and detained from going anywhere.


Before we get started on fresh new legislature and Cabinet assignments--for REAL, this time!!!---first I want to see Trumpty Dumpty, Dencey Pencey, Rudy Guilty-as-Charged, Moscow Mooch McDumbbell, Babyface Kavanaugh, and their entire crooked crime syndicate, down to the last trophy bimbo, bitch, lawyer, lobbyist, enabler, fixer, sympathizer, spoiled heir, the very stupidest of MAGAs, and gun-crazed Proud Boys get their just comeuppances.
Let's not waste a dime of taxpayers' hard-earned money sending all this filthy, low-life shit to prison. Off with their heads!


@47 xina: I'm crossing my fingers, too.

Come ON, Ossoff---beat Perdue!!!
Let's fucking FLIP THE SENATE.


hang in there, xina!

"We think about 90,000 votes remain. If that's right, Ossoff would need to win about 51 percent of those votes. We think he's on track to win at least 57 percent.

Last model run: 1:46 AM ET"

let's Hope I didn't
Jinx the fucker.


"With more votes coming in, Jon Ossoff has now taken a slight lead over David Perdue, with 97 percent of the estimated votes counted." --Jennifer Medina; just now [12:54 ET] --nyt

well, that does it from here.

Sweet. Dreams.


I might actually sleep tonight. I can't wait for McConnell to eat shit every day for the last term of his life.


@54 xina for the WIN!! I'm ready to clink glasses of red wine (+ your favorite beverage here). Here's to Trumpty Dumpty , Moscow Mooch McDumbbell, ad nauseum all face down in the sewers. Cheers!


Rev Warnock! Yeah!!!!!!!!!
With a 1% lead, Warnock is a lock!


@55 I wish I could have a drink! Many drinks! Sadly, I cannot. So I'll drink a ginger beer. Or more likely I'll be drinking a big mug of coffee as my celebratory beverage.

Here's hoping the Biden/Harris administration and Congress are able to undo some of the damage Trump has done and put a serious dent in the over 400 pieces of legislation the House passed last year.

15 days. 15 days to go.


@57 I'll join you with a ginger ale in celebration!
Two weeks from now cannot come soon enought!


Ossof’s about a decade too old to be a twink.


good Morning!

with 98% of the Vote tallied
Jonossof! -- 50.19%
Perdue -- 49.81

if it ends up within .50%
there'll likely be a Recount
and yes -- Hell, Yes -- DO expect
'republican' Shenanigans. they STILL
don't Give A FUCK about your 'Democracy.'
they got Billionaires and MEGA Corps to fellatiate

if we cannot get BIG Money thefuckoutta Politics
this little experiment in Democracy's gonna continue its
slide straight into Fascism.


'The estimated remaining votes are mostly mail ballots;
Ossoff [PLUS 17,025 Votes] [!!!!!] has been
comfortably outpacing Perdue on these.'



Jesus Fucking Christ on a Ritz Cracker - she said SHE'LL be drinking ginger beer, he said HE'LL be drinking ginger ale. She didn't say "let's ALL drink ginger beer", you insufferable, toadying butt-snorkeler.

Could you JUST FUCKING ONCE engage whatever unconvoluted vegetable matter occupies the space between your ears BEFORE you flail away at your keyboard with your useless extremities and NOT FUCKING MAKE STUPID, IRRELEVANT, COMPLETELY POINTLESS COMMENTS?

Just ONCE?



What? Are you under the delusion you've suddenly become Mr. Spock now?

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