

"With the presidency, the House, and the Senate under Democratic control for the first time in 10 years, it seems like anything could be possible right?"

Anything? No. We're not going to get anything super progressive, no way. And that sucks for sure. But at least there won't be any more insanely ultra conservative stuff anymore either.

Oh and off topic, is it just me, or is the way Jon Ossoff says the word "Thanks" sound weird? Like the way he pronounces the "TH" at the beginning. Sounds like the way you say "The." Thzank. Thzank. Thzank you. Just sounds strange to me.


"Gov. Kate Brown is setting a new goal to vaccinate 12,000 more people in two weeks."

gosh. what a Lofty Goal. at that rate there'll be 5,000,000 dead and 20,000,000 horribly disfigured by trumpf's
Coronavirus before we achieve Herd Immunity

Let's hope Biden's PRO fucking ACTIVE
on this shit. AND that low-Info MAGAts
put. on. the. fucking. MASK.

@Urg -- thanks, for making GA go BLUE!
oh, and it's pronounced Jonossof!
that's prolly where you missed it.

also -- how the Fuck do they teach
the Southern dialect? I mean, look in
the Dictionary -- that's one Giant Leap
from . . . I dunno, pick a Word.


RE: Democrat control of senate

I'll add one more thing... it pisses me off when democrats fold just because republicans "threaten" to filibuster legislation. They threaten to do it and democrats immediately throw in the towel. Fuck that. Make those pricks actually stand there and talk for hours on end. Keep an eagle eye on them making mistakes or breaking filibuster rules and then slam that gavel down, end the filibuster, and ram that legislation through. That's what the repubs do when the majorities are reversed. Threaten to filibuster? Go ahead. Fuck around and find out.


I didn’t dare let myself hope that the Democrats would win Georgia, even though I donated $$$$ til it hurtz.

They’ve terminated Moscow Mitch’s anti-American Fascist Freak Show Reign of Terrah!!!

What a relief that we may finally have decent people in charge after the living nightmare of the last four years.


Watching Trump lose like 60 times in a row has been super satisfying, but I gotta say, watching the Republican party eat itself and seeing Proud Boys get beat up by police is just so delicious. Happy New Year!

Could it be that Trump will Make America Great Again.... by destroying the Republican party?


Thank you dead voters of Georgia!


@8 -- you mean, the ones trumpf's Coronavirus cum MAGAts killed or the ones repubs are ALWAYS Screaming about that don't. actually. Exist?


@3 What a load of mish mash right? I think this is a more of a calculated move on her part though. The Dems in this state have some weird pecking order where they refuse to run against each other (see Islee-Ferguson for example) and Teresa is following suit and refusing to run against her buddy Lorena. The two of them basically run the city today now that Durkan is a lame duck so once Lorena ascends to the mayoral chair look for Teresa to take over as council president and consolidate their power base. Whether that portends good things for Seattle is another matter of course.


Oh boy, now you've done it.
You've made the Angry White Men really, really angry this time.


If these angry white men really thought we were headed for civil war you would think they might do a sit up or 2.


My goodness, could you imagine being a passenger on that godforsaken airplane? I'd have probably started shouting that I've a nuclear bomb in my pants in hopes that the on-board undercover US Marshall might put a couple rounds upside my noggin. Anyone who ever yells anything on an airplane should be immediately placed in a muzzle, then dropped into the cargo hold for the duration of the flight.

Yay for Dems!


I'm very happy to be proven wrong about the Senate.

@13, insipid as usual. What exactly is a super progressive? Someone who wants everyone to have healthcare? To not have police wantonly murder people? To have our nation invest in education and infrastructure and not corporate bailouts? The horror!


As I predicted, we won both.

Now, time to suspend business licenses for restaurants and bars that ignore COVID restrictions. First offense, 30 days, second offense, 60 days, third offense, 90 days, fourth offense, license revoked permanently.


Yay for the Democratic wins in Georgia! But, it's still going to be touch and go in there.


Fortunate for those angry white men, the kops they are fighting with don't appear to be wearing body armor and helmets, carrying shields, and waving large clubs & cans of pepper spray.

It sure is interesting that the kops keep those for non-violent protests and don't bring them out for the heavily armed gangs of honkies that are advocating for violence against the state.


Can we agree on Tricare for all instead of Medicare for all or do you hate the troops?


Our very own Eastern Washington Congresswoman, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, has joined the seditious, anti-democratic freak show in the House. Disgusting and shameful. Read her absolute bullshit “statement” about and become enraged at her ludicrous circular logic (it boils down to: “after we spent the last two months telling our voters the election was fraudulent they are now questioning the validity of the election. We owe it to the people who believed our lies to investigate the lies that we convinced them of”).


@22, I really wish we could give those slack-jawed yokels to Idaho. They want it. We want it. Whats the problem?


@ 17,

Some super meanie anti-fascists said that Black Lives Matter and rich people should pay taxes, and now they can't even give houses away in Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Newport Beach because all the stupid loudmouth asshole white peepel are fleeing our soshalisms for New Confederacy shitholes like Flori-DUH and TexA$$. Sad : (

Still waiting for someone to explain why being against fascism is bad.

Also, Gawd gave Satan a choice: Hell or TexA$$, and he chose Hell. That tells ya everything ya need to know.


@schmacky -- "... after we spent the last two months telling our voters the election was fraudulent they are now questioning the validity of the election. We owe it to the people who believed our lies to investigate the lies that we convinced them of"

--traitorous repubs,who never met a Circular Argument they couldn't navigate their way thru -- if Only they could do the same at Roundabouts, it'd save America millions and millions of utterly wasted man-hours

and yep that's Right On Par with the famous Menendez twins -- who killed their Parents and then asked for Mercy from the Court -- on account of being Orphans.

and there's little teddy cruz over in Congress trying right now to overturn a democratically-elected Prez because . . . Pandemics do Not exist.


@24 tell that to the political party you belong to. And Im still waiting for what you consider a super progressive.


trumpfy sent his Brownshirts Brigade
over to storm the Capitol Steps and
they're tangling with Capitol Po-po.

thnx, repubs.


@ 22,

The traditional media is clutching their pearls because they finally figured out like five seconds ago that all Republinazis are crazy, lying, treasonous, genocidal, psycho-fascist whores.

Well, duuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh!!!

They'll be screaming "BOTH SIDES!!!" right up until one of $hitler's Puke Boyz puts a bullet in the back of their heads and kicks their bodies into a mass grave.


@23 How about a state income tax? That might encourage the far right creeps to make good on their threats to move to Idaho.


@29 you are boring me now. equivocate equivocate equivocate. it's all you know.


@34 Trump still has Two WeeksÂŽ to roll out his healthcare plan!


And the law and order back the blue crowd are naturally fighting with cops, calling in bomb threats and trying to storm government buildings.


For the life of me I cannot figure out why the police are not shooting rubber bullets into these peoples faces and teargassing them. Hmmm.


Pence Is Evacuated From Senate Chamber as Protesters Breach Barricades Outside Capitol

The Capitol building was placed on lockdown, with senators and members of the House locked inside their chambers, as Congress began debating President-elect Joe Biden’s victory.

trumpfy, inciting the Violence
his Desperation's almost outta hand

TREASON is what it IS.


Where are the unmarked vans to round these terrorists up? I guess they are waiting until a Starbucks window gets smashed.


Mayor Bowser has just imposed a 6 p.m. curfew in Washington.


@41 probably because the DC city council passed an emergency ordinance back in June that among other things "prohibits use of tear gas, pepper spray, riot gear, rubber bullets and stun grenades by MPD (or federal police while on non-federal land) in response to First Amendment protests". So now we get ringside seats to see how knee jerk legislation renders the police impotent to respond to mobs. Good times.


Funny how Black Lives Matter protesters in D.C. were shot at with rubber bullets, tear gassed, and forcibly removed so Trump could take a photo with an upside down bible in his hands and yet a bunch of white male domestic terrorists armed to the teeth are able to get into the Capitol Building. And why would Mike Pence need to be whisked away to safety? These are his people, he and Trump and the entire GOP congressional cohort have been inciting this for a long, long time. Why would they fear being murdered by their own base?
Such an odd way to response to the violence you called for over and over and over.

2 weeks until Trump is dragged out of the White House. Will any of these white supremacist terrorists be arrested and prosecuted for their crimes? Will any of the Republicans engaging in sedition be arrested and prosecuted for their crimes?

Democrats need to double down and be as ruthless and single minded as possible. The GOP has destroyed so much and there is very little time to undo it.


a Tweet:

Please support our Capitol Police
and Law Enforcement. They are truly
on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!

gawd, someone hacked his Account

or, he doesn't wanna
go to Jail quite yet.

they're teargassing the Capitol Building


@44 -- BINGO
kristallnacht's Here but where's
those Agents Provocateuer when
el Fako "prez" needs them most?


Time to open fire on these hillbillies. This is insanity.


another Tweet:

Trump should be impeached
and convicted tomorrow.


@31 Idaho already has an income tax. Not that that means we shouldn't!


Wow look at all those assholes swarming the Capitol to stop the count! The should clear them out, but I understand not wanting to start the next 4 years bloody. Maybe hire a Black guy to sneak up to the edge of the mob and yell “where the white women at?”




That video feed link Garb posted is reporting someone shot inside the Capitol. Fuckin' hell.


from nyt:
Jim Rutenberg; Writer-at-large
A Trump flag is draped from a Capitol balcony, a reminder that this is a movement dedicated to a single man, a man whose re-election loss these protesters are unwilling to accept.

Jim Rutenberg; Writer-at-large
“Insurrection in Washington Following Trump Encouragement” reads CNN on-screen chyron.


Urgutha Forka, your girlfriend, and the majority of Georgia voters @1 and @5: Thank you, bless you, kudos, and cheers for turning blue and FLIPPING THE U.S. SENATE!! :)
And @5 Urgutha: Agreed and seconded. Why should the newly Democratic-controlled Senate, with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris the deciding tie-breaking vote have to fight fair if RepubliKKKans won't? It's time to give the entire GOP a shot of their own highly touted hydroxychloroquine---and make 'em choke on it.

@7 Lastlight: Happy New Year!! Proud Boys beaten up by cops for breaking the law. The RepubliKKKan Party of None now blaming everything on Trumpty Dumpty--"Waaaaaah!! It's all Der Gropenfuhrer's fault!". I can't wait until they stick a fork in the ass of Kenfucky-fried Chickenshit, and Putin's new pool boy, Moscow Mooch McDumbbell. Cheers!

@22 Schmacky: Cathy McMorris Rodgers really should be gagged, bound, and shipped off, along with Doug Ericksen and Matt Shea, to Idaho With Love. All RepubliKKKans are is further proof that the charter members of Trumpty Dumpty's Death Cult aren't just shameless criminals, they're sore losers, too.

@23 Brent Gumbo: I have been wondering that too, for what seems like eternity.

@26 & @8 kristofarian: It's as Catalina Vel-DuRay says. I, Auntie Grizelda offer this extension of Catalina's often used comment:
RepubliKKKans aren't just heartless criminals, they're shitty losers, too.

@25 & @30 Original Andrew: Agreed and seconded. To this day, I have no understanding of anyone stupid enough to still cheer on Der Gropenfuhre, any of its lawyers, lobbyists, fixers, trophy bitches, bimbos, and snot-nosed heirs. Especially when they're typically the ones who have everything to lose.


Carl Hulse: Chief Washington correspondent

That picture being shown on TV of the protester seated in the chair of the presiding officer of the Senate is just stunning. The Senate so zealously guards its inner sanctum and now it has been violated.

and now NPR calling them Domestic Terrorists.

thnx repubs.


nyt: Jim Rutenberg; Writer-at-large
Now we are seeing television images of
pro-Trump protesters destroying Capitol pro-
perty, smashing a glass window and climbing in.

kristallnacht arrives in DC
will Gov't Agents begin
shooting the Domestic

-- 'scuze me,
well-Armed Militia types?



WILL there be Counter-protests?
it's more'n Plenty Ugly Enough already...


another Tweet:
Trump supporters just ripped down the American flag on the Capitol and raised a Trump flag. Terrorists have taken control of our Capitol. They are a clear and present danger to America, as is the President.

Pax Americana?
nah, more like Pox Americana
thanks Bannon, FOX, Murdoch Gingrich Cheney KkKonnell et all.


nyt: Charlie Savage; Washington Correspondent
Our colleague Helene Cooper, who covers the Pentagon, says the Army has said it is activating the entire D.C. National Guard — 1100 troops.

And the Virginia National Guard and 200 state troopers are being sent to neighboring Washington, according to a top Virginia official, our colleague Jonathan Martin reports.


nyt: "Michael S. Schmidt; Washington Correspondent
A very brief history of Capitol violence.

The British burned down the Capitol in 1814.

In 1835, an assassin tried to kill Andrew Jackson outside of it.

During World War I, explosives were planted there.

In 1954, Puerto Rican nationalists shot five members of Congress."

and then there's NOW


nyt: Catie Edmondson; Congressional Correspondent
The Democratic leaders in Congress, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, said in a joint statement with an audience of one: “We are calling on President Trump to demand that all protestors leave the U.S. Capitol and Capitol grounds immediately.”

Catie Edmondson; Congressional Correspondent
The Democratic leaders in Congress, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, said in a joint statement with an audience of one: “We are calling on President Trump to demand that all protestors leave the U.S. Capitol and Capitol grounds immediately.”

And all this, just because
one sad little manchild was
taught from a very young age
to NEVER EVER be a 'Loser.'

well you LOST trumpfy
get the Fuck OVER It
and just let US Live


Useful Idiots(cops/conservative dems)...are anyone you're buds with until they tell you to kiss off, then you can't use them anymore.


@65 kristofarian: I know, and I'm just as sick about all this senseless batshit Trumpian craziness as you are. Just imagine what kind of a utopia we could all live in now if Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine had rightfully been sworn into the Oval Office on January 20, 2017, free of foreign interference such as Russian hacking, KKKorporate dirty money, gerrymandering, voter suppression, bullshit hate propaganda As Seen on FOX TeeVee and Twitter........


I say, if Trumpty Dumpty and its crime syndicate, lawyers, lobbyists, enablers, down to the most insanely violent of seditionista Proud Boys, dumbest of MAGAs, and hopeless of trophy bitches, bimbos, and snot-nosed heirs want to regress us back to 1789, I say, off with their heads!
I recommend some most suitable exit music for the departing Trump / Pence crime syndicate:
Hector Berlioz'x movement IV. March to the Scaffold, from Symphonie Fantastique, composed and premiered in Paris in 1830.

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