

Don't we live in a country where if you try to stop the police from killing you that justifies them killing you. Why aren't the police choking people to death now?


On MSNBC I just saw capitol police and paramedics bringing out a woman covered in blood on a stretcher.


And the Capitol police are just... letting them get away with it? Wow. A far-white trash riot conquered the Capitol, and the paper tiger fell apart.

Good thing they weren’t peacefully protesting and saying Black Lives Matter, or they would’ve been machine-gunned and beaten to death.

Truly, the only thing that’s saved us (so far) has been the GOPnazis’ own stupidity, insanity, and incompetence.


Impeach him. Impeach him now.


I love how TV talking heads are acting so shocked that this is happening. Really? Couldn't have seen this coming?


@ 6,

You’d think the fact that the Tr666pnazis have been vowing to kill us all every day for years—including everyone in the Capitol yesterday—might’ve been a tip off.


DoD now denying request for more National Guard troops. Of course.


And where the hell is the FBI/Insane Clown Pussies during all this?


Trump asked for this. Trump believes this will keep him in power. This is what the GOP wants. They have demanded this from their followers and they act like they are surprised. These terrorists are SHOOTING IN THE FUCKING CHAMBER OF CONGRESS. This is Trump's AmeriKKKa. This is the death cult of the Republican party. How many will be dead by these terrorists hands when the day is done? How many elected officials will be dead?


Picture of the capitol steps during the BLM protests:


@6 Exactly. The media is behaving like a confused child. Their commentary is absurd.


Yurtle fucking McTurtle is pretending he gives a shit about the election being fair, valid, and free from any steal.


I'm doubtful the collective IQ of that whole ridiculous mob is 4 digits long. It's so embarrassing to be human sometimes.


Every single one of them should be thrown to the ground, handcuffed, locked in a cell, and charged with Treason...


Carmen Best is on the phone on MSBC. She's sad about this. RIP.


@16 They are already claiming false flag. Damn George Soros strikes again, no quit in that dudes game. How do you get so many crisis actors on short notice? Is there an app?


So is this treason? Or terrorism? Or both? I'm feeling both.


@22 Its white people from the heartland. It's patriotism.


Seems a little too on brand for America that the person who was shot and is in critical condition now is a woman. I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say that statistically she was probably shot by a man.


@22 More like insurrection:

“Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”,holding%20any%20office%20under%20the

Notice the term ‘incites’ in the law? It could be reasonably argued that Trump incited the crowd in this morning’s speech (at minimum) to storm the Capitol building.


@ 27,

The National Stupidity Complex all seem to have gone on vacation after Russia hacked the shit outta our networks.


Without the destruction of property? Bro, even the herpes cure account thinks you're sad and should reevaluate your life choices.


in Other news:
Jan. 6, 2021, 4:24 p.m. ET
Georgia Live Updates: Democrats Capture
the Senate as Ossoff Defeats Perdue.

and now trumpfy's Live on NPR etc
calling for L&O and
for the Terrorists
to leave DC.

will they Listen?


Storm in a teacup for the woman who was shot and is in critical condition. And its tempest in a teacup dummy.



Yeah, cuz crazy angry whypeepo pushing down barricades, fighting with law enforcement and putting an entire branch of our federal government at physical risk is just good ole' patriotic protest, amiright?


The viking dude is just the best. some real id being acted out there.
From appearances I would say there is a powerful undercurrent of homo-eroticism on display there, like some Robert Bly men's circle chest-thumping.
angry white man angry white man, oh sing to me of your anger


Nuthin' to see Here.
on Top of it you
are as per


this is fucking white privilege on full display here. this is also a fucking coup here. Fuck Trump.


So where are all the people who constantly lamented about the property damage during the Black Lives Matter protests (property damage done by white people, btw)???? These assholes are running through the entire Capitol building screaming "WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY???" They shot one woman in the chest. They are taking photos of themselves in the chambers, at Pelosi's desk and other locations. COPS ARE STANDING AROUND TAKING SELFIES WITH THESE TERRORISTS!!!! They destroyed the walls, climbed into the building, smashed doors and windows, have ripped down, broken, taken, and destroyed all kinds of property within the building and yet


Trump is the only person with the power to call in the National Guard in D.C. and he hasn't done it and he won't.

White supremacist domestic terrorists, invited and incited by Trump, are destroying the Capitol Building of the United States.

Talk about white privilege.
Talk about right wing nut jobs.
Talk about domestic terrorism.

The GOP have begged for this for decades. They have stoked this fire and now it's raging and they think they can control it? Like they controlled Trump?

This entire country needs to be exterminated. These fucking cockroaches are everywhere.

What is happening right now is literally a scene from the Handmaid's Tale.


Now, now, had all these insurrectionist assholes storming the Capitol been Black men with clubs waving their BLM and New Black Panther Party banners, I'm quite certain the law enforcement response would have been just as restrained and measured as it has been here.


I can see why Trumpers don't want anyone from "3rd-world shit-hole countries" coming here, what with us being a big enough "3rd-world shit-hole country" already. We may have big and scary nuclear weapons, but we've become a "3rd-world shit-hole country" ourselves anyway.


Trying to remember how many IEDs were found at chop?


It is more than just a rhetorical question as to why sterner measures weren't resorted to when we have such vivid examples of them being resorted to in the recent past.
At any rate, I'm not calling for poison gas, mace or rubber bullets - just arrests... lots and lots of arrests.
These proud patriots should be ok with that ... do the crime, do the time, right?
and if the jails get full while a pandemic rages, I say release the drug dealers and murderers but keep these animals locked up for a long while yet.


Republicans are horrible people.


Also trying to remember how many Biden 2020 signs were found at chop.



Yes, attacking a police precinct in Seattle is exactly the same as attacking and storming the fucking seat of the US Government to stop Constitutional procedure. Get a fucking life.


Just imagine what kind of a utopia we COULD be living in right now if Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine had rightfully taken oath of Oval Office on January 20, 2017.

@15 xina: Mooch McDumbbell is just trying desperately to buy time before joining Der Gropenfuhrer, Trumpty Dumpty, in the GOP's Great Fall. Very fitting exit music for Trumpty Dumpty, Dencey Pencey, Mooch McDumbbell, and their evil crime syndicate would be movement IV. March to the Scaffold, from Hector Berlioz'x Symphonie Fantastique, which debuted in Paris in 1830.
Off with their heads!


Mistral, do you have anything except whataboutisms? That's all you've contributed. But whattabout this?! But whattabout that!?

That's all you've got? Pretty lame.


@47- yes, it has been an historic 24 hours here.
A couple observations -
Stacey Abrams has once again proved herself to be an heroic figure. she now has to be considered one of the most powerful women in the country.
Also - the passage of Georgia from Red to Blue ... my take is it is the convergence of two factors, one of which is a Black Renaissance in the Atlanta area with a large black middle class and deep historical roots.
and the other is the growing importance nationwide of the suburban vote. Suburban voters want good schools, good roads, good infrastructure, good health care options more than they want loopy nativist rhetoric.


Okay, I'm sold. This incident will be known as domestic terrorist insurrection treason. checks notes Oh neat, treason is still a capital crime under federal law.


Mistral that’s not how the Guard is deployed in DC. Mayor requests for a specific mission then DoD or the Executive Branch approves it. In this case the DoD under Trump’s lackeys denied the change in mission. After VA started sending their guard Trump relented and finally sent in the guard.




Trumpists intended to take members of Congress hostage, hold show trials, conduct executions

After a year in which police repeatedly treated Black Lives Matter protesters with extreme action, to say these Trump supporters were treated with kid gloves doesn’t come close. Police didn’t even bother to gear up for what they knew would be a large event including members of militia and white supremacist organizations.

And it’s not like the insurrectionists were doing anything bad, like peacefully protesting on a street. They were only attempting to overthrow the U.S. government, take members of Congress hostage, and conduct show trials on the National Mall.


@43 misinformed: OMFG. Did you just accidentally ingest some hydroxychloroquine?
Seek professional medical assistance now.

@51: kallipugos: I agree with your thinking. Rather than make the U.S. taxpayers pay the tab for Trumpty Dumpty and its Death Cult serving life imprisonment, however, let's send every member of the GOP and their enablers to the guillotine, instead. If they're so hell bent on regressing our country back 231 years to 1789, I say, Off with their heads!

@51 Catalina Vel-DuRay: Yep. And they're shitty losers, too.

@55 blip. I'm just as baffled as you are. My only comfort during these past atrocious years of Dark Ages is that I voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016.



Soldier of the Crown? What are you, a fucking Tory? Do you stand to attention at rugby matches and sing "God Save The King"? Jeebuz, no wonder you're so confused about everything around you - you think it's still 1775 and we're a colony under the reign of George III.

In short: you're as bat-shite crackers as he was...


Armed white terrorists - having looted the Capitol - are ignoring the curfew and walking freely in DC with their weapons.

It's time to see arrests in the thousands and the use of full force as needed.

Take down the ringleaders, and force them to discard their weapons.


Here comes the CBC’s umpteenth AMERICA IN CHAOS headline. You’d think it’d be burned into the monitors after four MAGAt years of Prezinazi AntiChrist.


Just in from the Times Pence ordered guard not Trump.


The DC mayor can request but the DoD must approve the mission. When the mission changed from support to active enforcement they needed an order change. Looks like Pence through powers of the VP ordered it.


@64 In states the GOVERNOR calls out the National Guard. In D.C. as it is not a state, only the resident of the White House, the Commander in Chief can do it. You can double down as much as you want (standard operating procedure for those who don't know what the fuck they are talking about in any way), doesn't change the facts.


Face it, mistral - you're now actively declaring to be on the side of a group of people who have demonstrated clearly and directly that they are ready and willing to commit treason at the behest of a raging, lying, incompetent psychopath who collectively have absolutely no regard for democratic principals, the rule of law, or anything even remotely resembling human decency.

You can whatabout until the cows come home, but that's the reality. They're traitors and you appear, by your words at the very least, to be perfectly comfortable with their acts. That makes you no different from them - as if anyone actually believes you voted for Biden. You're a loser, a petty, sore, butt hurt-to-your-small intestine loser, and that's the way history will remember you and your pathetic, infantile, racist ilk.


@68 COMTE: I rest my case, Your Honor. No further questions.

@71 & @74: Let me guess: You've lost EVERYTHING--your job, your home, your healthcare, your life savings, loved ones, all your possessions, and you just tested positive for COVID-19. And now, because you keep stupidly believing EVERYTHING an unscrupulous lying, sack of shit con man GUILTY oF TREASON AMONG DOZENS OF OTHER CRIMES says, you're out to faht fer your FREE DUMBS! You'll faht 'till yer DEAD!
Whah Lahd of thuh Flahs, Fahthur Pencey's Bahbel SEZ so! Hole-y Sed-i-shun!
And just now, you've hit your head on a rock in your drunken stupor.
All the while your hero, Der Gropenfherer and its crime syndicate, on their way out
ARE LAUGHING AT YOU because all you have left is your terminal STUPIDITY.


I should point out armed white terrorists are also active at many state capitols.

They must be forced to leave.

Starting with their vehicles. Then their weapons.


@47, 58,

Definitely the news of GA's democrat victories has been the highlight of the year so far. I have to say, Biden's election and now the senate changing hands doesn't make me feel schadenfreude so much as it just makes me feel relief. I know the democrats still won't be able to pass any really progressive stuff, but just knowing Donnie will be gone and some basic government functioning can proceed is relieving. The last four years have been far too stressful.

Another reason GA has flipped blue is that the population has been exploding here for years. Mostly in Atlanta. Big business sees low taxes and moves their company there, but that means they need workers, and most low level workers are liberal. GA's gotten more and more and more liberal. Hell... I had no intention or desire to move here, but my company moved its operations here and I came with it, along with my democrat voting pattern.

You know another place that has been exploding in population the same way as Georgia? Texas. Wouldn't surprise me at all if Texas started turning more democrat over the next few years.


The woman who was shot inside the Capitol building - probably by one her own proud patriot-boy accomplices - has now died.

So, now you MAGATS have blood on your hands as well, if you didn't think you did before; the irony being of course that it was essentially self-inflicted. But hey, that's how death cults work, no?

Hopefully she didn't leave a husband or children or parents or friends or relatives or co-workers behind to grieve her senseless loss, but chances are she did. My condolences to them, but how can anyone be surprised?

Galatians 6:7...


@87 COMTE: Thank you and bless you once again (as in comment @68), for beating me to it. Agreed and seconded, and well done.


Is that Antifa trying to break into the capitol in Oly right now or peaceful protesters?


@94 the woman was shot by law enforcement (that's what is being reported anyway) of course they aren't saying she was one of the rioters, so my bet is she was at work and was murdered (the cops let them in and took selfies with the rioters and showed them where they needed to go - it's all on video for the world to see). not one person has been arrested for any of this. the only arrests made were of people entering D.C. who were stopped and found to have weapons.

forever and always anyone justifying the murder of Black person by police for any reason will be considered a white supremacist terrorist. this display has proven that Black lives do not matter and that white people can do whatever they want, wherever they want and they will not be gunned down. Black people, though? gunned down while sleeping, eating ice cream or playing video games in their own homes, playing music too loudly in their cars, walking or running down the street, playing on playgrounds, living, breathing, existing...


This is most certainly a right-wing insurrection such as we have never seen. Hopefully Trump supporters that have been militarized by the hairy, orange howler-monkey will get their just desserts in prison by getting poetically tea-bagged and corn-frittered at the hands of lascivious Mungo-Jerries. Trump is unceremoniously dropping statesmanship trou' and tossing a grenade over his shoulder as he exits the White House, knowing full well he faces sexual harassment and tax evasion, not to mention sedition and treason charges once he enters civilian life for good. Let us hope no one dies is this insane Beer-Hall Putsch imposed by this ignoble bozo inflicted upon the United States by simpering right-wing, Proud Boy macaroons. Pray for a speedy transition to a Biden-Harris administration, which may be our only preemptive vaccine against Republican stupidity, although we hope and pray for the rapid deployment of the COVID vaccine, a shot in the left and booster in the right cheek please. Thank you President Biden and Vice-President Harris (or whatever her name is) for saving America from the throes of hairy Trumpism. So wonderful to have a female Vice-President with prosecutorial experience who can throw the orange-hairy-diminutively endowed howler-monkey in prison for a good, long time, and not "golf prison".


@90a Urgutha Forka: Way to help turn the blood red states true blue!! Kudos! Although I know from your comments that moving to Atlanta was not by choice (your job transferred you) I salute your bravery, too. I really would love to see Texas be next in the nation's bluing. Texas WAS blue back when Ann Richards was Governor prior to the Error of the Bush Die-Nasty. :)

@94 COMTE: That is so sad as well as needless that the woman shot in the Capitol Building is now dead. That Trumpty Dumpty and its crime syndicate down to the dumbest of MAGAs feel neither remorse nor shame is beyond 3rd World Shit-hole Neofascist sick.



If they're wearing black and waving antifa flags, then it's antifa. Also, according to the RWNJ's if they're wearing normal clothes, sporting AR-15's and waving MAGA flags, they're also antifa.

Antifa: they're everywhere and everyone, especially if they look like they're not...


Weird, it's almost as if consistently charging up a base of heavily-armed morons, and repeatedly throwing around accusations of a stolen election with zero evidence, would predictably lead to this very outcome. If only there were some laws already on the books that could be pointed to, maybe "the party Law & Order" and "personal responsibility" could have DONE something to avoid this. Such a pity.


a) Yes, it is a coup attempt--a failed one. b) Impeach and successfully convict Trump, and remove him from office ASAP. c) Irony: now there really will be less freedom, more state surveillance, and more paranoia thanks to Trump's "fighters." Tomorrow at 9 a.m. in DC will be very, very different from today at 9 a.m. d) Terrible tragedy with the death (murder) of the woman in today's riot. RIP. And Mr. Trump--may you never have a peaceful moment again. "How easy still it proves in factious times/With public zeal to cancel private crimes." "In friendship false, implacable in hate/Resolved to ruin or to rule the state." -- John Dryden, 1630-1700 (These lines from "Absolom and Achitophel" could have been written today.) The evil spirit of Trump (Shakespeare's Iago?) survives in some form in every generation. Trump: May. You. Never. Know. Another. Minute. Of. Peace. Ever. I hope you are impeached, convicted, and totally humiliated. That's the LEAST that should happen.


I just now realized: we're 105 comments in and not a single incomprehensible, utterly moronic statement from RainDrip - perhaps there IS a God...


Interesting how a few Republicans (including one from WA state) are now saying they will not contest the election results. Do you think this scared them? That they may fear for their own asses (I mean that's the only reason they do anything, right)? Who knew an insurrection by armed terrorists in the Capitol would frighten the very people who have been egging this shit on for decades.


What a sad, shameful day. I'm so glad my dad, a Vietnam vet, is not alive to see this. It would break his heart.

Protestors do not set out to interrupt a Constitutionally mandated election process and overturn the will of the American voters. This is an affront to freedom and US security.

To all you despicable what-abouters: the election happened after the summer protests and riots. The American people did not side with Trump and his cronies or the right-wing handwringers. If you think violence against elected representatives and our US capitol is "owning the libs," you have serious mental health issues.


From Daily Kos (artwork is featured at the top of the article in the link)
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I remember being told that I was overreacting.
I remember being told that I was suffering from "Trump Derangement Syndrome" or "TDS."
I remember being told I was being "rude."
I remember being told that I was too "angry"
I remember being told that I needed to "calm down."
I remember being told that I shouldn't talk politics so much.
I remember being told that Trump was not doing anything out of the ordinary.
I remember being told to "not get yourself so worked up."
I remember being told that I was a "broken record."
I remember being that that my "well-intentioned passion and anger are taking over your reason and intelligence."

I remember you ignoring his vile comments to Gold Star families.
I remember you making excuses for his forced separation of THOUSANDS of children from their parents to TERRORIZE as a policy.
I remember you ignoring his mocking women, people of color, the disabled, judges, our intelligence agencies.
I remember you ignoring his Trans ban.
I remember you ignoring his Muslim ban.
I remember you ignoring his sexism… his racism… his transphobia… his xenophobia…
I remember you laughing off his lies…. his THOUSANDS of lies.
I remember you ignoring his sexual assaults.
I remember you ignoring his corruption.
I remember you scoffing at his traitorous behavior when playing footsie with Putin.
I remember you laughing off his embarrassing behavior on the international stage.
I remember you making excuses for lying about, then ignoring the deadliest pandemic in our lifetime.
I remember you remaining silent on the death of over 350,000 of our fellow Americans.
I remember you mocking people that CARED.
I remember so much more.
I remember all of that.

I also remember creating this piece of artwork... and with today's events (a riotous coup attempt, a dead woman, attacks on the police, etc) putting the exclamation point on what I've been saying since months before Trump was elected. Take a look at the word choice. There was thought behind EVERY single word. It was not that tough to see if you opened up your eyes, ears, and mind. Trump was Trump in 2016. He's the same today.

Look at the date on this magazine. I wasn't clairvoyant. I simply paid attention.

I saw all of this. Every word still stands. He should never have been President. He needs to be removed.



@107 Lastlight: Agreed and seconded. It is truly a sad, shameful day. Bless your father for his having served our country. My father served in the U.S. Navy during the Korean War and would be just as outraged. I am a Gulf War (also U.S. Navy) veteran and just absolutely revulsed, too, by what is happening.


Dear MAGA fuckwits, Republicans with your heads with anal-cranial inversion, and dipshits: May you quickly succumb to Covid 19-- you are pathetic whiners and death will be a relief to you and the rest of us working/trying to make this place a better place to live.. Fuck off and die.


@111 Ignorauns: Agreed and seconded, and the sooner the better.


@111 Ignorauns: Agreed and seconded. The sooner the better.


@105: Yeah, I noticed that too. He's smart enough to not weigh in on topics where he has absolutely no leg to stand on. Unlike these others who revel in their repugnance.

@109: YUP. And let's keep in mind that this is nowhere near an exhaustive list.
I remember that Trump has had white supremacists in his cabinet - Bannon and Miller for sure, likely Sessions too - as well as one actual goddamn Nazi: Sebastian Gorka.


@Auntie: Digital high five in love and solidarity. Thank you for your service. My father in law dropped on Normandy, Arnhem, fought in Korea. My Dad served in Korea. I shudder to think about this unspeakable tragedy happen.. where you, my father in law,my Dad, and so many others gave time and lives for this country.. and for making my life possible.. This idiocy shall not stand.


Rep. Omar is already doing what needs to be done: drawing up Articles of Impeachment.


Now they are just doing strong arm robbery of news equipment, cameras and such to just smash them. Guys, don’t be stupid. Your probably going to get arrested so at least sell that shit so you can get a good lawyer.


@109 xina: I knew this, too. All factors you cited to have Trump removed as he should be now---he should NEVER have been declared the President of the United States--EVER!--were all so largely why I knew to vote for Former Secretary of State, Former First Lady, and Former Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. Hillary was rightfully #45, and infinitely better qualified.

@114 Knat: Yep. Agreed with you and xina. Donald Jackass Trump, an atrociously spoiled rich, racist, misogynist, arrogant, psychopathic, tyrannical, and narcissistic baby who never once served its country or held any prior public office--should never have gained control lof he White House. Period.


Senate is back and of course they begin by fellating the Capitol police who completely abdicated their duties. We'll never learn.


So like, where was the FBI on this one? They were able to thwart the kidnapping of that governor but somehow completely missed a planned attack on our nation's capitol?


@116 Knat: Thank heavens--FINALLY! Bless Rep.Omar for drawing the Articles for Impeachment. Let's hope the Pigfucker-in-Chief gets hauled out in an industrial sized garbage bag this time, and its equally criminally insane co-conspirators are dragged out with him.


@120: ....said the hopeless MAGA troll with typically nothing much to say. Begone before you draw more of Pence's flies.


@120: If somebody pointed a gun at your head, fired, and missed, I suppose you'd say "That wasn't much of a murder."


Round them up. Unlike Britain who shipped off the scum of society to the nether regions on Earth.. Let's just fly them the fuck away towards Mercury-- and they can have their own little piece of paradise to start up white bubba Valhalla. I'll be happy to provide Bud light and Skoal's money to keep them occupied


@121 tmplknght: I know--where the fuck was the FBI during this whole time? All the better reason for Article 25 Impeachment now on Donald Jackass Trump and its cronies now. Trump ordered the Proud Boys to terrorize the Capitol Building by merely tweeting those dangerously crazy asseroles to "Stand By". President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President -elect Kamala Harris should be taking over the Oval Office NOW.


Also, maybe congress could pass some laws preventing twitter from being a platform for violence? I know it's tricky because free speech and everything but are they willing to keep risking their lives so twitter doesn't have to do anything?



Oh, if only that were so. But his track record demonstrates otherwise. He not only enthusiastically weighs in on topics upon which he has no knowledge, experience or understanding, but appears, in typical Dunning-Kreuger style, to genuinely believe he knows more than he actually does. The only possible reason I can think of for why he hasn't weighed in on this particular thread is that he perhaps finally realizes how rightfully he'll be excoriated for his willful ignorance and equivocation. I admit that's a real stretch; more likely he lost power or was in a car accident or somehow managed to break every finger on both hands, but regardless, we must be thankful for whatever little gleams of light we can wrest from such a dark day.


@125 Ignorauns: Or, if Trumpty Dumpty and its crime syndicate are so hellbent on keeping us in the Dark Ages, and they so desperately want a bloody revolution and Civil War re-enactment, I say let's certainly round them all up, but have 'em all beheaded, instead. Melania is nothing other than a modern day Marie Antoinette, saying 'Let them eat cake'.
I'm sure Vladimir Putin might find good use of Der Gropenfuherer's orange rug by his fireplace in Moscow. Vlady SHOULD get DJT's toupee---he paid for it four years ago, helping rig the 2016 election.


@127 COMTE and Knat @114: Agreed, seconded, and thirded. Thank heavens for some light on an otherwise dark day.
Hey--- in brighter news: thanks to Jon Osoff and Rev Raphael Warnock winning two Senate seats and flipping Georgia blue ,Democrats have flipped the Senate since 2007!!


Every single cop at the Capitol today must be fired.


FUCK. I should have known it was too good to be true.

Well, what fresh hellish idiotic utterances do we have to look forward to?


@131 and @133: Begone, lil MAGAs before you draw Pence's flies.


@131: says you through the years has spewed forth your pathetic share of it. Go tell your hard times to the wall or a rock-- your whining along with the rest of the MAGA fuckwits is beyond anyone sane person's tolerance. Suck it up buttercup... If your life sucks what are you doing about it to make it better. Bitching, pissing, and moaning ain't going to work.


@134: Shoo, fly, shoo!


@134 -- well, I Voted for her, dipshit.

I do not, however, recall
ever having voted for you.
where were you borne?


@133: Believe us, you weren't missed, Rainy. Go drink your Kool Aid and lie down.

@140 kristofarian: As always, you're right as rain, Kris. @134 is truly borne, alright---like DJT he's a disease.

Any updates on our thrice legitimately elected Governor, Jay and Trudi Inslee are doing?
WTF is the MATTER with these neofascist Proud Boy weirdos?? They're like rabid dogs!


@133: just like Herpes. Now go away.. like forever.



I'm in line with you on some parts. Our government--our society, really--is terribly broken. Neither the democrats nor the republicans can fix it, and in fact, neither of them want to fix it because to them it's not broken. They both pander largely to billionaires and monied corporate interests. Actually, I have no idea if that's what you believe, but in any case I agree government has major problems.

That said, some of the side effects of the legislation democrats and republicans pass DOES impact non billionaires, and in my opinion, the side effects from the democrats is more helpful than the side effects from the republicans.

Are you saying that both democrats and republicans are equally bad? That everything they enact has identical bad consequences? If so, that's where I disagree. I think they are bad in very different ways. I would gladly make major changes to government and society if I could, but I cannot, not alone. And writing in Fred Flintstone is the same as not voting at all. So I vote, reluctantly, for the group that I know actually has a chance to win, and is the least likely to transfer all wealth and power to the already wealthy and powerful.


Saying both sides are bad benefits the worst side the most. Big difference between finding and old cat turd under your bed and coming home to fresh dog diarrhea.


So I guess another impeachment absolutely COULD happen and it doesn't sound especially far-fetched.

Assuming Omar follows through and gets it brought to the floor, I'd have to imagine it'd stand a decent chance of passing. He won't get removed though. 2/3 is just too high a bar to cross for a senate whose right wing faction know it'd probably still amount to career suicide to convict him.

I'd still be perfectly happy to see it happen. Though honestly, as I've been saying for years, he really just needs to fucking die already.


from the nyt: Trump Is to Blame for Capitol Attack

The president incited his followers to violence. There must be consequences.

President Trump and his Republican enablers in Congress incited a violent attack Wednesday against the government they lead and the nation they profess to love. This cannot be allowed to stand.

Mr. Trump’s seditious rhetoric prompted a mob of thousands of people to storm the U.S. Capitol building, some breaking onto the House and Senate floors, where the nation’s elected representatives had gathered to perform their constitutional duty of counting electoral votes and confirming the election of Joe Biden as president.

Few have been as explicit as Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer, who earlier Wednesday suggested, “Let’s have trial by combat!”

Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, invoked the 1877 commission that resolved the disputed presidential election of 1876 as a model for what he described as addressing reasonable doubts about the 2020 election.

There is no factual basis for such doubts about the 2020 vote, but Mr. Cruz's choice of analogy is historically resonant.

In the 1876 election, white Democrats used widespr ead political violence to prevent Black people from voting and then demanded the end of Reconstruction as the price of the survival of a compromised Republic — ushering in an era of racial terror and cementing the exclusion of Southern Blacks from participatory democracy.

by The NYT Editorial Board
The editorial board is a group of opinion journalists whose views are informed by expertise, research, debate and certain longstanding values. It is separate from the newsroom.
Jan. 6, 2021


@135. You jinxed it. 😞

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