

Not helping anything, these people.


Worse than a Bad Santa pub crawl, these people.


Just a bunch of ignorant fucked up people who want to trash some shit - for any reason. Fuck them. I hate them as much as the idiots who stormed the capital.


I would like to see Biden rename ICE to something like DIKS or ICK, and also dress them in pink or something, as for sure having a badass acronym and SS-like uniforms is everything to these types.


Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses? That is where these protestors belong.


Well I'm glad we are equating minor property damage to well insured billion dollar corporations to a violent attempted coup. That's an important thing to do.


About the same number of people saw Trump off at Andrews yesterday. And about as relevant.


I used to have questions about abolishing ICE, but after seeing those broken windows I'm convinced.


Exactly @11. And Professor Dipshits - try and use your cabbage head for thinking instead of simply snarking, ok? You don't think those same idiots would have done the same? Some of them also think the election was stolen from tRump. Same brain dead morons and same motivations.



Interesting. You appear to be implying that at least some of the ICE protesters are actually members of the far-right and not the far-left.


@14 - Since the article quotes a protester who thinks Trump actually won, the point for me is that many seem to be living in an alternative reality in their own minds with unsustainable "facts" that have no basis in truth, and are powered by a false conviction. I'm not supporting ICE here, just commenting on mindset and process - I still believe there are many, many forms of non-violence that can shift culture and society.


Profuckster Hickster - dense. You. Are. Dense. Like lead. If you don't see any similarities..........

Go back to Cal Anderson and stop using the Starbucks internet.


@16: What About-ism. Look it up.


It makes sense that the anarchist larpers took a tourist route, since it is evident in the arrest records that most are in fact tourists to Seattle from the suburbs and beyond.


@20: I'll explain it for you using your own analogy: Someone shoots you with a BB. You say "Hey! That hurt! You shouldn't do that!"
They reply "On some other occasion, some other person shot somebody with a buckshot, resulting in death. By comparison, shooting you with a BB isn't bad at all."
Then they continue to pepper you with BBs.

Would you accept this reasoning? Because that is your reasoning exactly.


@19 I think this is a little more than a vandalism spree. Can we not say both things are bad for various reasons? Yes the shotgun is worse but getting shot with a bb still sucks too especially when you get shot with a bb over and over and over again.


Come on people. If you are going around asserting that proud boys or some such are going to risk getting busted by launching a 'false flag' operation you sound just about exactly as stupid (and conspiracy-minded) as the bona fide idiots on the right who are claiming that antifa was responsible for the sacking of the Capitol. It is embarrassing.


I want whatever these assholes don't want. Maybe get into GTA 5 or something if you literally have nothing else to do.


The idiots arrested were already released without bail. As I suspected, they are not from Seattle. F**k these losers and local politicians and prosecutors that enable them.


They're doing their part to make sure SPD officers have a nice paycheck to help pay off those holiday bills AND helping contribute to their monthly pension when they retire. What a bunch of quality citizens!

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